Chapter 175
"My five-thunder restraint technique has been broken, how is this possible!"

Seeing Shen Yu break free from the restraints, Jin Wuji's face suddenly showed a deep look of surprise.

The five-thunder restraint method is his unique skill. Except for those who have surpassed his cultivation base, few people in the same realm can break free. Unless they are prepared in advance and use the body-escaping technique to escape, otherwise they can only be nailed obediently. In the same place, suffering from the electric shock, let yourself be slaughtered.

But Shen Yu broke free so easily.

Ren Pingsheng and other masters of the Heavenly Demon Cult also frowned slightly. They didn't understand Shen Yu's five-thunder formula. The five-thunder formula is one of the real 36 transformations of Tiangang, which is higher than the law of heaven and earth. A level, in Chinese mythology, only the top gods can practice, so they can't see the essence.

At this time, there was a loud noise, and Jin Wuji on the stage came back to his senses, only to see Shen Yu, who was a thousand feet tall in front of him, showing his might.

Shen Yu first punched a stone puppet on the head, completely smashing the stone puppet, and then grabbed another stone puppet's arm, and smashed the hundred-foot-tall stone puppet around the competition platform. On top of the defensive magic circle, a little bit of blue light immediately emitted from the magic circle, and the stone puppet did not break the magic circle.

The two stone puppets were eliminated in an instant, and out of the five stone puppets summoned by Jin Wuji, only two remained in just a few breaths.

"Hey, the master is really cruel. Why did he use his fists to solve the battle from the beginning to the end? Doesn't he have a dragon-slaying sword?" Li Bai, who was sitting in the audience, shook his head helplessly after taking a sip of his wine .

Xiao Tiangou said dissatisfied: "You can't let everyone in the world use swords just because you like to use swords! Not everyone can play with swords."

Xiao Tiangou had something to say, and Li Bai didn't bother to learn as much as a dog, even though this dog was indeed stronger than him.

While the two were talking, Shen Yu had already dealt with the last two stone puppets. These stone puppets, which were hundreds of feet tall, had no power to resist in front of Shen Yu, who was thousands of feet tall. Shen Yu could punch each of them. Get rid of them easily.

"No, Wuji, admit defeat!"

Seeing Shen Yu smashing the two stone statues into pieces, a Chaotianmen elder in the auditorium hurriedly shouted.

The Five Thunder Bound Technique and the Stone Puppet Art are both relatively high-level spells in Chaotianmen, which consume a lot of mana. Although Jin Wuji can use it, but in just a few breaths, the mana in the body is also extremely depleted Huge, so at this time, his body was already a little weak, and he was completely unable to defeat Shen Yu.

Although there is no rule in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, killing people is not allowed, but once the opponent admits defeat, the contest will be considered over, and both sides must withdraw from the martial arts arena.

Although it is a very embarrassing thing to admit defeat in public on the competition stage, it is better than losing your life!So after hearing the words of the sect senior, Jin Wuji did not hesitate at all, and immediately wanted to admit defeat.

"Referee, I think..."

It's just that Shen Yu's movements were even faster, and before Jin Wuji could utter the words of admitting defeat, Shen Yu, who had transformed into a giant of thousands of feet, stepped on Jin Wuji's body.

Shen Yu, who is Fatianxiang underground, weighs more than tens of millions of catties. When he stepped on it, Jin Wuji, who had no time to defend, turned into a cloud of blood mist in an instant.

Shen Yu didn't give up, at the moment when Jin Wuji's primordial spirit appeared, a thunder in his palm blasted Jin Wuji's primordial spirit to death!

The eldest disciple of Chaotianmen, Jin Wuji, who was expected to enter the top ten in Hundred Dynasties Huiwu, was killed by Shen Yu just like that.

This Jin Wuji is worth 150 million faith points, Shen Yu will not just let him go obediently.

In just the first battle, a genius who was expected to enter the top ten died. This is absolutely unimaginable in the previous top [-] qualifying matches. In the previous top [-] qualifying matches, although some people would die , but at most two or three people will die, and they will keep their hands away from each other, unless there is a deep hatred between the sects.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the special task, killing Jin Wuji, and getting a reward of 150 million belief points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Nascent Soul Realm and gaining 15 experience points!"

Along with Jin Wuji's death, the voice of the system continuously sounded in Shen Yu's mind. Not only did he get 150 million belief points, but he also got 15 experience points. full.

Seeing that the first genius of his sect was killed by Shen Yu just like that, without even a chance to admit defeat, the many elders of Chaotianmen first looked slightly dull, and then their faces were filled with rage, their eyes wished to kill Shen Yu.

Chaotianmen Sect Master Gong Yuan watched the battle in person today, because he wanted to see Jin Wuji enter the top ten of the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, but now everything has come to naught.

Gong Yuan, who was in a rage, couldn't care about so much anymore, he jumped up from his seat, came to the competition arena, pointed at Shen Yu and said angrily: "Shen Yu, my Chaotianmen disciple has already surrendered, how dare you Next time, I will be ruthless, I am against you at Chaotianmen, come out and suffer death."

Shen Yu glanced lightly at Gong Yuan, who was outside the magic circle of the martial arts arena, with a face full of anger, and ignored him.

Li Bai was sitting on his seat at this time, and said carelessly: "People from Chaotianmen, can't afford to lose? Nascent Soul Realm completed the battle against our middle-stage Nascent Soul Realm leader, lost to the young one, and the old one jumped out. It's really shameless, how about it, or I'll play with you?"

Hearing Li Bai's words, Gong Yuan seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and the anger on his body receded like a tide.

In his rage just now, he actually forgot that Shen Yu was not a casual cultivator with no background, and there were more than one fairyland powerhouse standing behind him.

Chaotianmen is the top power of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, but there are only two Earth Wonderlands in the gate, one is the second floor of the Earth Wonderland, and the other is the first floor of the Earth Wonderland.

The combination of the two of them is not enough for Li Bai to kill alone.

Shen Yu ignored Gong Yuan, whose body was frozen in place and in a dilemma. He still maintained his law, looked down at the remaining 97 contestants, and said, "Are the geniuses of the Holy Spirit Dynasty all useless? I don't even have the courage to fight, if everyone admits defeat, this qualifying match will not be held.

With such a timid and cowardly mind, you still want to participate in the Breaking Heaven Project, and you still want to become a disciple of the Immortal Venerable, just dream!Today, I, Shen Yu, will not leave the martial arts arena, and I will kill from the last place to No.1. If you refuse to accept it, come up and kill me. Don’t feel that the wheel battle is unfair. I don’t need to rest. If you don’t dare, just get out, don’t be here Disgusting me.

The next one, No.90 eight, dare to fight? "

Shen Yu, alone, challenged everyone in the Top [-] Qualifying Competition.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, those disciples from various sects who had long been displeased with Shen Yu's approach glared angrily and rubbed their fists.

(End of this chapter)

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