Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 249 Zhongzhou Ruins

Chapter 249 Zhongzhou Ruins
Chen Baihua has always been known as the Baihua Fairy in Zhongzhou, and of course she is indeed extremely beautiful.

However, everyone in the ruins knew that Chen Baihua was famous for being a capable husband, and many of the ten evils' real immortals were her guests.

It's not that Chen Baihua likes these people, it's just that what she practices is the sorcery of gathering yang and nourishing yin, and these men in the real fairyland are all tonics for her.

Although every time they are together with Chen Baihua, those strong people in the real fairyland will lose their vitality and even their foundations, but there are still many people who are willing to be with Chen Baihua, and it is worthwhile to sleep with her for one night .

At this time, Xuanyuan Guiyin said: "Actually, Chen Baihua is not the strongest of the Yin-Yang Sect. There should be a Supreme Elder in the Yin-Yang Sect. His strength is around the seventh floor of the True Immortal Realm! He is well-known in the whole ruins."

Nangong Wushuang didn't know the cultivation level of the giant spirit god, but Xuanyuan Guiyin knew very well that the giant spirit god's cultivation level was enough to become the top power among the ten evil forces.

Moreover, although Nangong Wushuang was born in Yunmeng Valley, he is not as famous as Xuanyuan Guiyin, and he doesn't know the ten evils as well as Xuanyuan Guiyin.

Nangong Wushuang glanced at Xuanyuan Guiyin, but didn't say much. She really didn't know as much as Xuanyuan Guiyin, and Xuanyuan Guiyin's words were more believable.

Shen Yu sighed secretly, he is indeed one of the ten evils in the Kyushu mainland!Among the Ten Evils, the Yin-Yang Sect can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches, but still has the seventh level of the True Immortal Realm. Doesn't the Heavenly Demon Sect, one of the Ten Evil Sects, have the consummation of the True Immortal Realm?
Shen Yu naturally thought of Hun Tianjue, this person Shen Yu didn't want to provoke yet.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said: "Continue to move forward according to the original plan, try not to provoke the Yin-Yang Sect, but don't be afraid, just be normal, if the Yin-Yang Sect doesn't know what is good, we will teach him a lesson."

It wasn't that Shen Yu was afraid of the Yin Yang sect, the strongest of the Yin Yang sect was not the opponent of the giant spirit god, but the giant spirit god had the invincible strength of True Wonderland Seven.

Plus Princess Iron Fan, although she is only on the first floor of the True Wonderland, she has a plantain fan!With this fan, no one on the fifth floor of the Real Fairyland can block her fan, and no one in the True Fairyland can resist it.

Although those people are just swept away by the fan, they will not be fanned to death, but the plantain fan does have the ability to change the situation of the battle. Of course, if it is far more powerful than Princess Iron Fan, it can also avoid the supernatural power of the plantain fan, and then take the opportunity to kill Princess Iron Fan.

Anyway, Shen Yu would never be afraid of a Yin-Yang sect, but four out of the ten evils had enmity with him, so he couldn't be too ostentatious in other people's territory, otherwise he would be easily targeted.

He can stand a Yin-Yang sect, but if he adds the Dark Night Forest, Dark Pill Tower, and Tianmo Cult, he can't stand it anymore. It's one thing to be fearless. If you know you are invincible and still wanton, then you are an idiot .

Everyone nodded, and then Xuanyuan Guiyin suddenly came to Shen Yu's side and whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty, my master has sent news that he has quietly arrived at Anfoshan with Taiyin Immortal, but the situation is far away. It's more severe than he imagined, among the five great immortals of the radical faction, besides the blood knife immortal, there are two other people who are also eyeing the dark Buddha mountain, which has become a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair."

Shen Yu's complexion changed slightly, and then he asked calmly: "Are the top ten immortals all above the real fairyland, what realm is above the real fairyland, and why did the Taiyin immortal help me?"

Shen Yu knew very well that if it was only because of the disagreement between the moderates and the radicals, it would be unreasonable for the Taiyin Immortal to help Shen Yu like this, there must be something wrong.

Xuanyuan Guiyin said: "That's right, the top ten immortals have surpassed the true fairyland and reached the legendary golden fairyland, but it doesn't mean that reaching the golden fairyland will make them one of the top ten immortals.

After becoming a Golden Immortal, only by challenging the Ten Great Immortal Venerables and winning the battle can you become a new Immortal Venerable. Don’t think it’s just a change of name, but the Ten Great Immortal Venerables in the Kyushu Continent represent the most supreme luck Adding body, the strength is far beyond the comparison of ordinary golden immortals.

After all many people have become golden immortals, they can't wait to challenge the top ten immortals, but in the past 7 years, only my master has succeeded in challenging.

Generally speaking, once a person who challenges the Immortal Venerable fails, his life is basically over, and the Immortal Venerable will not let them go easily, so in today's Kyushu Continent, apart from the Ten Immortal Venerables, there are no other golden immortals.

Among the people who challenged the immortals these years, only Hun Tianjue survived, because he has not broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm, and there is no threat to the top ten immortals. The poor mainland has been rumored that Hun Tianjue is the No. 1 who challenged the immortals. .1, in the future, he will definitely win the title of Immortal Venerable, and it is ridiculous to regard him as the No. [-] under Immortal Venerable.

As for why Taiyin Immortal Venerable helped you, I am not too sure, but Master said that he has a deep relationship with you, and you will naturally understand when you see him. "

Above the real fairyland is the golden fairyland, Shen Yu has long had this idea, but it has not been confirmed.

But the better news is that Hun Tianjue did not break through the Golden Immortal Realm, otherwise, if he knew that he was going to pass through the ruins, he would not have any ability to escape if he hunted and killed him, so he was relieved now.

As for the matter of Taiyin Immortal Venerable, let it go first!

After Shen Yu and his party left Tianyi City, they flew with all their strength, and with the presence of giant spirits and gods and other real fairylands, they only spent one day flying out of the land of tyranny.

It took them another half a day to finally fly into the ruins.

The westernmost section of the Ruins, bordering the Land of Righteous Path, is the territory of the Yin Yang Sect.

As under the Ten Evils, the territory they control is more than a hundred thousand li, which is why Shen Yu didn't choose to go around it, it was too troublesome.

This detour, I don't know how long it will take.

After entering the Ruins, Shen Yu clearly felt the difference here. Shen Yu had just passed by the Righteous Path, and the aura of the Righteous Path was so rich that it needless to say, it was indeed very suitable for cultivation.

But the ruins are not inferior to it, and the air in the ruins also contains demonic, demonic and murderous aura.

The mixture of various auras made the whole ruins look even more weird, making it hard to see through.

And from the moment they entered the ruins, Shen Yu and the others instinctively felt that they seemed to be being targeted by someone, maybe they were members of the Yin Yang Sect, or some other wandering cultivators in the ruins.

After all, such things are not uncommon in Ruins.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Xuanyuan Guiyin in a low voice: "Get rid of the follower."

He didn't want to take the initiative to find trouble, and he didn't want trouble to come to him. He just wanted to pass here quickly.

It's just that things backfired, when he wanted to leave quickly, Yin Yang Sect was already discussing to deal with him.

 It's a busy day when the semester starts, moving to a new dormitory, and getting to know roommates. I really don't have much time to code, so I'll make up for it tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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