Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 267 The Killing Begins

Chapter 267 The Killing Begins
The colorful robbery clouds in the sky disappeared, but the shocking feeling it brought to people has never disappeared.

Everyone, including True Immortal Realm, stared at Shen Yu's back, as if at this moment Shen Yu was not a cultivator who had just broken through to the Heavenly Immortal, but had just become a sage.

His back is so mighty and extraordinary.

At this moment, everyone knew that Shen Yu's strength at this time had exceeded their imagination, and Shen Yu's luck had far surpassed everyone in the Kyushu Continent.

Invincible, absolutely invincible, with the posture of an earthly fairyland, he can actually shatter the catastrophe of heaven, which is something that even a golden fairy can't do.

Mo Changkong, Yuan Long, Xia Liu and others were startled. How could the Earth Fairyland tear apart Jieyun, and even swallow Jieyun?Then took the opportunity to break through Tianxian again.

Such a deed has never happened in the mainland of Kyushu.

The sudden burst of seven-colored catastrophe still makes them feel trembling.

The entire Kyushu Continent will forever pass on this legendary and shocking event of crossing the catastrophe, and it will become an eternal legend!

"Impossible, how is this possible, he has just broken through the realm of the earth fairy, why can he even break through the seven-colored catastrophe with the power of heaven, this is impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it must be fake, Sea Demon Patriarch, hit me!"

Yuan Long felt the strong breath erupting from Shen Yu's body, and his expression was panicked, but how much better than him is the sea demon patriarch beside him?

The patriarch of the Sea Demon Clan already knew at this time that they were completely defeated this time and still failed to suppress Shen Yu.

However, he never imagined in his dreams that an earthly fairyland would have the ability to destroy the seven-colored heavenly tribulation of the killing level issued by Tian Daobu.

Is this really just a sentence that people with great luck can do?
"I knew that my man, Nangong Wushuang, wouldn't die just like that. He really is the best," Nangong Wushuang smiled.

Hearing her words, Princess Iron Fan couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. This woman is really thick-skinned, and she just admitted that she is His Majesty's woman.

Although she had a relationship with Shen Yu, Princess Iron Fan never felt that Nangong Wushuang really liked Shen Yu.

Now it seems that the situation seems to have changed!

"Heavenly Dao, although you want to kill me this time, I still want to thank you very much. Without you, I would never be able to obtain the power of Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Tribulation, let alone break through the Heavenly Immortal," Shen Yu looked up at the void, A smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It can be said that refining this power of heaven is equivalent to adding an attack method out of thin air to him.

From then on, he can be invincible in the same realm, even in the Golden Immortal Realm, it is not so easy to hurt him!

At this time, Shen Yu seemed to suddenly feel that a pair of eyes in the sky looked at him deeply, this feeling made Shen Yu's heart sink suddenly.

He knew that this feeling was brought to him by Tiandao. He has been targeted by Tiandao. From now on, Tiandao may use various tangible and intangible means to try his best to kill Shen Yu. The majesty of Tiandao cannot be tolerated. Provocation.

The Dao of Heaven cannot come directly to the world to attack the monks, but there is no problem with using some means.

But Shen Yu wasn't afraid at all, instead he was looking forward to it, hoping that the next time the Dao of Heaven would come, it would bring him more gains.

With the Taishang Devouring Art, one day, Shen Yu will also swallow the Dao of Heaven.

"Heavenly Dao, you are really my lucky star!" When Shen Yu thought of this, he laughed straight away, forgetting about the complacency in his heart.

Seeing the heaven-defying features of the Supreme Devouring Art, Shen Yu began to have real expectations and confidence in his future!
The mainland of Kyushu is really good!
This is Shen Yu's sincere words. It is the first time he has this feeling. Although the strength of the people here is terrifying, it is very likely that they will die if they make a wrong step, but compared with the feeling of having strength, all these , all need not be counted, not to mention that he still has the help of the system.

After going through this colorful catastrophe, Shen Yu really relaxed this time.

Afterwards, his gaze immediately turned to the forces of all parties who were left with only remnants and defeated generals!
Looking at Shen Yu at this moment, these remnant soldiers and defeated generals, not only those earth immortals and heavenly fairyland monks, but even Mo Changkong and others, only thought it was appalling.

They really couldn't imagine that the strength of the Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu was so strong!
Originally, they might not be Shen Yu's opponents, but they just hoped to hold back his subordinates, and then let the masters of the Dark Night Forest secretly attack and kill Shen Yu.

But they did not expect that there are so many masters under Shen Yu, almost all the masters have been mobilized, and there is still no chance to attack Shen Yu. The woman holding the fan is like an iron bucket for Shen Yu's protection. With the fan in hand, I have it all over the world, and no one can get close to it.

Even so, they might still hold a sliver of hope, but now, after Shen Yu has survived the catastrophe and became an immortal, even without the protection of the powerful woman with the fan, no one can hurt Shen Yu.

Shen Yu's unilateral massacre of them made Mo Changkong no longer have the slightest intention to resist.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission: devouring the Nine Tribulations of Nirvana!"

"Get the mission reward: [-] million Faith Points!"

With the sound of the system, Shen Yu finally completed the task, and now he has accumulated 25 billion belief points, which is only a thin line away from 30 billion.

The high-spirited Shen Yu looked up at the sword bearer and the others, and said, "Sword bearer, giant spirit god, if you don't kill these people now, when will it be!"

Shen Yu, who has broken through the Heavenly Wonderland, does not need the experience points of these people for the time being. For him in the Heavenly Wonderland, the experience points that the True Wonderland can provide are very small. valuable.

Hearing Shen Yu's order to kill, the Swordsman, the Giant Spirit God and others all showed a sneer. Because of Shen Yu's previous order, they were very careful in their actions. They only wanted to hurt the other party, and did not intend to kill him. kill them.

When the cultivation level has reached the level of the real fairyland, sometimes it is more difficult to injure a person than to kill a person. Now that there is no restraint, they can fight a lot.

After hearing Shen Yu's words, Nangong Wushuang also looked at Shen Yu, the meaning was obvious, can I also chop up these people?

Shen Yu nodded, I don't want anyone in the real fairyland, and I don't even look down on a few earth immortals and heavenly immortals.

"Not good! Run away, run away separately!"

Seeing that Shen Yu's subordinates seemed to be about to attack people on his side, Mo Changkong was shocked in his heart, and then shouted.

It's a pity it's too late,

(End of this chapter)

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