Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 209 Entering the Demon Tower

Chapter 209 Entering the Demon Tower
Above the Shu Mountain School, the Juggernaut looked at Shen Yu solemnly and said, "Young man, I don't know what you want to do when you come to my Shu Mountain again?"

Shen Yu glanced at Yin Ruozhuo, but did not speak, then he saw Li Xiaoyao behind the Sword Master, and said with a smile, "Li Xiaoyao? So you are here too!"

Li Xiaoyao snorted dissatisfiedly, and said: "I tell you, your family Ling'er was imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower by these stinky Taoist priests. Since you are here, I will take this wicked girl away, and you go and save her." Bar!"

Hearing this, Shen Yu glanced at Lin Yueru beside Li Xiaoyao, feeling a deep sense of helplessness in her heart.

Now it seems that Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru are not just sparking, they seem to have developed into a couple.

This is what he is most worried about. If so, what should Zhao Linger do in the future?
Lin Yueru also looked at Shen Yu curiously, and had to say that Shen Yu, who is now the Emperor of Heaven, is outstanding both in appearance and temperament.

Although Li Xiaoyao is also very handsome, and Shen Yu deliberately concealed his sharpness, but there are some things that cannot be easily concealed.

Li Xiaoyao glared at Lin Yueru dissatisfied, and said in a sour voice, "Hey, wicked girl, have you taken a fancy to this little boy?"

Lin Yueru blushed slightly, and then said angrily: "Stinky bastard, what are you thinking, I just think this guy is quite handsome, if he can really be with Ling'er, it would be great!"

"Not as handsome as I am, I really don't know how you women look," Li Xiaoyao muttered.

At this time, Shen Yu turned to Yin Ruozhuo and said: "Juvenile Master, you also heard that you Shushan imprisoned my sister Ling'er, shouldn't I come to seek justice?"

Yin Ruozhuo's heart sank slightly, the thing he was most worried about was the relationship between Shen Yu and Zhao Ling'er.

He had just heard Li Xiaoyao's words, and he had a faint feeling that something was wrong, and now he has a headache even more.

Isn't this Zhao Ling'er the daughter of Queen Wu?If the Empress Wu knew such a strong person as Shen Yu, how could she be killed by the Moon Worshiper? Now that Shen Yu came to seek justice for Zhao Ling'er in person, it was a bit difficult.

Shen Yu looked at the Juggernaut and laughed jokingly: "Juvenile Saint, you don't have to worry about this matter, and I'm not here to trouble you, as long as you let me into the Demon Locking Tower today, I'll do the other things. "

The Juggernaut frowned, and said: "Are you really going to enter the Demon Locking Tower? If you enter, it will be very difficult to get out alive, and..."

He wanted to tell Shen Yu that Jiang Ming still existed in the Demon Locking Tower, but Shen Yu said directly: "I said it, I will bear all the consequences alone."

The sword master is actually very cruel to Shen Yu. In his opinion, Shen Yu is a person who is detached from this world. In front of him, even his so-called Taoism will become child's play. Since you are so strong, then Why don't you accompany Zhao Ling'er to Nanzhao Kingdom?
Even if you came here to pass a word, I wouldn't imprison Zhao Ling'er in the Demon Locking Tower!And why did you let a Li Xiaoyao escort Zhao Ling'er?

As a result, the trouble has become like this now, this bastard still wants to forcefully break into the Demon Locking Tower, but he is indeed powerless to stop Shen Yu, so he can only say helplessly: "Forget it, since Mr. Shen insists on entering the Demon Locking Tower, I will not stop it Yes, please."

No one knows better than him where the Demon Locking Tower is. Even if he entered the Demon Locking Tower by himself, he would not be able to come back safely. Although Shen Yu is stronger than himself, it is unrealistic to get out of the Demon Locking Tower alive .

But he didn't know that even if Shen Yu really encountered some unsolvable troubles in the Demon Locking Tower, he could leave the Immortal Sword World immediately, and re-enter after he made a breakthrough in the Kyushu Continent, and continue from where he left Process, this loophole is simply invincible.

However, Shen Yu didn't talk nonsense with the Juggernaut, and flew directly towards the Demon Locking Tower.

Looking at the back of Shen Yu leaving, Lin Yueru encouraged from the side: "Hey, stinky, let's go and have a look too! This guy seems very powerful!"

"Tch, what's so amazing!"

A trace of disdain appeared on Li Xiaoyao's face, but he was also very curious about Shen Yu's strength, so he went to the Demon Locking Tower with the Juggernaut and others.

Shen Yu came to the sky above the Demon Locking Tower, and saw that the Demon Locking Tower was an unusually special tower. To enter this tower, one had to enter from top to bottom instead of from bottom to top. The outer layer of the Demon Locking Tower was tied by iron chains. From now on, there are countless talisman papers pasted on the body of the tower.

Legend has it that because Zixuan sacrificed herself to seal the demon-locking tower, Mo Zunlou has been guarding the tower in the tower, and said: the turning of Shu Mountain into ashes has nothing to do with me, but if the demon-locking tower is damaged even a little bit, I will definitely burn the lives of people!
It's just that the system says that the strongest of Immortal Sword One will not exceed the transition period. There should be no magic respect building in this tower, otherwise I will not be his opponent.

Above the Demon Locking Tower, Shen Yu pondered for a moment, then jumped into the Demon Locking Tower without hesitation.

Watching Shen Yu enter the Demon Locking Tower, Jiu Jianxian asked worriedly: "Senior brother, there are more than ten million demons in the Demon Locking Tower. No matter how powerful Shen Yu is, it will be difficult for him to escape, not to mention there is Jiang Yu. Brother Ming's dead spirit is here, he's afraid..."

Yin Ruozhuo waved his hand and said: "Those monsters have suffered a lot in the Demon Locking Tower. Even if Shen Yu is not their opponent, he can still protect himself, but Senior Brother Jiang Ming..."

Jiang Ming, named Jiang Qing in the game, he is an orphan, but also a dragon among men, the master of Jiu Jian Xian and Juggernaut raised him, taught him martial arts, as if it was the most satisfying masterpiece of his life, sword Sheng also admires him and has always regarded him as a target, hoping to compete with him one day.

Jiang Ming is very rebellious in his bones, but his master is confident that he can teach him, and he regards him as the best candidate for the next head, until he goes down the mountain to rescue the villagers, meets Nvyuan, falls in love at first sight, breaks the lust ring, after the Dong Chuang incident, the head Jiang Jue After being furious, Jiang Ming also found out that Nvyuan was a fox demon.

Jiang Ming became a demon and killed many elite disciples in the Demon Locking Tower. His soul stayed in the tower for a hundred years, and finally met Li Xiaoyao before he was saved.

Therefore, when Shen Yu entered the Demon Locking Tower, the biggest threat was Jiang Ming.

Although Li Xiaoyao didn't like Shen Yu all the time, he couldn't help being a little worried when he heard that the Demon Locking Tower was so dangerous.


After entering the Demon Locking Tower, Shen Yu immediately felt a chill, and the cries and howls of monsters rang in his ears.

"Hmph, a group of lowly monsters!"

Shen Yu snorted coldly, then tapped lightly, smashing the spirit of a monster that was about to approach him with one finger.

Most of these monsters are below the Nascent Soul Stage, otherwise they wouldn't be imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower.

"Let's go to the bottom floor! Ling'er should be there!"

Shen Yu murmured, and then quickly flew to the bottom of the Demon Locking Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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