Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 184 Guan Shengdi

Chapter 184 Guan Shengdi

Lei Zhenzi, a descendant of the star, has a mysterious identity. He was born in Yanshan. Zhou Wen Wang Jichang met and adopted him as a foster son when he was sheltering from the rain.

He is the [-]th son of King Wen of Zhou, a disciple of Yun Zhongzi, a disciple of Chanjiao, and one of the third generation successors of Yuxu.

Lei Zhenzi's record is average, and his single-round cultivation is very ordinary among the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao. However, he is good at air combat and siege. Became one of the seven fleshly sanctified people in the Conferred Gods.

Therefore, Lei Zhenzi's strength at the eighth level of the Immortal Realm did not come as a surprise to Shen Yu. This cultivation base was enough to deal with the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord.

At this time, the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord, who was rushing towards Shen Yu, had already exchanged hands with Jiang Ziya and the other three.

Xiaotiangou showed the real body of Tiangu, with a height of hundreds of feet, and bit at the Thousand-handed Demon Lord. The Thousand-handed Demon Lord did not hide or dodge, snorted coldly, and at the moment Xiaotiangou bit him, he punched him On the forehead of the Xiaotian dog, the huge body of the Xiaotian dog flew upside down for hundreds of meters, and hit the water curtain heavily.


The Xiaotian dog screamed in pain, but there was no fear on his face. As soon as his body fell to the ground, he wanted to stand up and attack the Thousand Hands Demon Lord again.

But just as he stood up, a majestic mountain fell from the sky, smashed on Xiaotiangou's body, and suppressed it to the ground.

This huge mountain was so huge that when it suppressed the Xiaotian dog, it also crushed tens of thousands of monks from the Holy Spirit Dynasty to death. It didn't hold back at all.

The people of the demon clan are like this, their attacks are bloody and fierce, even if they are their own clansmen, they are merciless in their actions, and the thousand-handed devil is one of the most ruthless people in the demon clan. The person he wants to kill, he doesn't care how many people he will hurt.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng, the old man of the Demon Race, and more than a dozen disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect had already joined the flock and massacred these monks.

In the space created by the Zhenhai bottle, even Ren Pingsheng, who is only on the second floor of the fairyland, is enough to contend against the fourth floor of the fairyland, not to mention that there is an old man of the demon race on the fifth floor of the fairyland beside him, who can directly compete The seventh floor of Wonderland.

However, in order to deal with Shen Yu, the major forces of the Holy Spirit Dynasty spent a lot of money and invited eight or nine casual cultivators from Zhongzhou. The strength of these people is also very good. The weak ones also have the second floor of the fairyland, in order to deal with Xiaotiangou and Li Bai.

At this moment, Ren Pingsheng of the Tianmo Sect and the old man of the Demon Race joined forces to start a massacre. These masters also joined forces, and they couldn't sit still.

Under Xu Wannian's command, the eight or nine foreign players who had been hiding in the auditorium, as well as the powerhouses of various forces, began to besiege Ren Pingsheng and the demon elder.

Xu Wannian activated the Bloodline of Chiyan Burning Soul, which directly ignited three souls and seven souls, and raised his cultivation base to the ultimate fourth floor of the fairyland in a short period of time. Even under the suppression of the Zhenhai bottle, he can still fight alone In his life, he never lost the wind.

Being temporarily suppressed by Xu Wannian, Ren Pingsheng resisted and said with an ugly face: "Xu Wannian, you madman, you actually burned three souls and seven souls, even if you can temporarily suppress me, so what, your future will be completely ruined, For a holy spirit dynasty, is it worth it?"

Xu Wannian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Ren Pingsheng, you are wrong. This old man is not for the Holy Spirit Dynasty. This old man is for these young people. Only when they live can the Kyushu Continent have hope. You colluded with the demons and slaughtered the human race. I am Even if I risk my life, I will stop you."

When Ren Pingsheng and Xu Wannian were fighting fiercely, nearly twenty Earth Immortal experts from the other side joined forces to attack the demon elder.

But the demon old man was not afraid at all, instead he laughed wildly: "A group of casual cultivators, plus ants from the barbarian land, even if they have reached the fairyland, so what, the old man will let you see today, even if it is also the land The gap between the fairyland and each other is still huge, so die!"

Seeing the chaotic battles happening all around, Shen Yu said in his heart: "System, use the designated summoning opportunity with tens of millions of faith points to designate to summon Guan Yu!"

He is alone now, and there is no protection from the strong people in the fairyland around him. Zhao Yun can't protect himself, and Lei Zhenzi doesn't know when he will arrive, so he has to find someone to protect his safety. The summoned person appeared much faster.

The Guan Yu Shen Yu wants to summon is of course not Guan Yu from the Three Kingdoms, but Guan Yu, one of the Four Marshals of Ma Zhao Wen Guan, the guard of the Nantian Gate.

As soon as he started to summon Guan Yu, he saw the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord in the sky in the distance. He smashed Li Bai's Qinglian Sword Song with his palm, and the sword shadows all over the sky disappeared without a trace in an instant. The Demon Lord knocked down from the sky again with his palm, and his body smashed through the martial arts arena on the ground, and he was deeply trapped in it, life and death unknown.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya's face turned cold, and the magic whip appeared in his hand in an instant, and he threw it towards the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord.

The magic whip came and went, and while the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord didn't check, it hit him hard on the back, causing him a little pain.

But after all, he is a strong man on the fifth floor of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, his cultivation is far superior to Jiang Ziya, and although the name of the God Whip is domineering, in the Conferred Gods, only people who are on the list of the Conferred Gods can be beaten. The limitations are a bit big, and the power is also small , and cannot cause any harm to the Thousand-Handed Demon Monarch.

When the whip was about to be fired for the second time, the Thousand-handed Demon Lord, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly grew a big black hand from behind, and grasped the whip.

"Hehe, it's still an artifact, I'll keep it."

When Jiang Ziya saw that the magic whip was taken away, he immediately became anxious, and killed the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord: "Monster, give me back the magic whip."

Shen Yu was also shocked, if even Jiang Ziya was defeated, he would be finished.

Lei Zhenzi has not yet appeared, and Guan Yu has not been summoned. Why is the efficiency of the system so slow this time? Do you have to play Cry?

At this moment, Shen Yu, who was extremely anxious in his heart, suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his back.

Then an incomparably charming voice sounded in his ears: "Shen Yu, follow me back to Yin Yang Sect!"

He turned around abruptly, and found that Bai Ling and Huang Que from the Yin Yang Sect quietly came to Shen Yu's side when everyone was fighting and no one cared about them, and wanted to take him away while taking advantage of the chaos.

The Yin Yang Sect and the Tianmo Sect are also one of the ten evils, and they know the Tianmo Sect very well, so they also have some ways to deal with Zhenhai Ping. As long as they catch Shen Yu, they will be sure to take him out of Zhenhai Ping's sealed space.

"not good!"

Seeing that the two had arrived in front of him, Shen Yu's expression changed drastically. Facing the two Heavenly Wonderlands, he had no strength to resist.

But at this moment, a sound of fury suddenly came from above the sky.

"Lei Zhenzi is here, who dares to touch the head of my family."

(End of this chapter)

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