Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1426 The Finale

Chapter 1426 The Finale
"Can you really stop Wanyuan Daozu?" Shen Yu hesitated slightly.

Although the system's methods are weird and extremely mysterious, it did block Wanyuan Daozu's blow just now, but in a real face-to-face confrontation, whether he can block Wanyuan Daozu, he is not sure, let alone to help Shen Yu forge the Dao Exterminating Sword before, He was badly injured.

"Don't worry! No one can kill me, but you have to kill him as soon as possible, I can't stop it for long!" The system smiled lightly.

"Hmph, even if you two join forces, I'm not afraid!" Daozu Wanyuan snorted coldly.

He was very angry that the system did not answer his words.

After the words fell, a monk who was exactly like him suddenly appeared beside him.

Then Wanyuan Daozu sneered: "Do you really think that I have done nothing in the past 200 billion years? In order to create this master whose strength is not inferior to my deity, I have spent a lot of effort!"

After finishing speaking, the two figures merged together, intending to join forces to kill Shen Yu and the system.

"Heaven and Earth Punishment Sword!"

However, at this moment, the system shouted, and sword patterns spread from his body.

In the blink of an eye, the sword pattern has spread out for millions of miles, enveloping the two Wanyuan Taoist ancestors.

The system can even use the Heaven and Earth Spell Sword!

"Hmph! It's useless. If you use this trick with your cultivation base, you will collapse soon," Wan Yuan Daozu said calmly.

Although he was startled by the system just now, after observing the system carefully now, he found that this child was not in the God Realm of Creation.

Even Shen Yu failed with this move, let alone this mysterious boy who suddenly appeared.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

After the words of Daozu Wanyuan fell, the figure of the system suddenly became unreal, as if the sword patterns were constructed from his flesh and blood.

In the end, the figure of the system was almost undetectable, and even the breath of life almost disappeared, replaced by the overwhelming law of swordsmanship. At the cost of all the power, the system finally successfully cast the sword of heaven and earth.

"It's not easy for the system to perform this trick, you must kill Wanyuan Daozu first."

Shen Yu couldn't waste the opportunity created by the system at the cost of all his strength, and in a flash, he charged towards the two Wanyuan Taoist ancestors.


The moment the system unleashed the Heaven and Earth Punishment Sword, the power of the two Wanyuan Taoist ancestors was restrained countless times. How could they be Shen Yu's opponent?

Even the power of law, which he is best at, is completely unable to display it.

"Heaven and Earth Punishment Sword!"

While systematically unleashing the Heaven and Earth Punishment Sword, Shen Yu also unleashed this almost invincible sword.

This time, Shen Yu was more proficient in using this sword than before, and its power was even more terrifying.

The Heaven and Earth Punishing Sword that was used before was used in battle, and the speed of the casting must be fast enough to ensure that Wanyuan Daozu was killed, so when it was used, it was not well prepared.

With the help of the system this time, he had more time to prepare, and the sword he used was more stable.

Mie Dao Sword slashed out an astonishing sword light, the sword light is as long as a million miles, under the sword light, everything does not exist.

The powerful and incomparable sword light cut on the bodies of the two Wanyuan Taoist ancestors, directly beheading the bodies of the two figures.

"I'm not reconciled!" Daoist Wanyuan shouted angrily.

He planned for 200 billion years, and created a clone whose strength was comparable to his own. Today, this clone just came out and hadn't played any role yet, yet it was about to be directly killed by Shen Yu.

He also wanted to use Shen Yu's hand to break through to the Creation God Realm.

Now that I have just seen hope, everything is about to turn into ashes.

Accompanied by Wanyuan Daozu's angry shout, the two bodies that were originally restrained suddenly merged into one.

A terrifying breath erupted in the endless starry sky.

"No, this guy is about to break through! Shen Yu stop him!" The system shouted.

He also didn't expect that the Wanyuan Taoist ancestor would burst out with infinite potential at such a critical time, and the two bodies that were close to transcending the realm of the creation god merged into one at this time, and were about to transcend the realm of the creation god.

Shen Yu's heart trembled, and he immediately prepared to attack Wanyuan Daozu again.

Even the Primordial King Shura frowned, ready to attack.

Once Wanyuan Daozu breaks through, he will be finished.

However, at this moment, a giant with a stature as tall as ten thousand feet stood horizontally in the endless starry sky.

This body shape is the fusion of the two bodies of Wanyuan Daozu.

"Shen Yu, I want you to die!" Daozu Wanyuan, who broke free from the shackles, smiled ferociously.

After the words fell, the giant's huge fingers were like thunder, and fell on top of Ye Chen's head in the blink of an eye.


Cracks appeared in the Heaven and Earth Punishment Sword that the system and Shen Yu used at the same time, and the principles of the way of the sword began to become disordered.

The next moment, the law of swordsmanship broke, and the Heaven and Earth Zhufa Sword collapsed.

Seeing that Shen Yu was about to be crushed to death, the Mie Dao Sword suddenly broke free from Shen Yu's palm, flew out autonomously, and touched the finger.

Even Shen Yu was stunned by this scene.

This sword is so terrifying!
"Hurry up and hold me!"

The demon sword has a spirit, and the cold voice came into Shen Yu's ears.

This demon sword is the weapon of the world. It is forged by gathering [-]% of the treasures from the heavens and the world. It is very tough, and no force in the world can destroy it. It cannot be destroyed without detachment.

