Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1423 Evil Avenue

Chapter 1423 Evil Avenue

Bringing Hei Di and Bai Di to the vicinity of the black hole exit, Shen Yu suddenly felt a tyrannical aura sweeping over.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes, then swung his sleeves, and the aura instantly disappeared.

Hei Di was a little surprised and said: "Why is this aura so powerful? Is there such a powerful person in the black hole?"

The black and white emperors who have practiced for several days in the place of inheritance have made great progress in their cultivation. The black emperor has reached the late stage of the Dao realm, and the white emperor is even stronger. Now he is already a half-step creation god. What kind of breath can make them startled.

Shen Yu didn't answer, but just looked ahead.

After a while, a petite figure quickly came to Shen Yu's body, it was the Lord of the Netherworld, Qiqi.

The moment she saw Shen Yu, Qiqi was surprised and said, "You have also reached the realm of the Creator God?"

When Shen Yu entered the depths of the black hole before, he was only in the middle stage of the Dao Realm, and he was on par with himself in just a few days.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "Didn't you also reach the realm of the Creator God? We are each other!"

Qiqi shook her head and said, "It's not the same, you, the god of creation, are much stronger than me. I have a feeling that although we are in the same realm now, I probably won't last long in your hands."

Shen Yu said: "Okay, there's no need to flatter each other, those people outside are probably already anxiously waiting!"


This time, it took Shen Yu five days to accept the inheritance of the Supreme Sanren. During these five days, the endless starry sky did not stop for a moment.

More than a dozen masters of the Dao Realm headed by Situ Canglan fought hard against the Dao of the Heavens headed by the Shiyuan Realm, and the winner has not yet been determined.

Although Situ Canglan and others have the upper hand in terms of strength, after all, these avenues are strong opponents that have existed for 200 billion years, and they have a clear advantage in number.

The four of Shen Yu just flew out of the black hole, and saw that the figure of the Great Dao of the Origin Realm was rising rapidly, reaching a billion feet. Lan and the others sucked in.

Even his companions, the Great Dao of the Heavens, have been completely swallowed by the Dao of the Origin Realm at this moment.

Shen Wanqing and the others stood behind Situ Canglan, all with serious expressions.

Not long ago, they saw an incredible scene. Just when they were about to win, the Dao of the Origin Realm suddenly changed, swallowing the Dao of the Heavens, and instantly became stronger, reversing the decline in one fell swoop.

This incomparably ferocious, Shiyuan Realm Dao that manifested a terrifying real body kept roaring.

"You... have to pay the price for what you have done, and you will all become my nourishment."

The roar resounded throughout the universe, the aura of the Dao of the Origin Realm skyrocketed, and even the endless starry sky fluctuated, as if it was about to be shattered at any time.


Just when the Dao of the Origin Realm was about to make a move, Shen Yu let out a loud shout, which shocked the endless starry sky and made the Dao of the Origin Realm tremble.

Hearing this voice, the pupils of the Dao of the Origin Realm loomed, as if his mind was about to recover.

Situ Canglan and the others also came back to their senses, their dignified expressions receded slightly, replaced by deep surprise.

Shen Yu finally returned.

A moment later, the evil voice of the Great Dao of the Origin Realm sounded again: "Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu, destroy the Taoist Lord, you are going to die!"

The Avenue of the Origin Realm had fallen into a state of rampage at this time, roaring again and again.

"Hmph, controlled by an evil heart, you are the one who died today!"

Shen Yu let out a soft drink, and then a clone came out of his body, came crashing down, and hit the Dao of the Origin Realm at an extremely fast speed. Even though the Dao of the Origin Realm was a billion feet tall, his body was still twisted crazily by the beating. Like a puppet doll, at your mercy.

Being attacked by countless Chen Yu's clones, Jidi's expression was extremely painful.


The Dao of the Origin Realm roared suddenly, and with a wave of his arms, all Shen Yu's clones were sent flying.

At this moment, his aura was no less than that of the Creation God Realm.

Qi Qi beside Shen Yu frowned, subconsciously wanting to make a move.

But Shen Yu suddenly raised his hand to grab it, and the Supreme Divine Power turned into a giant hand bigger than the Dao of the Origin Realm, and grabbed it.

At this moment, in front of the supreme divine hand, the Dao of the Origin Realm seemed extremely small.


With a pinch of Shen Yu's giant hand, the manifested body of the Dao of the Origin Realm exploded, turning into countless black stars and flying away, leaving only a ray of soul floating in the palm of his hand. This ray of soul was extremely dark and was invaded by evil forces. dyed, eerie and terrifying.

Shen Yu withdrew his right hand, and the giant hand transformed by the supreme divine power suddenly shrank, grabbing the soul of the Dao of the Origin Realm and withdrawing it.

The Shiyuan Realm was struggling, but it was a pity that he, who had lost his newly condensed body, was no match for Shen Yu at all.

Seeing that the Dao of the Origin Realm was about to fall into Shen Yu's hands, at this moment, an invisible force scattered the hand of supreme divine power to protect the Dao of the Origin Realm, Shen Yu's eyes suddenly froze, and he looked up subconsciously.

I saw a pair of cold eyes on the top of the endless starry sky, looking down at him viciously, like a ghost climbing a window, terrifying.

"You... must die!"

Dao of Shiyuan Realm, who broke free from Shen Yu's shackles, stared at Shen Yu, and said slowly, his words were full of extreme viciousness.

"No wonder you dare to secretly resist Wanyuan Daozu. It turns out that you are backed by creatures from outside the territory, but a ray of consciousness that comes from across the border, even if it comes from the four-dimensional world, can't make a big storm. You think that Wanyuan Daozu and I are both Fake name?"

While speaking, Shen Yu flew towards the Dao of Shiyuan Realm, he had to catch the other party.

The current Dao of the Origin Realm has completely lost its mind in the battle. Once it escapes, it will definitely do a lot of evil and make people miserable.

At this moment, the Shiyuan Realm Dao, who was about to be caught by Shen Yu, suddenly regained clarity in his eyes. He looked at Shen Yu with a frightened expression, and said with grief and indignation: "I ask you to spare my life, and I am too. Forced."

Shen Yu stopped, frowning tightly.

Although he understood that it was the consciousness of creatures in the four-dimensional world who deliberately deceived him, he still couldn't help feeling compassionate.

There are many poor people in the world, and the Dao of the Origin World is one of them.

Ever since he was created by Wanyuan Daozu, he was destined to be a pawn, and a pawn that could be discarded at any time.

But unfortunately, this kind of compassion is only fleeting.

"I will send you into reincarnation, to experience the warmth and warmth of human feelings in the next life!" Shen Yu said calmly.

The face of Shiyuan Dao Dao changed from cloudy to cloudy, but he still pretended to be sad and indignant, and roared angrily: "How on earth are you willing to let me go!"

While speaking, he turned around and prepared to run away.

At this moment, Shen Yu suddenly made a move.

The light blade was thrown out with the right hand, directly piercing through the body of Dao Dao of the Origin Realm.

Immediately afterwards, beams of light wrapped around the Dao of the Origin Realm, making him unable to move, and screaming in pain.

Shen Yu looked up at the roaring Shiyuan Realm Avenue, and said lightly: "Give up struggling!"

Hearing this, the Dao of Shiyuan Realm calmed down instead, and even his face was no longer ferocious.

Immediately afterwards, it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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