Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 177 Late Nascent Soul

Chapter 177 Late Nascent Soul
Bai Tong's defeat was expected by all the audience, but also unexpected by everyone.

To say that the most common one in the top [-] qualifying competition is Bai Tong, he seems to have nothing special, so it is not surprising that he lost to Shen Yu.

However, after Shen Yu defeated Bai Tong with one move, he actually let Bai Tong go and did not kill him, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Could it be that the devil has changed his mind?
It's a pity that Shen Yu quickly told them that it wasn't that he changed his temper. In the next ten consecutive battles, Shen Yu killed his opponents one by one.

In the ten games, everyone held a strong murderous intention towards Shen Yu, and it also turned into Shen Yu's faith value.

After ten games, Shen Yu gained a total of 300 million Faith Points. At this time, all his Faith Points added up had already broken through 6000 million, which is not far from the goal of [-] million Faith Points.

In these ten games, Shen Yu also made no secret of his abilities. Taiji Xuanqingdao's Slaying Ghosts and Gods and Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue, as well as Tiangang 36 Transformation's Wulei Jue, Pointing to the Earth to Become Strong, Touching Stones gold……

These spells, which the people of Qingzhou had never heard of, were used endlessly from Shen Yu's hands.

In every match, Shen Yu chose to win quickly and never entangled with his opponent.

He has to challenge more than 90 masters in a row, among which there are no less than [-] masters who are higher than himself. For him, the biggest enemy is mana.

There are 36 transformations in Tiangang, and each transformation consumes a huge amount of mana for the current Shen Yu. If he uses it continuously, his mana will soon run out.

Therefore, whenever possible, he tried his best to use the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue and Slaying Ghosts and Gods to decide the outcome.

Even so, when he encountered a few powerful enemies in the middle, he was forced to use the spells in the 36 transformations of Tiangang to defeat his opponents.

The unstoppable Shen Yu was like a madman in the eyes of everyone.

"How many high-level spells does he know? So far, he has used no less than ten kinds!"

"The most important thing is that these spells are indeed very mysterious, none of them I can see the essence."

"Is it true that no one can stop him, just let him fight all the way?"

"I think it is very likely that twelve people have already been defeated by him, and eleven of them were killed."

"I don't think so. From the look of Shen Yu at the moment, it seems that he has consumed a lot. He has only faced twelve opponents. It is impossible for him to kill all the way. He will soon run out of mana."


Looking at Shen Yu who was standing in the center of the competition stage with a slightly pale complexion, some people were amazed at Shen Yu's strength, while some began to look down on Shen Yu.

They had already seen that, Shen Yu seemed to be at the end of his battle at this time.

At this time, the elders and suzerains of several sects looked at each other quietly and nodded to each other.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya was slightly startled, and said to Li Bai in a low voice, "Li Bai, did you see that? The people from those sects seem to have reached a consensus, and they want to start a wheel-to-wheel battle against the master, and drain the mana of the master as soon as possible."

Li Bai nodded, then smiled lightly and said, "It's not a big deal. The head master said that he has three seventh-grade pills in his hand, which can quickly restore mana, and didn't you see it? The head master is about to break through."

After killing ten Nascent Soul stage masters, Shen Yu was only one step away from the late Nascent Soul stage.

At this time, a man in a bright red robe, with an enchanting figure and heavy make-up, jumped from the gap in the magic circle opened by the referee onto the competition stage.

He jokingly said to Shen Yu: "Haha, Mr. Shen Yu, let me challenge you next."

"Yes, Chen Hongying from Jiangbo Gate!"

"I heard that although Chen Hongying is a man, he likes to wear girls' clothes. Do you think he is..."

"You don't want to die. Someone teased him like this before and he killed him. How many lives do you have?"

"Chen Hongying is very strong. It is said that in the top [-] qualifying competition, he can be ranked in the top three. Now Shen Yu is in trouble. I don't know if he can stand up."


This Chen Hongying was obviously very famous. As soon as he took the stage, many people started to discuss it enthusiastically.

Shen Yu raised his head and glanced, the guy in front of him who was neither male nor female almost felt sick to his stomach.

If this person does not die, the heavens will not tolerate it.

But Chen Hongying didn't know it, she continued to look at Shen Yu with her charming eyes and said, "Young Master Shen is so handsome, I don't even want to kill you."

Chen Hongying's words almost made Shen Yu retch again, he couldn't bear to be praised by such a person, what a crime!
Shen Yu's eyes slowly turned cold, he stared at Chen Hongying and said: "You talk a lot of nonsense, prepare to die!"

After finishing speaking, the dragon-slaying sword in Shen Yu's hand flew out and slashed towards Chen Hongying's head.

Chen Hongying did not panic, squeezed her orchid finger, and swipe lightly at the void in front of her. Immediately, a long river with a width of [-] meters appeared in front of her eyes, blocking the dragon sword.

At the same time, with his other hand, he quietly squeezed out a formula, and two small peaks with a height of [-] meters suddenly appeared on both sides of Shen Yu's body.

As soon as these two small mountain peaks appeared, they immediately pinched towards Shen Yu, and the long river blocking the dragon sword became pitch black in an instant, making a wonderful arc in the sky. The thread smashed down to Shen Yu from the top of his head.

Chen Hongying immediately covered her mouth and said with a coquettish smile: "Sir Shen Yu, although you are very strong, your mana is almost exhausted at the moment, and your actions have become slower. You are not my opponent at all. I will take your life."

Shen Yu gave him a cold look, and said with disdain: "Just because of you, a dead monster? Delusion, even if I don't run away, I can kill you."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu clasped his hands together suddenly, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his body.

"Tiangang 36 changes, pushing mountains and filling seas!"

In an instant, the two mountains that vainly tried to pinch Shen Yu turned into flying rocks all over the sky, and the black water that was about to fall from the top of the head also evaporated.

The entire competition arena was filled with water vapor, and it was completely impossible to see the situation on the stage.


At this moment, Chen Hongying's screams were suddenly heard in the mist of the competition platform.

Immediately afterwards, the water vapor on the competition stage seemed to be scattered by Shen Yu's palm, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this time, everyone clearly saw that Shen Yu on the competition stage was standing there with Chen Hongying's head in one hand and the Dragon Slaying Sword in the other, with his eyes red.

No one knew how Chen Hongying lost.

In the speechless silence of the crowd, Shen Yu slowly raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and said in a hoarse and indifferent voice: "The next one, come up and die."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Nascent Soul and gaining 16 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through the late Nascent Soul."

As soon as the system's voice fell, Shen Yu's mana, which had been exhausted, was filled again in an instant.

He finally broke through the late Nascent Soul.

 The first Celestial Wonderland is coming soon, who is better to summon?
(End of this chapter)

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