Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 18 Developing Outlines

Chapter 18 Developing Outlines
The Great Hall of Chuan Gong was very close to Yuxu Palace, and the three of Shen Yu soon came to the Great Hall of Chuan Gong, but they didn't go forward, they just sat in the three seats at the back and listened silently.

At this moment in the Great Hall of Teaching Gong, Zhang Sanfeng had already sat back on his seat, and started teaching again.

Shen Qianjun, who was miserable, was tied to a pillar in the main hall, his face was full of decadence, he must be the most depressed at the moment!

Damn, no matter how I say it, I am also a genius of Wuliangzong!What kind of thing are you Ling Xiao faction? You have never heard of it, and you dare to arrest me.

You say you can catch it!Why didn't you give me a good time after you caught me, and tied me here, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

Don't you know that this feeling of silently waiting for death is the worst feeling?
It's a pity that the people in the main hall didn't pay attention to him. The disciples of the Lingxiao sect in the main hall were all intoxicated by Zhang Sanfeng's explanation. Incomparably vivid, really worthy of being a master.

Xu Jun, who originally wanted to see Shen Yu's jokes and expose Shen Yu's lies, was completely dumbfounded after he entered the Gonggong Hall and listened to it for a few minutes.

He didn't expect that this place was really teaching exercises that he had never heard of before. Shen Yu was not lying, he really showed their sect's exercises to outsiders without any precaution .

Is this person an idiot?How could he easily expose such a precious skill to outsiders.

But he thought about it, Shen Yu is an idiot and can be hammered with a stone, but he is stupid, so he can take advantage of it!

Shen Yu just said that he can buy a book of exercises with only one hundred yuan stones. If he buys it and resells it at a high price in the imperial capital, he can make a lot of money.

Hahaha, what a genius I am!
After thinking about it, a wretched smile appeared on the corner of Xu Jun's mouth, which made Shen Yu feel that this guy must be stupid, right?

Seemingly sensing Shen Yu's gaze, Xu Jun quickly restrained his smile, coughed lightly and said, "Master Shen, what you just said is true, one hundred yuan stones can buy a book of exercises?"

Shen Yu nodded first, and then said: "Yes! But you are not included!"

Xu Jun hadn't had time to be happy, when he heard Shen Yu's words, his face turned red immediately, and he said angrily, "Why? How can you keep your word?"

Shen Yu rolled his eyes and said: "You don't care about me? This is my thing, I can sell it to whoever I want!"

Shen Yu has long been upset seeing this Xu Jun, and Shen Yu is also very clear about the little calculation in his heart, so of course he will not let him take advantage of it.

Xu Jun almost didn't choke to death with Shen Yu, but he dared not lower his head under the eaves. Looking at the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect in this hall, and Zhang Sanfeng who was sitting at the highest place in the hall, he decisively chose to shut up, He can't afford to provoke Shen Yu now.

At this time, Han Yue, who was so shocked that she could not speak, came back to her senses, with a hint of disbelief on her beautiful face, she said: "Master Shen, I have listened to Zhang Zhenren's explanation, your exercise book , it seems that it is different from the general cultivation method of cultivating immortals!"

She already knew Zhang Sanfeng's name now.

Shen Yu glanced at Han Yue in surprise, this girl is smart, he nodded and said: "Yes, this is the entry-level exercise of our Lingxiao Sect, every entry-level disciple must practice it, the biggest effect is Improving physical talent, even people without spiritual roots, can practice it, and in the future they will be able to achieve perfection in Qi training."

"What? Can you practice without spiritual roots?" Han Yue almost jumped up in surprise.

Only those with spiritual roots can cultivate immortals. This is common sense that everyone in the Kyushu mainland knows. Without spiritual roots, at most one can only practice physical training, and can only continuously temper the strength of the physical body. This is the training method adopted by most national troops. .

Moreover, the strength of pure body cultivation will not exceed the third level of Qi training among immortal cultivators at most. Now Shen Yu actually said that one can practice without spiritual roots.

Is there really such a magical cultivation method in this world?This simply broke her cognition!

Shen Yu nodded and said: "Look carefully, who in this hall has spiritual roots? But they have all broken through the first level of Qi training and cultivated true Qi, but this exercise also has drawbacks, no People with spiritual roots can only achieve perfection in Qi training at best."

This is already very remarkable. Letting an ordinary person without spiritual roots cultivate to the perfection of Qi training is simply going against the sky. If this practice is promoted to the army, the court of the Great Xia Kingdom will still be afraid of the so-called three major sects and Other Cultivation sects?
Although the sect of cultivating immortals is powerful, the army of the Great Xia Kingdom is no less than one million. If these soldiers have practiced these skills, the millions of immortal cultivators in the qi training period, even the strong ones in the bigu period, can only run away. This is enough to change the world. The peerless skill of the Xia Kingdom.

Although this exercise is only a low-grade yellow-level exercise, their unique attributes make their value no less than that of a mysterious-level exercise.

As expected of the daughter of the great general of the Great Xia Kingdom, she saw the value of the two exercises in just a moment.

Han Yue couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, she even hugged Shen Yu's arm with both arms, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Shen, is what you said true? Are you really willing to pay the price of one hundred yuan stones , sell me this exercise book?"

Han Yue has already decided that she will buy it even if it is hundreds or even a thousand times more expensive, let alone the price of a book of one hundred yuan stones.

Shen Yu nodded and said: "Of course it's true, but you have to promise me one condition, to promote the Lingxiao Sect for me, and tell the world that the Lingxiao Sect has exercises that can be practiced by ordinary people. You must convince them, you say All are facts.

If Ms. Han Yue agrees, I can even lend you this "Yi Jin Jing" for free to read, and I even have a more advanced "Taixuan Jing", I can also lend you for free to read, how about it, think about it? "

After Shen Yu finished speaking, a trace of excitement flashed across Han Yue's face, and she said, "Master Shen, are you serious?"

Such a good thing is simply pie in the sky!

Han Yue came from a famous family, although it is not impossible to afford a hundred yuan stones, but this is not a small amount. The general's mansion is not rich, so save as much as you can!
As for promoting Shen Yu, it is a piece of cake for her, she is a nobleman of the Great Xia Kingdom and the daughter of the Great General.

Xu Jun hates Shen Yu even more at this moment, you can give away the exercises to your junior sister almost for free, but you don't sell them if I pay for them, if you say you are pure, you are meaningless to your junior sister, even if you beat me to death Do not believe.

Although Xu Jun was so angry that he wanted to kill Shen Yu, he still suppressed his anger forcibly, not daring to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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