"Dao Extermination Sword?"

When Shen Yu came to his senses, he quickly grasped the divine sword, and a vast and unparalleled supreme divine power poured into the divine sword.

The demon sword erupted with an astonishing sword light, barely touching his finger.


Daoist Wanyuan didn't crush Shen Yu to death with one finger, he was a little surprised.


A moment later, Wanyuan Daozu's divine power swelled, and the power of the finger that was pressed down increased wildly.

A trace of flame was generated between the finger and the demon sword.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

Shen Yu held the demon sword in both hands, and tried his best to resist the downward pressure of his fingers. Even so, he still heard the body collapsing and the sound of the primordial spirit being worn out. Fortunately, his physical body was strong enough to withstand it. , And the more you fight, the braver you are.

If Shen Yu at this moment is a volcano, then the supreme divine power in his body is the magma that is about to erupt from the volcano, and Daozu Wanyuan's finger is a huge rock, blocking the crater and preventing the magma from erupting.

But when the force of the eruption of the magma reaches a certain level, no one can stop it.

"I don't believe it anymore."

Putting away his fingers, Daozu Wanyuan clenched his fist and punched down.

However, at the moment when the fist fell, a dazzling light burst out from the tip of Dao Mie Dao Sword.

Is this the aura of the peak of the Chuangshi God Realm?No, this breath surpassed the peak of the Creation God.

The Immemorial Shura King who was watching the battle from a distance froze. He is also the peak of the Creation God, and he is very familiar with the aura of a powerhouse of this level. After comparing it carefully, he found that the aura erupting from the tip of Shen Yu's sword was full of blood. aggressive.

"This is the breath of the God of Chaos," the system revealed surprise at this moment.

The moment he felt this breath, the system suddenly remembered the realm of the four-dimensional world.

The realm above the Creation God Realm is called the God of Chaos.

The power of the God of Chaos lies in the upgrade of the power of law to the power of will, including the will of power, the will of destruction, the will of light, the will of space, the will of darkness, and the will of chaos.

With the rise of the light, Shen Yu's body at this moment also became extremely huge, and the primordial spirit and supreme divine power merged together.

"Wanyuan Taoist ancestor, courtesy is reciprocal, you also accept my move."

Facing Taoist Wanyuan, Shen Yu blasted him with a sword.

Dazzling light flashed, Wan Yuan Daozu's eyes widened, and fear flickered in his eyes, and most of that huge body was directly evaporated, and the remaining half was also floating in the endless starry sky like duckweed.

"I don't accept it, I'm only one step away from becoming the God of Chaos, Shen Yu, I won't lose!"

After all, Wanyuan Daozu was the former ruler of heaven and earth. Even though his body was broken and his heart was filled with fear, he quickly adjusted himself.

That half of the body frantically regenerated, and then rushed towards Shen Yu.

"Supreme Sword, Chaos Sealing Excalibur!!!"

Turning into a chaotic sword light, Shen Yu greeted Daozu Wanyuan.

With a sword, the Chaos Sealing Excalibur cut out a sphere and sealed the newborn body of Wanyuan Daozu in it. As long as the will of Chaos persists, this seal cannot be lifted, even if the creatures from the four-dimensional world come in person, it will not help.

"go with!"

With a push of Shen Yu's palm, the sphere was exiled into the black hole.

"Hahaha, Shen Yu, congratulations, you have finally reached this step!"

Seeing Wanyuan Daozu disappearing with the sphere, the Primordial King Shura came back to his senses, laughed loudly, and flew forward.

Shen Yu restrained his breath, and the endless starry sky, which was like the end of the world, suddenly returned to calm.

He nodded and said with a smile: "Primeval King Shura, thank you very much, if it weren't for your assistance, I wouldn't be able to make it this far!"

The Primordial King Shura waved his hands and said, "Needless to say, helping you is also helping me!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the black hole, and asked again: "Just let Daoist Wanyuan go like this?"

Shen Yu smiled and said: "It's not that I let him go. In that seal, no one can rescue him unless he is a person whose cultivation base surpasses my four-dimensional world. There are no four-dimensional creatures in this world. Who knows that he will stay in it?" How long, this can be regarded as a punishment!

Besides, Taoist Wanyuan is not heinous, otherwise he would have gotten rid of you as soon as possible before, and went to the black hole to find me. At that time, my subordinates may not escape. He just fell into a demon for the sake of power. "

The Primordial King Shura nodded and said, "What are your plans next?"

Shen Yu said: "When everything is settled properly, ten thousand years later, it's time to go to the four-dimensional world!"

Now that his cultivation has reached the realm of the God of Chaos, he can rush to the end of the black hole and go to the four-dimensional world.

The pursuit of power by the strong is endless.

Besides, the system has helped him for so long, so it's time for him to seek out the roots of the system.

The Primordial King Shura nodded, and then said: "Okay, then I should also look for opportunities to break through the God of Chaos, goodbye!"


The Immemorial Shura King left, Shen Yu stretched out his hand, and Situ Canglan and others also flew over from the black hole.

"Shen Yu, you...have surpassed the God of Creation now?" Situ Canglan asked

"That's right, now that I'm in the realm of the God of Chaos, we can fulfill our agreement, and I'll challenge you!" Shen Yu smiled.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Situ Canglan was a little anxious, while Dongfang Linglong and the others had ambiguous smiles on their faces.

This agreement is very interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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