Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 242 I want to be big

Chapter 242 I want to be big

It is obviously impossible for Nangong Wushuang to choose to fight against Zhanhuangdian, and she is not stupid. Facing Zhanhuangdian with four real fairylands, Wushuang Yungong will only be a moth to the flame if Wushuang Yungong continues to resist.

But Wushuangyun Palace was her painstaking effort for more than a hundred years, and she was very unwilling to be annexed by Zhanhuang Palace.

The most important thing is, this bastard Shen Yu has always let himself be his concubine, who can bear it!

Thinking that she, Nangong Wushuang, is the proud daughter of heaven, she has never put men in her eyes, otherwise the son of the owner of Yunmeng Valley would not be abolished by him.

Her biggest dream is to become the first female immortal in the mainland of Kyushu, and to be admired by female cultivators in the mainland. For her, nothing is more important than cultivation.

Shen Yu is indeed outstanding, perhaps the most outstanding young man he has ever met, with outstanding talent, he has already reached the tribulation stage before he was 20 years old.

At the same time, his subordinates are also extremely powerful, with four True Immortals following him, and they also have the ambition to dominate.

Frankly speaking, if Nangong Wushuang really fell in love with a man in the future, or had the idea of ​​finding a Taoist companion, Shen Yu would definitely be a good choice.

But he is Nangong Wushuang!Even if you become a Taoist partner with the other party, the other party must only have one Taoist partner. Even if you take a step back, it is impossible to be a concubine, and you have to be a big one no matter what.

Thinking of this, Nangong Wushuang looked at Shen Yu, and said dissatisfiedly: "Zhan Huang, you are too much, even if I, Wushuang Yungong, submit to you today, but you forced me to be your Taoist partner, you are not the leader of a faction Feng Fan, aren't you afraid of being ashamed? What's more, a twisted melon is not sweet, so why do you force others to make things difficult for you?"

Shen Yu shrugged indifferently and said: "Whether the melon is sweet or not, I have to eat it to know, so you just tell me, do you want me to force you, or do you admit it?"

Shen Yu was determined to get Nangong Wushuang, and after coming to the Kyushu Continent for so long, Shen Yu gradually adapted to the survival rules of the Kyushu Continent.

There is no right or wrong in this world, the strong are respected, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say, and whoever can have women, status, power, and even everything.

Now Shen Yu is the emperor of heaven, and Daji will be the mistress of the heavenly court in the future, the empress of the palace. It shouldn't be too much for him to take a few more concubines!

Even if he is pure-hearted and ascetic, as everything in the Heavenly Court is on the right track, the courtiers in the Heavenly Court will definitely advise him to have more concubines, otherwise how to ensure the continuation of the Heavenly Emperor's blood?
The emperor of heaven cannot have only one son, the more descendants, the more stable the regime can be guaranteed, otherwise, if an accident occurs, there will be no successors in the heavenly court.

Therefore, Shen Yu also began to consciously choose some pleasing women as his concubines.

Of course, he is not a stallion, not everyone can fall in love with him, otherwise Han Yue, Xiao Chenchen, Murong Feixue, etc., he would have already accepted them all.

Even if he wants to take a concubine, he still needs to find someone who is both talented and good-looking, at least to make himself feel a little bit excited.

Nangong Wushuang undoubtedly moved his heart a bit. His cultivation has reached the perfection of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and he may reach a higher level in the future. His appearance is not inferior to Daji, and the most important thing is that his heart is still pure and kind.

Such a beautiful woman, if he didn't keep it in his bag, it would be a waste of money, it's intolerable.

He doesn't care whether Nangong Wushuang agrees or not, first take her away first, then he can sleep with her in the future!

Seeing Shen Yu's shameless appearance, Nangong Wushuang almost gritted his silver teeth, but he was powerless to resist.

In desperation, she could only say ruthlessly: "If you are ruthless, I can be your woman, but I have two conditions, you must agree to me."

They both agreed to be their own women, and of course Shen Yu would satisfy some of the other's requirements, even if he couldn't be a wife-loving madman, Shen Yu was not a cold and heartless person.

Shen Yu nodded and said, "Say it!"

Nangong Wushuang glared at him, and said: "The first condition, after Wushuang Yungong merges into Zhanhuang Palace, you must treat Yungong's disciples kindly, and help me destroy Yunmeng Valley in the future, this is my long-cherished wish. "

Shen Yu pondered for a moment, and then said: "This is not a problem, I don't pay attention to a small Yunmeng Valley, even if you want to be the owner of Yunmeng Valley, I will help you achieve it, don't worry! "

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Nangong Wushuang curled his lips subconsciously. This person is really confident. Yunmeng Valley is one of the top ten forces in the land of righteousness. Judging from his tone, it seems that it can be destroyed easily.

However, Nangong Wushuang was very pleased that Shen Yu could agree to her. After a while, she continued: "The second condition is that I want to be big!"

Ah, this woman's second condition turned out to be this, which is a bit embarrassing.

Even if Shen Yu fell in love with Nangong Wushuang, it was mostly because of his appearance, not because he really loved her so much that he couldn't help himself, and even if he really fell in love with Nangong Wushuang, it was absolutely impossible for her to become bigger.

Daji was the first to establish a relationship with him. Although the two of them were not married yet, Shen Yu really loved Daji from the bottom of his heart. No matter how many women he had in the future, no one could replace Daji.

Shen Yu shook his head without hesitation, and refused: "Other conditions are fine, but this one is not, but you don't have to worry about it! As long as it is my woman, I will treat each other sincerely."

Seeing Shen Yu's refusal, Nangong Wushuang's face suddenly turned cold. She looked at Shen Yu and said indifferently: "It seems that you already have a woman you like. If this is the case, you dare to provoke me. What a scumbag."

Hearing Nangong Wushuang's words, Shen Yu almost thought that Nangong Wushuang also came through time travel. Could it be that the word scumbag already exists in this world.

But Nangong Wushuang scolded him well, strictly speaking, he was indeed a scumbag.

Fortunately, he has a thick skin, he didn't care about what Nangong Wushuang said, he just said indifferently: "Whatever you say, I will let you see my sincerity in the future, but now, you can't escape."

Nangong Wushuang tightly shook the jade hand, and looked at Shen Yu with a hint of anger, but in the end he didn't speak, which was regarded as acquiescing to this fact.

But Shen Yu knew that things were a little troublesome.

Even Princess Iron Fan actually disdains Shen Yu's approach. Princess Iron Fan is a staunch supporter of monogamy, otherwise she wouldn't have had so many conflicts with the Bull Demon King in her previous life.

But she is Shen Yu's subordinate now, so it is not good for her to intervene in Shen Yu's private emotional affairs.

At this time, the three giant spirits and gods in the sky have basically ended their battle.

Sha Wujing killed Ming Qianyou without mercy, and at the same time slaughtered all the disciples of the Underworld Sect.

The giant spirit god destroyed Xianque's offering, and captured Qiu Yi alive who looked dazed and frightened.

Xuanyuan Guiyin also wiped out the remnants of demons.

At this time, tens of thousands of monks were massacred above Wushuang Yungong, and the sky was dyed blood red.

This scene made the monks of Tianyi City terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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