Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 141 Head, Do You Have Wine?

Chapter 141 Head, Do You Have Wine?

At this time, Xu Wannian was in a dilemma. What Shen Yu said was right. He could exchange his life with his own regardless of the lives of a dozen people, but Xu Wannian, as a subject of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, could not ignore the lives of the royal family, so he did not care. Dare to change life with Shen Yu.

But he can't just give in like this. If he really gives in, hand over Wang Ting and Yang Li to Li Bai, and watch them be killed by Li Bai, the Holy Spirit Dynasty will definitely lose face and lose all its prestige.

This is a major event related to the foundation of the dynasty.

However, Xu Wannian is the general of the Holy Spirit Dynasty after all. He has experienced countless big scenes, and he thought of an idea in just a moment.

Just when Li Bai was about to make a move, Xu Wannian suddenly said to Shen Yu: "My lord, if we continue to entangle like this, we will only lose to both sides. Why don't we each take a step back and think of a way to get the best of both worlds."

Shen Yu waved his hand to stop Li Bai, and then asked with interest: "What is the best way to achieve both?"

Xu Wannian said: "Look at this, if this subordinate of yours can kill Wang Ting in three moves under my protection, I don't care about it. If you can't kill him in three moves, you just stop ,how?"

Hearing Xu Wannian's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, the old guy finally took the bait.

In fact, Shen Yu never thought about trading his life for his life with the other party. Now that he has the upper hand, if he foolishly fights his life with the other party, then he has no brains.

What he was waiting for was now, when Xu Wannian negotiated terms with him, as long as the other party spoke first, the initiative would be in his hands.

Shen Yu smiled lightly and said: "Hehe, this is a good idea, but I also have a condition, no matter whether Li Bai can kill Wang Ting or not, I will take Yang Li's life, he dared to moles my woman, if not Wouldn't I be too useless to kill him?"

Before he knew it, Shen Yu took advantage of Daji, Daji couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard it, when did he become this little guy's woman?
But Daji is a woman who knows the importance, and knows that in such an occasion, she must show face to a man, so she just curled her lips and didn't say much.

Shen Yu's words made Yang Li shudder suddenly, and then looked at Xu Wannian with fear on his face.

Xu Wannian didn't look at him, he just hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

The culprit in this matter is Yang Li, a bastard. If it weren't for this lustful trash, how could the matter have come to this point.

Now that Yang Zheng is also dead, the Yang family is completely over, and no one will care about his life, he can only be regarded as a sacrifice.

Shen Yu was overjoyed. In fact, the reason why he insisted on killing Wang Ting was that his main target was Yang Li. Only by killing Yang Li could he complete the task.

He whispered to Li Bai, "Li Bai, when we fight, kill as long as you can, and let it go if you can't, as long as Yang Li is dead."

Li Bai's expression froze slightly, and after a while, he returned with an unruly smile on his face: "Don't worry, Sect Leader, I will definitely kill these two."

Li Bai thought that Shen Yu was worried about his safety, that's why he didn't have to fight with all his strength.

Seeing what Li Bai said, Shen Yu didn't say much. If a strong man of Li Bai's level makes him show weakness, it would be an insult to him.

"Wang Ting, don't worry, I will guarantee your safety, don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Wannian moved lightly with his hand, and the Ziji Hunyuan Shield exuding purple light appeared in front of Wang Ting. The purple light on the Ziji Hunyuan Shield instantly enveloped Wang Ting completely. Xu Wannian didn't believe that Li Bai could kill Wang Ting even with the magical body protection.

The other four generals, as well as Shen Yu and others also retreated one after another, leaving only Li Bai, Xu Wannian, Wang Ting and the frightened Yang Li in the sky of Nuo Da.

Xu Wannian stretched out his hand slightly, and said, "This fellow Taoist, please!"

Li Bai didn't make a move immediately, but with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned to Shen Yu who had already returned to the ground and asked, "My lord, do you have any wine?"

Shen Yu smiled and said: "Naturally! This rare nectar in the world should be matched with Qinglian Sword Immortal!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu threw a gourd filled with fine nectar and jade liquid into the air, and threw it at Li Bai.

Qiongye Yuye is a good product that can only be found at the Queen Mother's Pantao Festival. It is said that drinking it can make you immortal.

Seeing that Li Bai asked for wine, Shen Yu spent [-] faith points in exchange for this gourd nectar. For Shen Yu who still has millions of faith points, he can still afford this wine.

Li Bai took the gourd and took a deep mouthful of the fine nectar and jade liquid into his mouth. He felt that the wine was mellow and mellow, like snow in spring, and it was even more wonderful when it entered his stomach.

Li Bai looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha, good wine, good wine, there is such fine wine in the world. Li Bai drank countless wines in his life, and today he is bestowed with such fine wine by the master. I will try the world with my sword to thank you for your kindness."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai took another sip of fine wine, and then burped contentedly.

In the eyes of everyone, it seems that Li Bai at this moment is not a strong Earth Immortal, but an incomparably chic Jiuxian who allows me to travel between heaven and earth.

But only Shen Yu knew that Li Bai was at his strongest when he was drunk.

Most of the gourd's fine wine entered his stomach, and Li Bai, who was a little unstable in the sky, erupted with a powerful sword energy. Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and the sky and the earth also became dark.

The center of these storms seems to be Li Bai who regards the world as nothing and only has good wine in his eyes.

"What a strong sword intent, where did he come from?"

Xu Wannian looked at Li Bai, who was exuding sword intent and turned into the eye of the storm, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

At this moment, Li Bai's real strength has even far surpassed the third floor of the fairyland.

The drunk Li Bai drank the last sip of the fine wine, and he vomited it out before the wine entered his stomach.

A little bit of fine wine poured into the sky like a wave.

"A poem, a bucket of wine, a long song, and a sword to the end of the world!" Li Bai muttered to himself.

At this moment, Li Bai's fighting power was greatly increased in an instant, and Li Bai became the protagonist in the world.

The fine wine that was sprayed by Li Bai in the sky suddenly turned into a blue lotus platform, and the hundred lotus platforms were all as high as one person, floating wantonly in the air.

On these lotus platforms, sword intent was in full bloom. Li Bai stood on the largest lotus platform, with the strong wind blowing his hair recklessly. He stared frivolously at Xu Wannian with disdain for nothing on his face.

"You, want to block me?"


Xu Wannian was startled, but before he could speak, a hundred lotus platforms bloomed suddenly.

In an instant, hundreds of cyan lotus flowers bloomed from the hundreds of lotus platforms in the sky, and every petal of these lotus flowers continuously flowed out the sword intent to soar into the sky.

This is, Qinglian Sword Song!
Use blood to ignite poetry!
 Returning from the journey, we will resume the third shift tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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