Chapter 150
The fairy island in the sky where the Holy Spirit Dynasty Palace is located is close to the imperial capital of the Great Xia Kingdom, but on such a large fairy island, there is only the Holy Spirit Dynasty Palace.

After Shen Yu flew to the fairy island, he saw the glow of the sky above the fairy island, countless young monks in the clothes of the court guards shuttled among them, and there were also many cranes and spirit beasts full of aura, playing and having fun in the glow, as if It's like being in a real heaven.

The Palace of the Holy Spirit Dynasty built on Xiandao is not just a bunch of palaces. Similar to Yuxu Mountain, there are many peaks on this Xiandao, and there are several luxurious palaces on each peak. The tallest On that mountain peak is the seat of the Golden Luang Hall of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

As for what Xu Qianlong said, representatives of various forces are being entertained, and the Fairy Hall where the banquet is held is on the mountain behind the Jinluan Hall.

Shen Yu's eyes didn't stay long, and under the leadership of Xu Qianlong, he quickly went to the Xianling Temple, and because he was led, no one questioned him.

After a few breaths, Shen Yu and Xiao Tiangou landed on the square in front of the Fairy Spirit Hall, and Shen Yu could clearly hear the sound of singing and dancing from the hall.

At this time, Xu Qianlong came back to his senses, and said with a slight apology on his face: "Master Shen, I can only take you here. Although my father is also inside, I am not qualified to enter it. You just need to hold the Invitation card, the guard at the door will not stop you."

Shen Yu smiled slightly, and said: "It's okay, you go to work first! I can go in by myself."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu was about to head towards the Immortal Palace with Xiao Tiangou.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, Master Shen, you don't want to bring it in, do you? Why don't you give him to me first, and I'll take it with you?"

Just as Shen Yu took a few steps, Xu Qianlong behind him suddenly called out to stop him again, and then looked at Xiaotian Quandao with a trace of tangled expression on his face.

This is a banquet attended by major forces from all sides. It would be a bit rude for you to bring such a local dog into it.

It's not that those who attended the banquet didn't bring god's pets and mounts with them, but the monsters were all mighty and majestic, and even so, they still left their god's pet mounts and handed them over to the special personnel of the royal family Jurisdiction, no one is brought into the Fairy Hall.

Shen Yu smiled lightly, and replied indifferently: "It's their business if they don't bring them. Is there a clear rule here that you can't bring monsters to the banquet?"


Before Xu Qianlong could speak, Shen Yu laughed and walked towards the Fairy Hall.

"Haha, where am I, Shen Yu, and what should I bring? It's not up to others to meddle in other people's business. Boy, learn a little bit, and don't be too rigid."


Although Shen Yu's domineering words were leaking, when he came to the entrance of the Fairy Spirit Hall, he was still blocked by someone.

The guard centurion guarding the gate stopped Shen Yu, and scolded in a cold voice: "Stop, this is the Immortal Palace, the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, no one else is allowed to intrude!"

This centurion, like Xu Qianlong, also has the perfect cultivation of Jindan, but he is much older than Xu Qianlong, at least 50 years old.

Shen Yu glanced at the centurion, then took out the invitation card with a calm expression, handed it to the other party and said, "I'm here to attend the banquet, this is the invitation card."

The centurion was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly accepted the invitation, but when he saw the name on the invitation, his face immediately became gloomy.

With a hint of hatred in his eyes, the centurion stared at Shen Yu and said, "You are Shen Yu?"

Seeing the anger in the centurion's eyes, Shen Yu was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

He asked with some doubts: "That's right! I am Shen Yu, what's the problem?"

The centurion snorted coldly and said, "It turns out that it was your subordinate who killed General Yang Zheng, yet you still dare to come here, how audacious!"

When Shen Yu heard this, he immediately understood that this centurion had something to do with Yang Zheng, and he was very dissatisfied with killing Yang Zheng.

When the centurion looked at Shen Yu angrily, the hundred subordinates under him also surrounded him with unkind expressions.

Although Yang Zheng's character is questionable, the sergeants under his opponent are still very good, so he has a high prestige in the army. These imperial guards used to be his subordinates and received gifts from him.

Seeing that Shen Yu came to the palace today, he didn't seem to have any experts with him, so they must seize the opportunity to humiliate him and avenge the general.

Although they knew that the invitation in Shen Yu's hand was genuine, so they couldn't seize the opportunity to kill Shen Yu here, but they wouldn't make it easy for Shen Yu.

The centurion looked at Shen Yu with a sneer on his face, and said sullenly: "Hehe, the distinguished guests for today's banquet have already arrived, but you have not come until now. I suspect that the invitation in your hand is a forgery Yes, you wait here now! I'm going to verify the authenticity of the invitation, come, this person's origin is unknown, in order to prevent him from plotting evil, first control him, repair him as a seal, and wait for me to come back!"

Hmph, when your cultivation is sealed, I have a hundred ways to torture you, and I can still make people invisible.

He was not worried about Shen Yu's revenge afterwards, at worst, after today, he would take the initiative to go to the border and avoid Shen Yu far away, as long as he could avenge General Yang Zheng, all of this would be worthwhile.

At this time, Shen Yu suddenly showed a icy smile and said: "Hehe, since you said this invitation is fake, then it must be considered fake!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu's fingers moved lightly, and then unexpectedly burned the invitation card to ashes.


The centurion was dumbfounded by Shen Yu's actions, he pointed at Shen Yu in disbelief, but was completely speechless, he didn't understand what Shen Yu meant by doing so.

Shen Yu looked at the centurion and said, "Okay, now I don't have any invitations, so I want to attend this banquet, do I want to break in?"

"Not good, buckle him up!"

Hearing this, the centurion suddenly panicked, he already had a premonition that Shen Yu was going to force his way into the banquet.

In the current fairy hall, there are countless big figures feasting, if there is too much commotion in front of the gate, even if he has a hundred heads, it won't be enough to lose it!

It is one thing for him to make things difficult for Shen Yu outside the palace, but it is another thing to magnify the matter and ruin His Majesty's enjoyment of the banquet, the nature is completely different.

So this matter can't be a big deal.

But it was too late, as soon as he gave the order, when the hundred imperial guards were about to rush up, Shen Yu waved his hand lightly, and a hundred Shen Yu who looked exactly like him appeared in front of him, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

Then these one hundred Shen Yu made a move together and knocked away the palace guards in front of each of them with one punch. Nearly a hundred guards were like sandbags, and their bodies smashed into the fairy palace.

Shen Yu, who has learned the 36 transformations of Tiangang, this transformation technique is simply a piece of cake.

Since Feng Wuqing wants to play, he should make a big fuss.

 There are two changes today, to recharge your batteries, and tomorrow will be a small explosion, at [-] o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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