Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 215 My Woman

Chapter 215 My Woman
With a somewhat melancholy mood, Shen Yu returned to the Miluo Palace again. Seeing Shen Yu coming out of the virtual world, he seemed not very interested. Jiang Ziwen and the others did not dare to step forward to ask questions, so they could only walk from a distance. With a salute, Shen Yu was allowed to leave.

When he walked out of the Miro Palace, he realized that one day had passed in the mainland of Kyushu, and there was only one day left before he left for Zhongzhou.

When Shen Yu returned to the Lingxiao Palace, Jiang Ziya and Daji were correcting the memorials for him. Now it is the start-up period of the Heavenly Court, and the affairs are complicated, but Shen Yu is a lazy person, so naturally he does not have the energy to take care of these things, so he left them to Daji and Jiang Ziya deal with it.

Su Daji is ice-snow smart, and she was a demon queen in her previous life, so she was quick to start with government affairs, not to mention Jiang Ziya.

He was originally a famous official of a generation, the Prime Minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and later he was entrusted to Qidi. He has the resume of the lord of a country, and he is handy in handling government affairs.

Seeing Shen Yu walking into the Lingxiao Palace, Jiang Ziya and Daji hurriedly got up and came to Shen Yu's side.

Shen Yu asked: "Zi Ya, there shouldn't be any major events happening in the Northern Region of Qingzhou recently, right?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "Your Majesty, after the news of the establishment of the Heavenly Court spread, several sixth-rank dynasties near Qingzhou Northern Territory have been probing frequently, because the Heavenly Court has just been established and has not yet been fully integrated, and within the scope of the Heavenly Court, they are doing their best. To promote the construction of Tiandi Temple, they didn't care about these forces, so their actions gradually became a little bigger, and there was also the Northern Snowfield located within the Tianting.

In the past, when the Holy Spirit Dynasty existed, the snowfields in the Northern Territory were a place of no concern. The monster races were rampant on the snowfields, and the major human forces were used to it. Now that the heavens have just been established, they will not recognize the rule of the heavens. Even the forces on the snowfield made it clear that from today onwards, they would be out of the control of the Heavenly Court. "

When Shen Yu heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, he said to Jiang Ziya: "I'm going to Zhongzhou soon. After I leave, the main work of Tianting is still to promote the construction of Tiandi Temple. This work can't be relaxed for a minute. I want to let the people in the Northern Region of Qingzhou Believe in the God of Heaven in the shortest possible time.

Of course, these situations mentioned by Ziya cannot be ignored. After I leave, I will leave Lei Zhenzi, Guan Yu and others to you, and only take away Lu Dongbin, Sha Wujing and Ju Lingshen. To surrender the Northern Snowfield, the surrounding countries should teach them some lessons and make them calm down. "

The overall strength of the Northern Snowfield is not strong, and there may not even be a fairyland. Otherwise, the Snow Wolf King would not be able to make a name for himself in the Northern Snowfield when he was in the Nascent Soul Stage. The door is willing to establish a sect there.

However, the area of ​​the snowfield is vast, and the forces on it are as numerous as stars, Shen Yu will not let go of such a large territory.

As for the surrounding countries in the Northern Territory of Qingzhou, most of them are sixth-rank dynasties comparable to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, otherwise they would not dare to trouble the Heavenly Court. Like the dynasty, the strongest are only the earth immortals, and there is no heavenly fairyland yet.

Shen Yu kept all the Earth Immortals except Lu Dongbin, including Guan Yu, Jiang Ziya, Xiao Tiangou and other top powerhouses in the Earth Immortal Realm. There is Lei Zhenzi sitting in this fairyland.

For the forces left behind by Shen Yu, as long as the forces in Zhongzhou do not intervene, it is not impossible to unify Qingzhou, let alone protect Tianting Wuyou.

Jiang Ziya nodded and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the old minister will definitely turn the heaven into a monolith, invincible to the entire Qingzhou. If there is nothing else, the old minister will leave first."

Jiang Ziya knew that Shen Yu didn't come to Lingxiao Palace to find him deliberately, he came to find Su Daji.

Although Shen Yu didn't announce it to the outside world, the courtiers of Heaven subconsciously regarded Su Daji as Shen Yu's beloved concubine. She was the first to follow Shen Yu. Enough to be the concubine of the Emperor of Heaven without losing face.

In addition, in the past few days, Su Daji's talent in government affairs has convinced all the officials in the heavenly court, and they have even more recognized her identity.

The only pity is that Su Daji's talent is not so good, and her cultivation is only in the period of crossing the catastrophe, but this is also the reason why the officials are willing to let her take part in politics. In this world, strength is paramount, and one person can be a big force on Gaia's side.

With insufficient cultivation, even if she interferes in politics, Shen Yu can take back her power at any time.


After Jiang Ziya left, Shen Yu walked gently in front of the glamorous Su Daji, and said with a smile, "Are you tired of handling government affairs for this month?"

Su Daji shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "I didn't feel tired, and I even felt very happy. I originally thought that your strength is getting stronger and you have more subordinates. Maybe my role will gradually disappear. , will become a person like a vase in the end, but now I can still help you, I am very happy."

Shen Yu gently took Daji's hand, causing Daji's expression to freeze slightly, and then his face turned red.

Su Daji had never thought that she was a shy woman, until Shen Yu slowly expressed her heart to her, and she discovered that women are instinctively shy when facing such things.

Su Daji had followed Shen Yu by his side when he was very weak, watching him grow step by step and become the Heavenly Emperor of today.

Shen Yu's excellence was witnessed by her step by step. It is impossible for such an excellent and domineering man to say that Daji is not tempted.

Now that Shen Yu is facing up to their relationship for the first time, Su Daji's heart is still very sweet.

Shen Yu looked at Su Daji's blushing pretty face, smiled softly and said: "Daji, I will leave Qingzhou and go to Zhongzhou soon. From now on, you will be the hostess of the Heavenly Court. After I leave, things here I leave everything to you, and I will let Jiang Ziya assist you."

Su Daji heard the words, and immediately said coquettishly: "When did I promise you that I will be your woman, you are really domineering."

As soon as Daji's words fell, Shen Yu suddenly embraced Daji in his arms, and said without any refutation: "I am the emperor of heaven, the woman I like is mine, no one can refuse, you will be mine from now on."

Now that Shen Yu is the Emperor of Heaven, as the master of one force, he also has to show his decisiveness and dominance. The woman he likes must be his own, without so much beating around the bush.

With a beautiful woman like Su Daji, there was no reason why Shen Yu would let her go.

Daji's heart was startled by Shen Yu's sudden movement, but after a while, she let Shen Yu hug her and enjoy the tenderness of this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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