Chapter 24
"Who are you?"

Looking at Wang San and Wu Ying standing in front of him, Shen Yu showed a curious look on his face, there were very few outsiders on Yuxu Peak, it seemed a bit lively these few days!
Seeing that Shen Yu didn't seem to be very old and there was no one behind him, Wang San and Wu Ying thought that he was an ordinary disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, so they came to him, cupped their hands and said, "This fairy boy, I am Yuxu The villagers of Yangjia Village at the foot of the mountain, Wang San and Wu Ying, came to the Lingxiao Sect for help, please ask Xiantong to lead the way, let us meet the adults of the Lingxiao Sect."

They didn't know how to address Shen Yu, so they could only call him Xiantong. Shen Yu didn't care, but asked, "Help? What happened to you?"

Wang San and Wu Ying didn't want to tell Shen Yu too much, after all, he didn't look very old, and he probably couldn't be the leader of the Lingxiao faction, what they wanted to meet was the top level of the Lingxiao faction.

However, out of respect for the members of the Xian family, the two of them did not dare to hesitate too much in the face of Shen Yu's inquiry, so they could only bite the bullet and tell Shen Yu about the wolf demon in Yangjia Village in detail. Said it again.

After finishing speaking, the two said anxiously: "Xiantong, please help us introduce the adults of the Lingxiao Sect, the villagers of Yangjiacun are really desperate."

After listening to the two people's words, Shen Yu fell into a short thought, this is really someone giving a pillow when he fell asleep!

He was just thinking about how to accumulate Faith Points as quickly as possible, but now someone has sent tempting Faith Points over.

If you can help the villagers of Yangjia Village subdue the wolf demon and resolve the danger, then the villagers of Yangjia Village will definitely believe in the Lingxiao Sect firmly. These villagers who have not cultivated immortals are the most innocent. As long as you help them, they will be sincere treat you.

There are [-] villagers in Yangjia Village. If they can all believe in the Lingxiao sect, it will be [-] faith points. By then, if you call for [-] faith points three times, you won’t believe that you won’t be able to summon a strong man in the bigu period. Without the strong ones in the Bigu period, the threat of Wuliangzong will be easily resolved.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said to Wang San and Wu Ying with a faint smile on his face, "Both of you, am I the head of the Lingxiao Sect?"


Surprised expressions immediately appeared on the faces of Wang San and Wu Ying. They did not expect that the head of the Ling Xiao Sect was so young, and he was right in front of them.

However, they have also heard that people from the Immortal family are unpredictable, and many people can live forever and rejuvenate. Could it be that this young man is the god who rejuvenates his youth.

Thinking of this, the two hurriedly knelt down and said: "The immortal is above, we two have blind eyes, and don't know the real face of the immortal, please redeem the sin of the immortal!"

The performance of the two made Shen Yu dumbfounded, he said softly: "Okay, get up! I'm not used to others kneeling on me."

Seeing that Shen Yu seemed to be quite talkative and not as arrogant as other immortal cultivators, the two looked at each other, then stood up, standing in front of Shen Yu uncomfortably, peeking at Shen Yu from time to time At a glance, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Shen Yu knew that they were very afraid of the cultivators, and he didn't try to comfort them, but said: "I agree to your request, wait a moment, I will arrange things in the door, and I will go down the mountain with you to eradicate the wolf demon. "

"Thank you Immortal, thank you Immortal!"

Seeing that Shen Yu agreed to their request, Wang San and Wu Ying wept with joy, knelt down and kowtowed again.

Shen Yu shook his head helplessly, ignored the two, and then said in his heart: "System, spend ten faith points to perform a summon!"

He now has seventeen faith points, and he can also perform a summon with ten faith points. This time he went down the mountain to catch monsters in Yangjiacun, and he must bring a master from the foundation-building period. Now the Lingxiao faction only has Zhang Sanfeng, a strong foundation-builder. Once taken away by him, there is not even a person who sits in the sect.

"Ding, ten faith points have been deducted successfully, and the summoning is complete!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Peng Zu!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation technique: Longevity Sutra!"

"Cultivation: Foundation Establishment Late Stage!"

"Special attribute: the way to keep in good health!"

Not bad, he actually summoned the first ancestor of the house, Peng Zu, and this Peng Zu actually had the cultivation base of the late foundation establishment stage, which was much stronger than Xu Fu.

Like Xu Fu, Peng Zu and Xu Fu are both postnatal immortals. Xu Fu is called the envoy of seeking immortality, while Peng Zu is called the ancestor of the house. But I didn't expect that there is such a big difference in the cultivation base of the two. One is the sixth level of Qi training, and the other It is the late stage of foundation establishment, and it seems that there is a big difference between Houtianxianzhen and Zhenzhen.

The most famous thing about Peng Zu is that he lived to be [-] years old. Naturally, the strong foundation builder does not have such a long lifespan. He can live for so long because he is proficient in the art of the house and the way of keeping in good health, so he has the house of the house. The name of the ancestor.

With Peng Zu in the later stage of foundation establishment, he can safely take Peng Zu to catch monsters, leaving Zhang Sanfeng to guard the Lingxiao faction.

After summoning Peng Zu, less than three breaths passed, an old man in sixties who looked a little old, wearing coarse linen clothes, with a long beard, and nearly seven feet tall, walked to Shen Yu from a distance. Beside him, he held a cane in his hand.

"Old Peng Zu, I have met the head!" After Peng Zu came to Shen Yu's side, he bowed and saluted.

Wang San and Wu Ying, who were kneeling on the ground, secretly raised their heads and looked at Peng Zu who was beside Shen Yu. In their opinion, this was what a person from the immortal family should look like.

The moment Peng Zu appeared, Zhang Sanfeng, who was more celestial than Peng Zu, also flew from the Ling Xiao faction to Shen Yu's side. He sensed Peng Zu's breath, and was afraid that Shen Yu would be hurt, so he rushed over to protect Shen Yu.

Shen Yu waved his hand, and said: "Really Zhang, this is Peng Zu, and he is also a member of my Ling Xiao faction, so don't be nervous."

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng nodded kindly to Peng Zu, and Peng Zu smiled back, the two of them knew each other.

Shen Yu continued: "Master Zhang, I heard that a wolf monster appeared in the Yang Family Village at the foot of the mountain. I will take Peng Zu to eliminate him, and you will guard the Ling Xiao faction!"

Zhang Sanfeng said hesitantly: "Master, or else I'll go with you too! I don't know how strong the wolf monster is!"

Peng Zu's cultivation was at the late stage of foundation establishment, so he could tell that, but Peng Zu was not a strong man at the foundation establishment stage who was good at fighting, at least a little worse than Zhang Sanfeng. He was a little worried that Peng Zu would not be able to subdue that wolf demon.

The strength of that wolf demon will definitely not exceed the bigu period, otherwise the royal family of Daxia Kingdom should be nervous. If there are monsters in the bigu period near the imperial capital, the royal family will definitely send people to encircle and suppress them, and will not let them go. The strength of monsters should be in the Qi training period, at most it is also in the foundation building period.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said: "It's okay, it's enough for Peng Zu to accompany me. Wang San, Wu Ying, you all lead the way! Let's go to Yangjiacun now."

(End of this chapter)

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