Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 153 Shocking the Heroes

Chapter 153 Shocking the Heroes
"Your Majesty, do you really want to watch Shen Yu get hurt by these people? I'm afraid Li Bai..."

Jun Wuya came to Feng Wuqing's side, looked at the surrounded Shen Yu, and asked worriedly.

Feng Wuqing was expressionless, clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves, and said coldly: "Since he is so ignorant, let these people teach him a lesson, don't worry, I won't let him die, otherwise I will help him out later, maybe he will thank me."

In the final analysis, Feng Wuqing was still a little jealous of Li Bai. Although he was annoyed by Shen Yu's attitude, he still wouldn't watch Shen Yu die here.

As everyone knows, Shen Yu doesn't care about Feng Wuqing's rescue at all, because he doesn't need it at all.

Surrounded by more than a dozen super masters, Shen Yu is like a duckweed on the sea, which may sink to the bottom of the sea at any time, but he is not afraid.

He looked at these people, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Shoutiangou, kill these people, let's have fun today!"

After the words fell, Xiaotiangou, who was standing beside Shen Yu listlessly, looked skinny and frail, suddenly raised his head slightly.

At this moment, Xiaotiangou seemed to have swept away the weakness just now, a sharp cold light flashed in his dark eyes, his body also stood up slightly, and streaks of black aura emerged from his body, making everyone's faces All showed a trace of surprise.

From the very beginning, everyone ignored this humble black dog.

At this time, the place where Xiaotiangou and Shen Yu were standing suddenly cracked deep marks, and the whole hall seemed to shake accordingly.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of heavy footsteps sounded like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts fiercely, making everyone feel tremors from their hearts.

"It's the dog!"

Just when everyone was suspicious, someone yelled, making everyone's eyes fixed.

At this moment, Xiaotiangou was surrounded by frightening black rays of light, and it had already come to Shen Yu. A pair of dog eyes looked at the dozen or so masters in front of him unkindly, and he said in a low voice: " Anyone who dares to bully my master will be killed without mercy!"

The voice fell, and before everyone could react, a black figure flashed away in front of everyone.


At the same time, a shrill scream sounded, and everyone hurriedly looked for their reputation, only to see that the Qingluomen deputy head who had just provoked Shen Yu first, had been reduced to a puddle of meat, but the huge head was rolling in the hall Rolling around, with deep fear in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, a strong man in the middle of the tribulation could not die anymore, and few people even saw clearly how the other party died.

There was also complete silence in the Fairy Hall.

At this time, Shen Yu's voice sounded like a devil in everyone's ears: "Hehe, I'm sorry, my dog ​​doesn't like to see people spray manure on the dining table. This old man is really annoying, so he growled. The sky dog ​​couldn't bear it and bit him to death."

Everyone shuddered suddenly, and looked subconsciously, only to see Shen Yu with a playful smile on his face, looking at the shocked crowd.

In front of him was the Xiaotian dog who had grown in size by more than two times at some point, like a calf, with a trace of blood on his mouth.

"The power of the monster clan, how is it possible, how can there be a monster of your level here!" Hua Wuying suddenly yelled in shock.

Others also changed their faces when they heard about it. The four words of Yaozu Da Neng are too heavy.

There are still many intersections between the three major races in the Kyushu Continent, the Human Race and the Demon Race, and the behavior styles and appearances of the Human Race and the Demon Race are also slightly similar.

However, the Yaozu has never intersected with the human race, and the Yaozu are more free and eclectic, and the races fight each other, it is difficult to unify, and there is no one shred of affection for other races, so the Yaozu rarely appears. In the territory of the human race, let alone the power of the monster race.

The so-called great powers of the monster clan are monsters whose cultivation base is above the fairyland.

If Hua Wuying hadn't mentioned it, no one would have known until now that this inconspicuous stray dog-like black dog turned out to be a powerful monster.

Feng Wuqing was equally astonished, Shen Yu was surrounded by powerful monsters to protect him, how could this be possible, isn't he from the human race?It is true that the human race can tame monsters as mounts and pets, but it is simply impossible to tame a monster in the fairyland.

What is the identity of this Shen Yu?
Xu Wannian, who was sitting in the corner, took a sip of wine helplessly, and murmured: "Your Majesty, why didn't you listen to my advice, I'm afraid it will end badly today!"

He had already reminded Feng Wuqing, how could it be so easy to offend a person accompanied by a master like Li Bai, and how could it be possible for a person like Shen Yu to come to such a dangerous and strange place as the Immortal Hall without any The master of it.

This headstrong emperor will eventually pay the price for his arrogance.

At this time, Shen Yu's complexion had completely turned cold, and he said, "Aren't you going to deal with me? Why are you not talking now, are you all afraid?"

Shen Yu's questioning made the more than one hundred representatives of major forces in the hall dare not answer.

In the Fairy Hall, one person, one beast, Gaia and all the heroes, everyone was silent. After many years, this scene still makes people have endless aftertaste.

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely weird, after a while, Chao Yueyun of Bihaizong smiled sarcastically and said: "Young Master Shen, look..."

Before Chao Yueyun finished speaking, a strange black light suddenly shot out from Xiaotiangou's eyes, which directly wiped out Chao Yueyun's spirit and soul.

A look, once again killed a super strong man in the middle of the tribulation.

In front of the Xiaotian dog on the seventh floor of the fairyland, even a larger ant in the middle of the tribulation is not counted.

The most aggrieved is Chao Yueyun, you motherfucker let us speak, before I speak, you kill me, don't play like this.

However, after Xiaotiangou killed Chao Yueyun, Hua Wuying also reacted, and she said in a low voice: "Let's go together, kill this evil animal, he will not let us go easily, let's go together!" If we join forces, there is still a glimmer of hope, otherwise we will all die."

Although the strength shown by Xiao Tiangou made even Hua Wuying on the second floor of the Earth Wonderland terrified, but in her opinion, Xiao Tiangou's cultivation might not be much stronger than her own, at most it was only on the third floor of the Earth Wonderland.

Hua Wuying's words also made those powerful men with fear on their faces slowly harden their eyes, and then all stared at Shen Yu.

What Hua Yueying said is right, if they don't join forces, they will only die.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: to shock the heroes and kill all the enemies who besiege the host!"

"Mission reward: a designated summoning opportunity at the level of tens of millions of belief points!"

 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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