Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 202 Lu Dongbin

Chapter 202 Lu Dongbin

After the founding ceremony of the Heavenly Court was over, all the forces temporarily returned to the location of their sects. They wanted to change their respective sects to the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, and then selected disciples to stay in the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, and at the same time preached to the people in the territory to solve doubts. And persuade them to believe in heaven.

When these matters are properly arranged, the high-level officials of these forces will return to the Holy Spirit City, and then settle in the various heavenly palaces below the fairy island.

The area below Xiandao was originally empty, except for the six peaks of the Lingxiao Sect that Shen Yu moved over, there were dozens of peaks that existed before. In this vast area, the 36 palaces and 71 palaces of the Heavenly Court were built. More than enough.

As for the fairy island, it is exclusively occupied by the Lingxiao Palace. Only the heavenly officials in the Lingxiao Palace and the [-] celestial soldiers guarding the Lingxiao Palace can live on it. Forces, and the army of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, together with the outer disciples of the original Lingxiao Sect.

Except for the three hundred outer sect disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect, none of these ten thousand heavenly soldiers is below the golden core stage, and these outer sect disciples can be regarded as ascension to heaven.

As for the immortal officials in the Hall of High Heaven, they are all immortal gods summoned by Shen Yu. No matter how high or low they are, even Shang Zhang and Jiang Ziwen, who were only gods from the lower world in their previous lives, are allowed to be in the Hall of High Heaven. In the previous life, let alone seeing the Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace, it is difficult to enter even the Heavenly Court.

In addition, his three disciples, Murong Feixue, Han Yue, Luo Ya and others were also left in Lingxiao Palace, while Xiao Chenchen returned to Yunguo again to take charge of the propaganda work of various countries around Yunguo. To make her work go smoothly, Shen Yu even sent her a lot of experts.

The Holy Spirit Dynasty is occupied by him, and all major forces have joined the Heavenly Court. He now has no shortage of low-level combat power.

In the residence behind Lingxiao Palace, Shen Yu sat alone in his room, and then whispered to the system: "System, now there is a designated summoning opportunity with a level of tens of millions, so let's designate and summon Lu Dongbin!"

Lu Dongbin, the founder of the mainstream Quanzhen school of Taoism, Taoist name Chunyangzi, claimed to be a Taoist, and was originally a Confucian scholar. He met Zheng Huolong at the age of 40 and taught swordsmanship at the age of 64. At the age of [-], he met Zhongliquan and taught alchemy. According to legend, he is revered as the ancestor of swords and the first sword fairy in the world.

Lu Dongbin's predecessor was Donghua Shangxian, that is, Emperor Donghua, that is, Dongwanggong. If a man wants to become a fairy, he must worship him, and he is at the same level as the Queen Mother of the West.

It's just that he reincarnated cruelly and became one of the Eight Immortals. His cultivation level was much lower than that of Dong Wanggong in his previous life, but if he could restore his previous life's cultivation level, it would be great.

This time the system did not tell Shen Yu that it was unable to summon Lu Dongbin, that is to say, Lu Dongbin was the same as Shen Yu imagined, but he was only cultivated in the fairyland.

It would be great if Lu Dongbin could restore the strength of Emperor Donghua!With the strength of Emperor Donghua, it is not an easy and casual thing to want to be invincible in a small Kyushu continent. Even if you want to complete the sky-shattering plan by yourself, it is definitely not a problem.

At this moment, the system finally summoned Lu Dongbin.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Lu Dongbin!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation: the ninth floor of the Earth Wonderland!"

"Cultivation method: Pure Yang Gong!"

"Artifact: Pure Yang Sword!"

Just as Shen Yu had imagined, Lu Dongbin indeed only had the cultivation base of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Although the Eight Immortals were famous, they were in the mortal world and in the Heavenly Court. It is very high.

However, the ninth floor of the fairyland is not bad, at least it is invincible in the strength of Qingzhou Northern Territory.

In the establishment of the Heavenly Court this time, in addition to the reward of Heavenly Dao's Enze and a designated summoning opportunity with ten million faith points, he also obtained 5000 million faith points. Originally, his faith points had been exhausted, but this time he finally got replenished. You can consider saving Luo Ya.

Thinking of this, he asked in his heart: "System, is there any medicine that can save Luo Ya's life?"

The system replied: "There is a ninth-grade healing elixir in the system, called Huansheng Pill, which requires 9000 million faith points, and the host doesn't have enough faith points yet."

Shen Yu felt a little helpless at the moment, a Ninth-Rank Healing Holy Medicine cost 9000 million Faith Points, almost worth a Heavenly Immortal Realm powerhouse, it was really expensive.

But now that Shen Yu has established the Heavenly Court, the entire Qingzhou Northern Territory is his site, and the people in the site are promoting the Heavenly Court for himself. Before long, all the people in the Qingzhou Northern Territory will believe in the Heavenly Court, and at that time he will at least earn money. Tens of billions of faith value!

At this time, Jiang Ziya's voice suddenly came from outside the room: "Your Majesty, someone outside brought a letter from you."

As he became the Emperor of Heaven, the names of his subordinates also changed.

Shen Yu frowned slightly. Although he knew quite a few people now, most of them came directly to see him, and no one knew how to write letters.

He sorted out his thoughts and said, "Come in!"

Only then did Jiang Ziya walk in, and put a thin piece of paper into Shen Yu's hands. After the paper came into Shen Yu's hands, it flew up automatically.

Shen Yu looked intently, and saw that there was only one sentence written on this piece of paper: "If you want to save Saobaxing and Snow Wolf King, come to Anfo Mountain in Zhongzhou within three months."

After Shen Yu read the content on this piece of paper, the piece of paper immediately burned and turned into fly ash.

But Shen Yu's complexion was completely gloomy. This piece of paper was actually sent by the Boundless World Honored One.

He turned to Jiang Ziya and asked, "Ziya, where is the messenger?"

Jiang Ziya said: "The messenger was a young monk, about ten years old. After handing over the letter to a guard in the lower realm, he left on his own."

Shen Yu nodded, and then asked: "Zi Ya, do you know how long it will take from Qingzhou Northern Region to Zhongzhou?"

Jiang Ziya pondered for a moment, and then said: "I heard from Xu Wannian that from Zhongzhou to Qingzhou Northern Territory, even if it is a strong person in the fairyland, it will take three months at the fastest. In Wonderland, it may take a month."

Shen Yu's heart sank immediately, but for Sao Baixing and Snow Wolf King, he had to be saved.

"Hmph, saving one billion faith points in two months, if it was in the past, it must be a dream, but for me now, it is not impossible."

There are close to one hundred countries in the Northern Territory of Qingzhou, and even the most trashy ninth-rank kingdom like Daxia has more than 1 million people. Adding up these nearly one hundred countries, no matter how you say it, there are no less than 300 billion people, or even more , Earn one billion in two months, there is a great possibility.

Thinking of this, he said to Jiang Ziya: "Ziya, issue the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, so that all countries will fully promote the construction of the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, at all costs."

(End of this chapter)

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