Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 199 I am the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 199 I am the Emperor of Heaven
Shen Yu walked towards the enthronment platform step by step, every time he took a step, there was a heavy sound like a heavy drum, which made people's heart tremble slightly.

If Shen Yu wanted to establish the Heavenly Court in the name of Heaven, he had to obtain the approval of the heaven, earth, and heaven. Even the Heavenly Court in his previous life was approved by the ancestor Hongjun who was the incarnation of the Dao before it could be established.

Although the Heavenly Court that Shen Yu wants to build must be above the Dao of Heaven in the future, but at this stage, it still needs the Dao of Heaven's approval.

So when he walked up these steps, Heavenly Dao had already stared at him, and every step he took was struggling and was obstructed by Heavenly Dao. This was the test of this world and Heavenly Dao.

If he wants to use the name of heaven, he must accept the most severe test of the way of heaven, and no one can help him withstand this test.

At this moment, Shen Yu felt a rush of energy and blood every step he took, and even his bones were about to be broken, but he did not give in at all, his eyes were red, and he still walked towards the enthronement platform step by step.

What about the way of heaven?I want to set up a heavenly court and surpass the heavens, even the way of heaven can't stop me.

Shen Yu used all his mana in his body to resist Heaven's pressure on him. He walked very slowly, and even paused for a moment every step he took.

Those who watched the ceremony knelt on the ground. They looked at Shen Yu who was struggling, and it seemed that his body was soaked in blood, and they were extremely curious.

What exactly did Shen Yu go through.

They had never seen the establishment of the Tianzong. The Tianzong was established in Zhongzhou back then, and it was said that it was also unprecedentedly grand. Unfortunately, they had no chance to see it, so they didn't know why Shen Yu was in such pain at this time.

But without Shen Yu's order, they didn't dare to get up hastily, they could only silently watch Shen Yu's slightly bent back at this moment.

Shen Yu walked forward step by step, his sweat dripped on the steps, blood covered his whole body, and his consciousness gradually began to blur, but the obsession with establishing the Heavenly Court made him keep climbing towards the platform.

Finally, after about half an hour, Shen Yu finally came to the 98th step.

In front of you is the last step.

But at this time, Shen Yu had almost reached the extreme, his face was covered with beads of sweat, his mouth was panting heavily, and his body was completely stained red with blood. Sweat poured out of the pores on his body, and he felt that his vision was slowly blurring.

Countless spectators watching the ceremony frowned deeply as they saw Shen Yu's back that was about to collapse.

They could tell that Shen Yu was going through a huge crisis and might lose his life at any time.

Lei Zhenzi wanted to help Shen Yu, but Sha Wujing stopped him. If he wanted to become the Emperor of Heaven, he had to go through this calamity, and no one could help him.

Jiaolong roared loudly, as if the power of heaven made them feel uncomfortable. The soldiers on the steps lowered their heads slightly and knelt on one knee. Although they were on the same steps as Shen Yu, they couldn't feel the power of heaven. coercion.

Heavenly Dao only targets one person, and that is Shen Yu.

"I can't fall down, I want to set up a heavenly court, if the way of heaven wants to stop me, I will be above the way of heaven."

"Since I have come to this world, I must become the master of this world. Otherwise, what's the point of my reincarnation journey?"

"Go to your heaven, get out!"

Shen Yu roared in his heart, then suddenly raised his right foot, and stepped on the highest point of the platform.

The moment Shen Yu took this step, there was a thunderbolt above the sky, and dark clouds filled the sky.

The roars of the nine flood dragons also became more intense at the same moment.

This sudden change made the faces of the spectators full of shock, and they stared blankly at the sky.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the sky, which dispersed the dark clouds. This golden light shone on the enthronement platform as if it came from the nine heavens.

At this moment, Shen Yu's whole body was bathed in the golden light, shining brilliantly in everyone's eyes.

At the same time, the injuries on his body caused by the coercion of heaven also healed completely in an instant, and even the tattered clothes on his body were replaced with a gold robe.

What surprised him even more was that there seemed to be a mysterious aura in his body, and then his whole body seemed to be connected with Qingzhou Northern Territory.

He knew that this was the luck bestowed upon him by Heaven after he was recognized, the new luck of this land.

Among the people watching the ceremony, there are many old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years, but this is the first time they have encountered such a strange scene.

Shen Yu was bathed in the golden light, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth, he finally survived this test.

He could feel that the way of heaven was nurturing his physical body, his talent was also improving rapidly, and even his spiritual root had been promoted to the perfect five-element heavenly spiritual root.

The golden light that pierced the sky lasted for about a stick of incense before disappearing without a trace.

At this time, Shen Yu seemed to be a different person, with less hostility and more warmth, but when everyone looked at him, they felt a sense of coercion inexplicably, as if Shen Yu Has become a peerless emperor.

Shen Yu walked step by step to the golden seat in the center of the platform, and then sat on the seat.

The moment he sat on the seat, the soldiers on Xiandao immediately roared.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

Shen Yu didn't stop these soldiers, and let them shout. After waiting for about half a stick of incense, Shen Yu gently pressed his hand.

Those soldiers who were screaming, as if they had received an order at the same time, all silenced in an instant.

After a while, Shen Yu stood up again from his seat, looked down at the people watching the ceremony under the enthronement platform, and said softly: "Everyone, please get up!"

After Shen Yu's words fell, Sha Wujing and others got up first, and then those who had just joined Shen Yu also got up according to the order, and their eyes were fixed on Shen Yu.

Shen Yu continued: "From today, the Heavenly Court is formally established, the Holy Spirit City will be the private land of the Heavenly Court in the future, renamed the Holy City, and people who are not from the Heavenly Court are not allowed to trespass.

The former territory of the Holy Spirit Dynasty was supported by the Heavenly Court, and four kingdoms were established to replace the Heavenly Court to rule the people here.

Under the Heavenly Court, kingdoms are not divided into ranks, and the Heavenly Court is above all countries. The countries no longer obey the orders of any other forces and dynasties, and respect the Heavenly Court.

Within the kingdoms, it is the greatest mission of the kingdoms to set up temples for the Heavenly Court, to persuade the people to believe in the Heavenly Court, and to teach the people to practice immortality.

The person enshrined in the temple is the head of the heavenly court, and the golden temple is the supreme emperor of heaven. The temple is called the Temple of Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven, Shen Yu!

I am God! "

After Shen Yu finished speaking, the lingering sound was still lingering, but a systematic voice sounded in his mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: establishing the Heavenly Court!"

"Mission rewards: 5000 million Faith Points, [-] million-level Summoning Opportunity, and a chance of Heaven's Grace!"

(End of this chapter)

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