Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 186 The Master Saves Me

Chapter 186 The Master Saves Me
"Thousand-handed Demon Lord, come out and suffer death!"

Lei Zhenzi looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and then the wings of Fenglei behind his back trembled, and he rose into the air, holding a golden stick, and threw it towards the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord with all his strength.

Seeing Lei Zhenzi rushing towards him with powerful wind and thunder power on his body, the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord did not dare to neglect him in the slightest. He opened his arm slightly, and thousands of arms composed of black magic energy appeared behind him in an instant. Each arm is a hundred meters long, and these thousands of arms completely envelop his body.

This is the origin of the Thousand Hands Demon Lord, he is a branch of the Demon Clan, a genius of the Thousand Hands Demon Clan.

The talent of the Thousand-Handed Demon Race is that it can produce several arms. The more arms it produces, the stronger it will be. The strongest person can produce nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine arms, and the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord has already trained With eight thousand arms, he is also among the top three superpowers among the Thousand Hands Demon Clan.

These arms can defend and attack. While blocking the opponent's attack, they can also attack the opponent from all directions. As long as one of them touches the opponent, it can severely damage the opponent.

Seeing eight thousand arms clawing at him, Lei Zhenzi was not afraid at all. He smashed down the golden stick in his hand, and hundreds of arms were scattered. The Demon King is only on the fifth floor of the Immortal Realm, so how can he resist Lei Zhenzi.

However, this ability of the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord is indeed very extraordinary. Even if Lei Zhenzi is much stronger than the Thousand-handed Demon Lord, it will take a while to break through the defense of the thousand-handed Demon Lord's eight thousand arms. The defeat was decided, and under Lei Zhenzi's continuous attacks, he would surely die.

"Hmph, if you still want to resist, watch me break these arms of yours!"

Lei Zhenzi smiled ferociously, then raised the golden stick in his hand again, and smashed it towards the outstretched arm of the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yu finally let out a bad breath, he was bullied badly by the thousand-handed demon just now.

On the other side, Li Bai, who had recovered from his injuries, raised the long sword in his hand, and directly killed Ren Pingsheng.

He looked up to the sky with a long laugh, and said: "Ren Pingsheng, I heard that you have no less than ten kinds of precious blood in your body, so I will take a good look at it and watch the sword!"

Li Bai has the strength of the third level of the Earth Wonderland, while Ren Pingsheng is the second level of the Earth Wonderland. Although he has the effect of Zhenhai Ping, Li Bai's strength has been suppressed to the first level of the Earth Wonderland, but Li Bai is Qinglian Sword Immortal, a sword repairer, and has real combat power Far beyond the actual realm, so he is not much worse than Ren Pingsheng at the moment.

Ren Pingsheng snorted coldly and did not answer. A round of silver moon rose slowly behind him. This is exactly the blood of the silver moon that he deprived Luo Ya of, and it is also the most powerful blood in Ren Pingsheng at present. Against Li Bai, he dare not There is no neglect.

The strength of Yinyue's bloodline is not only that it can absorb the essence of Haoyue and strengthen the speed of cultivation, but also that he can use the power of Yinyue to fight against opponents.

Ren Pingsheng clasped his hands together, the blue veins on his brows were exposed, and a silver moon appeared between his brows, and he shouted angrily, "The silver moon has come to the world!"

As the voice fell, the round of silver moon behind Ren Pingsheng burst into thousands of silver rays of light in an instant, which made some people unable to open their eyes.


There was a scream, and many ordinary monks on the martial arts stage were illuminated by the silver moonlight, as if they had been scorched by the scorching sun, their bodies immediately bled from all seven orifices, and within a short while, they completely lost their lives .

Seeing this, Li Bai frowned slightly, swung the long sword in his hand, and thousands of sword lights reached the silver moonlight.

On the other side, the roaring dog ferociously bit the old man of the demon race, mercilessly.

In contrast, the battle between Xiaotiangou and this demon old man is the easiest. Xiaotiangou is on the seventh floor of the fairyland, and his deity is Tiangu. After showing his body, his strength can almost approach the perfection of the fairyland , even if suppressed by the Zhenhai bottle, it can still completely abuse the old man of the demon race on the fifth floor of the fairyland.

The roaring dog bit down, the demon old man was startled, he flew to avoid the bloody mouth of the roaring dog, but just as he dodged, the roaring dog's tail flicked violently, and the demon clan was caught by surprise. The old man slapped his tail on the arena, and his body sank deeply into the arena.

But Xiaotiangou didn't give up because of this, at the same time when the old man's physical body fell into the competition arena, his huge paws slapped down again, one palm after another, constantly ravaging the old man of the demon race, It seemed that he wanted to vent his anger towards the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord.

The senior leaders of the various sects who had been besieging the demon old man together and had been unable to gain the upper hand looked at the scene in front of them stupidly. They still wanted to deal with Xiao Tiangou and Li Bai. Only now did they realize how serious this idea is. ridiculous.

Not to mention that there is a more powerful Jiang Ziya beside Shen Yu, and the mysterious bird man with wings on his back, even the roaring sky dog ​​who is almost crazy, they can't easily stop them, but fortunately, there is such a person by Shen Yu's side. Otherwise, they might be dead today.

Bai Ling and Huang Que of the Yin-Yang Sect reappeared, standing in the distant sky, watching the masters of the Tianmo Sect being brutally abused by Shen Yu's subordinates, even the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord himself was in danger, and his face became extremely gloomy, but Never dare to do it again.

They were already frightened by Lei Zhenzi's strength. Even though Jiang Ziya and Guan Yu are the only two fairylands around Shen Yu who are perfectly protected, they dare not make a move. Who knows if there are any strong people hidden under Shen Yu's men? Bite, I have been afraid of well ropes for ten years!

"Hahaha, break it for me!"

At this moment, Lei Zhenzi suddenly hit him with a stick, and all the last hundreds of arms of the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord were also discounted by his stick. Then Lei Zhenzi with a ferocious face, holding a golden stick, his body was like a cannonball, He rushed towards the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord.

Thousand-Handed Demon Monarch's complexion changed drastically. Only he who had just fought with Lei Zhenzi knew how strong this bird man was.

At this moment, even his most powerful method was broken by Lei Zhenzi. Without the protection of his magic arm, if Lei Zhenzi hit him with a stick, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured. Lei Zhenzi was extremely fast, and he was determined not to be able to dodge this blow.

At the critical moment, the Thousand-Handed Demon Lord screamed: "Master, save me!"

"Suffer to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Zhenzi yelled, and the golden stick in his hand slammed down on the Thousand Hands Demon Lord's head.

At this moment, a giant palm that covered the sky suddenly came down from the clouds in the sky. The palm was thousands of feet long and extremely black. With a flick, Lei Zhenzi's body was thrown thousands of meters away.

"My disciple, it's not your turn to kill me yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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