Chapter 235
With just 12 people, the twelve zodiac signs blocked tens of thousands of demon clan troops. At the same time, the demon clan members who got rid of the unicorn beast fire were also blocked by other disciples of the Zhanhuang Palace.

"Bounding Formation! Formation of Eight-door Dunjia!"

The disciples of the Zhanhuangdian shouted together, and then more than 300 Zhanhuangdian disciples released their mana at the same time, and an extremely thick shield like a huge bronze gate condensed on top of their heads, counting all the demons. blocked.

Excluding the twelve zodiac signs, the number of powerhouses in the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the Zhanhuang Palace has dropped a lot. With their strength, they would not be able to stop the tens of thousands of allied forces of the Demon Race.

But the disciples of Zhanhuangdian are all geniuses. They have practiced a set of defensive magic circles. Together, they can set up a mana armor that can temporarily withstand the powerhouses of the real fairyland. Xuanyuan Guiyin has tried this armor defense before. Strength, able to forcefully take three of his own moves.

Of course, at that time, there was the blessing of the twelve zodiac signs. At this time, without the twelve zodiac signs, the power of the eight-door Dunjia array is greatly reduced, but it is not difficult to block the demon army without the existence of the real fairyland, at least for a short time. It can still be stopped.

And they don't need to completely block the demons, they only buy time for the zodiac signs, and when they finish their enemies, they will help them defeat the army of the demons together.

Because the princess of the sea demon clan was killed by the wind rabbit, the people of the demon clan seemed to be crazy at this time, and launched a saturated attack on the eight-door dunjia formation.

Thunder, flames, and strong winds fell from the sky and smashed heavily on the eight-door dunjia. There were deafening explosions, and mana splashed all over the blue eight-door dunjia. It seemed that the blue dunjia would be broken by the demons at any time. possible.

But this armor seems to be elastic, every time it falters, it will return to its original appearance, no matter how crazy the tens of thousands of demons attack, it cannot be broken, and it is as strong as ever.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yu smiled and said to Xuanyuan Guiyin who was beside him: "Xuanyuan Guiyin, it is said that the combat power of the strong in the War Emperor Palace far exceeds their cultivation level, and now it seems that their reputation is indeed well-deserved. Being able to use such a combined magic circle, relying on A mere [-] people blocked the tens of thousands of demon army, it is really amazing, I want to praise you."

Xuanyuan Guiyin was also very proud, with a slight smile on his face, he said: "Of course, this eight-door Dunjia is the most powerful defensive spell in the Palace of the Emperor of War, and its level has surpassed the perfection of the heavenly level. There is only a thin line between spells."

Spells are divided into four levels, heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and above the sky level spells are god level spells. The Tiangang 36 transformation Shen Yu practiced is a god level spell, that is to say, the eight-door Dunjia that Xuanyuan Guiyin is proud of, The level must be below Tiangang 36.

As long as it is not a god-level spell, even if it is higher than the sky-level spell, it is only a pseudo-god-level spell, which is completely different from the real god-level spell.

After the allied army of demons and monsters was stopped by the Emperor of War, but the people from Hades Sect and Xianque had no extra people to stop them.

Seeing that the allied forces of demons and monsters were blocked, Ming Qianyou and Xian Que's four masters of wind, rain, thunder and lightning led the masters of the two major forces to rush towards Shen Yu, vowing to take the opportunity to kill Shen Yu, even if Shen Yu was still strong. They are not afraid of the tyrannical Xuanyuan's retreat.

Since the two parties came together with the allied demon army, they naturally knew that the allied demon army had long thought of a way to deal with Xuanyuan Guiyin.

Seeing the two major forces rushing towards Shen Yu one after another, a female elder beside Nangong Wushuang asked in a deep voice: "Palace Master, are we going to help? The Emperor of War seems to be in danger. Once Xuanyuan Huiyin is delayed, only by relying on The only one left under him, the Ninth Floor of the Immortal Realm, must not be able to stop so many people on the other side."

Nangong Wushuang nodded, she also saw that Shen Yu was in a dire situation, once Shen Yu was killed, their Wushuang Yungong would also be in danger.

So she immediately prepared to give the order to let the disciples of Wushuang Yun Palace work together to block the two forces.

Wushuang Yungong is the third largest force in Tianyi City, and its strength is even higher than that of Immortal Tower. Even though they are facing the second-ranked Hades Sect among the four major forces, but on Wushuang Yungong's own territory, they It can still temporarily block the combination of these two forces.

Just when she was about to make a move, a arrogant laughter suddenly came from the sky: "Hehe, who dares to touch my war emperor!"

After the laughter fell, a staff of subduing demons fell from the sky, and then mercilessly smashed on the coalition forces of Xianque and Hades Sect.


There were screams, and the demon-subduing staff turned into a thousand feet. With one blow, thousands of disciples from the two sects were killed, including even cultivators from the Immortal Realm.

Survivors of the two sects looked up with fear on their faces, and saw above their heads a majestic man with a height of more than two meters, like a mighty general of heaven. As it was, it returned to his hands.

This man is naturally Sha Wujing.

Sha Wujing roared angrily: "The Emperor of War sits down and Sha Wujing is here, who dares to be presumptuous!"

The thunder-like sound made people's eardrums ache, but no one dared to act rashly in the face of Sha Wujing, who was extremely tyrannical and overflowing with the aura of the real fairyland.

One Gaia and two factions, this is the deterrent power of the real fairyland powerhouse in Tianyi City, it is really invincible like a nuclear weapon.

Nangong Wushuang looked at Sha Wujing in the sky, and a hint of envy flashed in her beautiful eyes. This is the real fairyland, the realm she has always wanted to achieve.

If he had reached the real fairyland back then, he wouldn't have to be afraid of the owner of Yunmeng Valley.

A real fairyland powerhouse, any power in Zhongzhou, is the existence of Optimus One, even if the owner of Yunmeng Valley wants to kill himself, the elders in the sect will not agree, a big force like Yunmeng Valley , it's not the master of the valley who has the final say, unless it is a powerful figure like Hun Tianjue of the Tianmo Sect.

But in comparison, at this moment she is more curious about Shen Yu's identity, this person really has a real fairyland expert under him, what is his origin.

However, just when everyone was shocked by Sha Wujing's appearance, a light voice resounded in the sky: "Friend Daoist, as a true fairyland, participating in the battle between these juniors is a little bit deceitful." We're too young, let's compete!"

After the voice sounded, Sha Wujing also frowned slightly. He raised his eyes and saw a man with bright clothes, a handsome appearance and a kind face appeared in the sky at some time. Not at all inferior to Sha Wujing.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, the person hiding in the shadows finally appeared, one of the real fairyland powerhouses hidden by the demons, and the second floor of the real fairyland like Sha Wujing.

(End of this chapter)

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