Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 170 Crazy Thoughts

Chapter 170 Crazy Thoughts

After Shen Yu's voice sounded, the elder of Chaotianmen's expression froze slightly, but he did not dare to continue to attack Murong Feixue.

With a gloomy face, he turned his head to look at Shen Yu who was sitting in the audience, and asked angrily, "Master Shen Yu, you Ling Xiao faction injured Wen Liu, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

If it was other people from Chaotianmen who were really killed by Murong Feixue, he would at most be a little angry and wouldn't throw a fit.

After all, Shen Yu is indeed very powerful. With only Chaotianmen, he is not qualified to wrestle with him, but Wen Liu is different.

Wen Liu is the second disciple of Chaotianmen, and also a super genius who is qualified to enter the top [-] in this martial arts competition. He will definitely be able to participate in the chance to break the sky. Now that he has been abolished by Murong Feixue, what a loss. How could he not be angry.

The sky-shattering plan is to cultivate super strong people. Only when the number of masters is gathered together can the sky-shattering begin. During this period, the masters who have been successfully trained can return to the original sect to serve. Murong Feixue has turned upside down this time The bottom line of the door.

Facing the question from the Chaotianmen Elder, Shen Yu said coldly: "So what if you kill it? Is there a rule that you cannot use divine weapons in this martial arts meeting? You Chaotianmen couldn't produce the divine weapon. It's because you are poor and can't blame others. If you want to protect your weaknesses, I, Ling Xiao Sect, can accompany you."


The elders of Chaotianmen immediately turned red with anger. It is true that in the martial arts regulations, it is not stated that divine weapons cannot be used, but that is because no one has ever used divine weapons in the martial arts competitions of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. In Qingzhou, some Who can be so rich as to take out an artifact for the juniors to use!

Not to mention being reluctant, many forces don't exist at all, who knew that this martial arts meeting would encounter such a wonderful thing as Shen Yu.

But he was very unwilling to let Chaotianmen admit his cowardice like this. Although the elders of Chaotianmen were angry in their hearts, they did not dare to confront Shen Yu head-on, so they had to turn to the referee who would fight: "Referee, does this count?" If you violate the rules, please uphold justice."

The three referees on Tianzi No. [-] station are headed by the deacon of the Feng family, and the other two are elders from two powerful forces in the Holy Spirit Dynasty. When they heard the accusation from the elder Chaotianmen, the faces of the three of them suddenly felt awkward, and they didn't agree. Know who to help.

In fact, in their hearts, they are inclined towards Chaotianmen. After all, the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition is a competition for juniors. What do you mean by asking people to hold artifacts!

But Shen Yu wasn't easy to mess with, and he was still possessive, so they didn't dare to press too hard.

The three of them were silent for a moment, and the deacon of the Feng family flew to the Tianzi No. [-] stage helplessly, and said bravely: "Elder Fang, this matter! I think... ahem, Mr. Shen Yu is right!"

When Elder Fang from Chaotianmen heard this, he was furious, lying on the couch, we lost a super genius to Chaotianmen, or is this guy justified?
It is true that Elder Fang can't offend Shen Yu, but that doesn't mean he can't offend these three referees.

Just as he was about to get angry, the deacon of the Feng family spoke again and said to Shen Yu: "Mr. Shen, although there is no rule for martial arts, you cannot use divine weapons, but your way of using divine weapons is really cheating. The martial arts competition is fair, we will issue a notice in the follow-up competition, and no one can use the artifact."

Shen Yu shrugged his shoulders, but he did not continue to entangle with the other party. Anyway, Murong Feixue has already entered the top [-]. Even if she uses the divine weapon in the subsequent competition, it will be difficult for her to make great progress. This rule is not good for him. It doesn't matter.

He smiled lightly and said: "Since the conference has such a rule, I will not use artifacts in the future, but let me explain in advance that the conference should allow killing people!"

The deacon of the Feng family smiled sarcastically, and said: "Naturally, it is inevitable for monks to fight, and casualties are inevitable. Otherwise, martial arts will be boring, but if possible, please..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Yu suddenly interrupted his words, and said something that made him almost spurt blood.

Shen Yu said with a smile that was not a smile: "Since you can kill people, then I will finish off the people behind."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the elders of Chaotianmen like a demonstration.

The elder's face suddenly changed drastically. With Shen Yu's current strength, it is certain that he will enter the top [-]. In addition to his subordinate Zhao Yun, it means that there are already two Lingxiao sect masters in the top [-]. .

The one-thousand to one-hundred competition adopts the form of a challenge competition. The lower-ranked challenge the higher-ranked ones. Shen Yu and Zhao Yun are now in the top five hundred. As long as no one challenges them, they will automatically advance, and Always maintained a top ranking.

So in the next third round, the two of them may not even have a chance to make a move, and they will directly lie in the top [-], and there is no need to worry about them killing anyone.

But it will be different when it comes to the top [-] qualifying competition. At that time, their rankings will be randomly selected. With a little calculation, they can challenge everyone all over the place. Those who are in the top [-] will be finished.

Thinking of this, he looked at Shen Yu in horror, and screamed: "Shen Yu, you lunatic, if you do this, we Chaotianmen will definitely follow you forever!"

Shen Yu said disdainfully: "Undead? Just because you Chaotianmen are worthy? I think all of you combined are not bad!"

When the elders of the Feng family heard Shen Yu's words, their hearts suddenly moved, and then they said with incredulous eyes: "Master Shen Yu, are you planning to..."

In his mind, a terrible idea appeared at this time.

Shen Yu glanced at him jokingly, and then said: "I have an idea, kill everyone, isn't this a great achievement?"

Elder Feng's expression froze completely. He felt that what he was facing at this time was a devil, a bloodthirsty devil.

At this time, Murong Feixue, who was extremely weak, came to Shen Yu's side, handed the Heaven-reaching God Fire Pillar to Shen Yu, and said with a pursed mouth: "Shen Yu, I have lived up to your expectations and successfully entered the previous stage. Thousands."

Although she used the power of the artifact to defeat Wen Liu by surprise, only she knows the hardships of this process.

After all, she is only at the middle stage of the golden core, and it is not easy to drive the artifact of a strong person like Yun Zhongzi. She may even be drained of mana by the artifact during the process of driving the artifact, and die of exhaustion.

But in the end she resisted the pressure and successfully defeated Wen Liu with the help of the God of Fire Pillar.

It was her biggest dream to participate in the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, but now, with the help of Shen Yu, she unexpectedly entered the top [-] like a dream.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "You did a good job, let's go back first, you will abstain first in the next round, and leave the rest to me and Zhao Yun."

Murong Feixue smiled in relief, then nodded, what she wanted most was Shen Yu's approval.

Now she finally has it.

(End of this chapter)

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