Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 27 Capture the Wolf Demon

Chapter 27 Capture the Wolf Demon
In the dark night, the wolf demon slowly came out of the small woods, its eyes were like two lanterns in the dark, extremely bright.

After about a dozen breaths, the wolf demon finally completely appeared in front of everyone. The moment Shen Yu saw this wolf demon, he almost exclaimed. This wolf demon is really too big, and its appearance is extremely unique. The wolf in his impression was not the same at all.

This wolf demon is two meters tall, with a snow-white body and strong limbs. What a wolf!It's even bigger than a lion.

However, this wolf demon seemed to be wounded, he limped a little while walking, and there was a deep scar under his eye, which seemed to be a knife wound.

Seeing the wolf demon approaching step by step, Yao Si and the others' bodies began to tremble slightly, and the hands holding the farm tools unconsciously became tighter and tighter, and they even slowly leaned behind Peng Zu and Shen Yu unconsciously. .

The villagers of Yangjia Village who were hiding in other places were also terrified. This wolf demon brought them a deep sense of fear. They had never seen such a big wolf.

At this moment, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out, for fear of disturbing the wolf monster and losing their lives.

"Peng Zu, how is it? Can you deal with this wolf monster?" Shen Yu asked in a low voice.

He could clearly feel that the strength of this wolf monster was far superior to his own. From the wolf monster, he felt the feeling when he faced Shen Qianjun back then, so in his opinion, the strength of this wolf monster was at least It has also reached the level of the seventh level of Qi training.

The monster race is different from the human race. Most of the monster race are physically strong, and they don't restrain their aura, so it's hard to cover up their cultivation.

Moreover, the monster race and the human race in the same realm, the monster race is generally stronger than the human race, this is the talent of the monster race.

Peng Zu said with a slightly relaxed voice: "Don't worry, the master, this demon wolf's strength is no more than the ninth level of Qi training, I can easily capture it."

Shen Yu nodded reassuringly, and said: "Then let's do it, this monster wolf is getting closer and closer, if we let it get closer, it might find us and run away early?"

Peng Zu said: "Okay, this wolf demon seems to be different from other monsters. It is far more intelligent than other monsters in the Qi training period. I am also worried that it will find something. I will do it now and catch it. .”

As soon as Peng Zu finished speaking, the snow-white wolf demon, who was less than 30 meters away from them, suddenly stopped in his tracks, and the huge wolf head looked around vigilantly.

In its pair of sharp wolf eyes, a ray of light quickly passed by, at this moment, Shen Yu seemed to see the domineering arrogance from this wolf's eyes.

"No, this wolf demon has found us and wants to escape!" Peng Zu exclaimed in a low voice.

Then his body quickly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already flown above the wolf demon, and the black crutch in his hand struck heavily on the huge wolf head of the snow-white wolf demon.

However, the wolf demon's reaction was also very quick. As a strong man in the foundation-building stage, Peng Zu's speed of attack was already unrecognizable. The afterimage ran back towards the small forest.

However, the traps prepared by the villagers in advance played a big role at this time. Just as the wolf demon jumped out, a large net fell directly from the tree and covered the wolf demon, but the wolf demon's reaction speed But it was even faster. The moment it was covered by the net, it turned around and fled towards the west.

"Beast, where to go!"

Peng Zu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then the crutch in his hand quickly shot forward several waves of true energy, knocking down the big trees on the way the wolf demon escaped.

However, the wolf demon was also very dexterous, and kept dodging the fallen trees without being hurt by Peng Zu once, and quickly escaped tens of meters.

During this process, those traps that had been arranged in advance were also triggered one by one, and the wolf demon could still avoid them perfectly.

Shen Yu, Yao Si and the others who were hiding in the dark were stunned. Is this the battle between immortal cultivators and monsters?Sure enough, ordinary people can't participate.

A random attack can knock down several big trees in a row. If it hits a person, it's probably enough to kill eight times!

The wolf monster is also extraordinary. Not only can it avoid the attacks of falling trees and Peng Zu, but it can also avoid traps with ease at the same time. Several big trees with a diameter of four or five meters did not have a single scar on their heads.

"Hmph, I don't believe I can't catch you, a monster in the Qi training period!"

The continuous attack failure also made Peng Zu feel angry. He shook his wrist lightly, and then the crutch in his hand was like a wind dragon, rolling up a powerful wind and smashing towards the wolf's back.

This crutch is attached with Peng Zu's true energy, which is almost indestructible. All the rocks and trees that block the crutch's progress are easily smashed by the crutch, and the crutch is getting closer and closer to the frantically fleeing demon wolf.

At the same time, Peng Zu's body also disappeared in place, turning into a stream of light, sneaking like a ghost in the dark night, enveloping the wolf from another direction.

In the fight between masters, the victory or defeat is often in an instant. Peng Zu, who showed his true strength, surpassed the demon wolf in a few breaths.

Seeing that the crutch was getting closer and closer to him, the strong limbs of the demon wolf were running harder and harder, but Peng Zu's deity had already completed the outflanking of the wolf.

The deity of Peng Zu suddenly appeared next to the demon wolf, causing a flash of surprise in the wolf's eyes. It stopped quickly, and its sharp wolf claws clung to the ground, leaving deep paw prints on the ground. The body also rowed more than ten meters.

A crisp sound came, and Peng Zu's crutch hit the back of the wolf's head like a bronze bell.

Although the wolf's defense was astonishing, after being hit on the head with a crutch, he was dizzy for a while, and he couldn't even stand still, he felt that the sky was full of little stars.

At the same time, Peng Zu, who appeared in front of it, took the cane with his left hand, and shot out a chain of true energy in his right hand, which wrapped around the wolf's body.

The demon wolf screamed, and then its huge body fell to the ground in response, kicking up dust all over the sky. The weight of this wolf demon must not weigh hundreds of catties.


Seeing this scene, Shen Yu was overjoyed, then jumped out and quickly ran towards Peng Zu.

Wu Ying, Yao Si and the others also showed a lot of joy in their eyes, and they ran towards Peng Zu together with Shen Yu.

As expected of a member of the Immortal family, he was indeed extraordinary, and captured this extremely powerful wolf with a single strike.

(End of this chapter)

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