Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 271 Goodbye Soul Absolute

Chapter 271 Goodbye Soul Absolute

For this woman's rude words, Shen Yu obviously didn't want to care too much about her. He is now a third-level existence of the Heavenly Wonderland, and his subordinates are even more masters. It would be a bit too much for him to be as knowledgeable as a girl in the Nascent Soul stage. Lose identity.

So after the woman's voice fell, Shen Yu just glanced at her indifferently, and then turned his gaze to Liu Mang again.

He looked at Liu Mang and said, "Mr. Liu, since you are so familiar with Dark Buddha Mountain, I'm afraid you will take me into Dark Buddha Mountain today, haha..."

Liu Mang was overjoyed, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said, "Mr. Shen is serious. It's a trivial matter. Don't worry about it. Master, come with me!"

After Liu Mang finished speaking, he swaggered towards the Dark Buddha Mountain, and those Nascent Soul Stage boys and girls who had been following behind him also hurriedly followed behind him.

It could be seen that Liu Mang really wanted to show it in front of Nangong Women's Shuang, but it's a pity that the famous flower has an owner.

It's just that the women behind him all looked at him with disgust when they walked past Shen Yu.

In the eyes of these people, Shen Yu, an ordinary person with no cultivation, brought a group of people who also have no cultivation to Dark Foshan just to opportunistically, to see if he would be valued by the immortals and step into the immortal path.

Such people are the most disgusting.

Perhaps in their eyes, they can't see people with breath fluctuations, they are all ordinary people!
After several people walked over, Nangong Wushuang walked up to Shen Yu, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, Shen Yu, what the hell are you doing, do you really want to be with these people?"

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, and he said: "It would be great if I could rescue the Snow Wolf King without bloodshed. I don't want to fight against the ten great immortals. I'm not their opponent now. Let Princess Iron Fan and others cover up their breath, Don't be noticed."

Nangong Wushuang frowned, and said, "I can tell you, with the strength of the top ten immortals, if they really want to find us, even if they restrain their breath, they may not be able to escape."

Shen Yu said helplessly: "Let's try it! The sword god in white and the Taiyin Immortal should be entangled with Xuedao Immortal and others. The other party may not try their best to search for our traces, there is still hope.

Even if it is really unfortunate to be noticed by the other party, we have to delay a little more time, as long as we can delay confronting those people, as long as possible! "

Nangong Wushuang didn't understand what Shen Yu meant, but she knew that Shen Yu must have his own thoughts, so she passed on the order without asking too much.

In fact, it is not that Shen Yu has never thought about the question Nangong Wushuang said, but he still wants to give it a try. He is still more than 30 million away from the 3 billion faith value. It would be best if he could buy a few more days to accumulate faith points and at the same time ensure the safety of the Snow Wolf King.

"Master Shen Yu, we're going up the mountain!"

While Shen Yu was thinking deeply, Liu Mang, who had already walked a long way ahead, turned around and shouted.

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the people behind him: "Let's go, let's follow."


Speaking of Liu Mang's line of work, he really has enough nerves. Although the cultivation bases of Shen Yu's subordinates are far above them, he can't see that the cultivation bases are reasonable, but the Huang Feng monster He couldn't fail to see this monster with such a special appearance!
Monster beasts have to be at least in the Nascent Soul stage to transform, and the Yellow Wind Monster has already transformed, but this group of people really didn't notice him from the beginning to the end.

These little fellows are really ignorant and fearless, they dare to come to Dark Foshan just like that, they will not die, it is against the law of heaven.

However, through chatting along the way, Liu Mang's understanding of Anfo Mountain really surprised Shen Yu.

This Liu Mang can clearly tell how many peaks there are in the Dark Buddha Mountain, which peak is the highest, how many roads there are on the mountain, and how to walk each road. It can be seen that this guy has done enough homework.

It seemed that it was right to follow this guy, otherwise, if Shen Yu and his party ran rampant in the dark Buddha Mountain to find the whereabouts of the Snow Wolf King and the two, they would definitely not be able to hide.

Through chatting with Liu Mang, Shen Yu also gained a deeper understanding of the origin of their business.

This Liu Mang is the son of the lord of Double Happiness City, because there are no other big cities near Anfo Mountain, so it can be said that Liu Mang grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, and he is the prince near Anfo Mountain.

But this Liu Mang is also unwilling to be lonely, he doesn't like to live under his father's light all day long, and he only wants to do a big business and get rid of his father's shackles.

His father knows Liu Mang very well, and knows that this guy has a sharp mouth, but actually has no real skills.On weekdays, he can make troubles as he pleases, but when it comes to the actual situation, his father will directly punish him.

This also aroused Liu Mang's rebellious heart. He secretly learned everything about Dark Foshan, including the information collected from outsiders at a high price. He only thought that one day, he could enter Dark Foshan and join Dark Foshan.

This is a feat that his father has never accomplished.

Finally his chance came. Recently, when his father was away on errands, he secretly avoided the eyes of the guards at home and brought a group of cronies to Dark Foshan.

These friends of his were all dignitaries in Double Happiness City. They had nothing to do all day long and respected Liu Mang. When they heard that Liu Mang was going to come to Dark Foshan to learn from him, they felt as if they had been beaten.

After listening to Liu Mang's narration, Shen Yu was a little dumbfounded. He was thinking, if Liu Mang's father knew that he had come to Dark Foshan, would he regret having such a bastard? He was looking for trouble for nothing!

Shen Yu didn't need to think about it, Liu Mang's father must know the inside story of Anfoshan very well. This is not a fairy mountain, it is clearly an evil mountain.

Liu Mang didn't know the inside story, so he said bitterly to Shen Yu: "My old man underestimates me too much, I will definitely join Dark Foshan, achieve great achievements, surpass him in the future, and make him admire him."

Shen Yu shrugged helplessly, and didn't know how to persuade this poor child, so he could only say insincerely: "I wish you success!"

Liu Mang said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Shen, for your encouragement. I will work hard. If I can join Dark Foshan, I will definitely bring you in too. By the way, you haven't told me where you are from yet."

Just as Shen Yu was about to speak, a slightly surprised voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and a woman brought by Liu Mang pointed to the sky and said in surprise: "Look, who is that, who dares to fly in Dark Foshan. "

There are regulations in Dark Foshan that no one is allowed to control the sky.

Shen Yu followed the prestige, but just took a look, and his eyes were also filled with surprise.

He saw a familiar yet unfamiliar shadow.

The leader of the Tianmo Sect is absolutely dead.

He even came to Dark Buddha Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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