Chapter 290
In the entire Kyushu Continent, Shen Yu is definitely the first one who can face three immortals and nine of the ten evil forces at the same time without losing the wind.

After today, no matter whether Shen Yu wins or loses, his name will spread throughout the entire Kyushu continent.

Of course, if he loses, he may just leave his name behind and become a failed legend.

Faced with Shen Yu's questioning, the World Honored One would never dare to respond directly at this moment. The current Shen Yu is no longer something he can provoke. Who would have thought that this Shen Yu would have reached so high.

Not only are there two immortals following, but there are so many real fairyland masters behind them.

Fortunately, there is still Xuedao Immortal standing behind him.

The Blood Knife Immortal looked down at Shen Yu, and said coldly: "Shen Yu, you don't seem to understand the situation, this is the Dark Buddha Mountain, my place, I want to see today, how do you go out alive, tell me, How do you want to die!"

The words of Xuedao Immortal Venerable had already told Shen Yu that any agreement between Immortal Venerables no longer existed at this moment, and he must kill Shen Yu.

At this moment, he has torn his face.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: Kill the Blood Knife Immortal!"

"It is detected that the blood knife fairy has a strong killing intent towards the host. If the host can kill the blood knife fairy, he will be rewarded with [-] million faith points."

Hearing the system's words, Shen Yu couldn't help but smile, the task finally came, and the reward was just right.

He is still short of 30 million faith points to get 30 billion faith points. As long as he has these [-] billion faith points, he can summon a strong man in the Golden Wonderland.

If he really summoned those well-known Great Gods of the Golden Immortal Realm, not to mention trash like Blood Saber Immortal Venerable, he would not be afraid even if Emperor Xuan came personally.

Of course, these are just his fantasies for the time being. Blood Sword Immortal Venerable is on the third floor of the Golden Immortal Realm. Even if his strength is at the bottom of the top ten Immortal Venerables, it will not be easy to kill him.

Both in the Golden Immortal Realm, with all their strength, the sword god in white and the Taiyin Immortal might be able to injure him, but it is very difficult to kill him.

Shen Yu knew the difficulty of this task, but no matter how difficult it was, Shen Yu had to kill this guy to ensure his own safety.

He sent a voice transmission to the White-clothed Sword God and Taiyin Immortal, "White-clothed Sword God, Taiyin Immortal, can you two join hands to kill Xuedao Immortal?"

Hearing Shen Yu's sound transmission, the two of them were obviously stunned for a moment, and then the Taiyin Immortal said in a rather embarrassed way: "Your Majesty, although my cultivation base is much higher than that of the Blood Saber Immortal, but we are both in the Golden Immortal Realm. It was somewhat difficult to kill him, but that didn't mean it was impossible.

If there is a white-clothed sword god to help, and I pay a little more, there is a [-]% certainty that I can kill him. "

Is it only [-]% sure?
Shen Yu frowned lightly, [-]% certainty was not enough, he had to kill Xuedao Xianzun with absolute certainty.

He pondered for a moment, and then sent a voice transmission to Baiyi Jianshen: "White Swordsman, I know you must have some special means that can increase your combat power. You can give me an accurate message. If you can do your best, you can increase your fighting power." How sure are you?"

The sword god in white had a smile on his face, and responded: "Emperor, we should be meeting for the first time! Although I was entrusted by my friend to protect your safety, let me use my trump card to help you kill Xuedaoxian!" My lord, this request is a little too much."

Golden Immortals like Taiyin Immortal Venerable and White Sword God have their own cards, but once they are used, they will often have to pay a heavy price, so they are absolutely unwilling to use them until life and death are at stake.

As the sword god in white said, he did not have a deep relationship with Shen Yu, and there was no reason to do this for Shen Yu.

Of course, Shen Yu also knew that there was no free lunch in the world, and if he wanted the sword god in white to do his best, he had to have enough benefits to impress him.

So after he pondered for a while, he said, "White Sword God, let's make a deal. Today you help me kill the Blood Saber Immortal, and I can give you an Innate Spirit Treasure as a reward, and the damage you suffer, I can Help you heal completely."

Innate Lingbao!

Hearing these four words, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the sword god in white, then he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What you said is true?"

The Xiantian Spiritual Treasure is definitely the highest-level magic weapon in the Kyushu Continent. There may be less than ten in the entire continent. Although the white-clothed sword god ranks among the top ten immortals, his saber is just a fake Xiantian Spiritual Treasure. The true grade is just a peerless artifact, and it is known as an innate spiritual treasure to the outside world.

If he can get a sword of the innate spirit treasure level, his combat power can be increased by [-]%.

Shen Yu nodded, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven never bothered to lie, how about it, do you agree to this deal?"

The sword god in white knew that a person like Shen Yu would never lie. After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "If I try my best, I can gain two layers of confidence!"

[-]% sure!
Shen Yu pondered for a while, and then said: "What if I give you another fourth-class Xiantian Lingbao sword?"

"A sword of the fourth-class innate spirit treasure level?"

A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the sword god in white, and then he looked at Shen Yu in disbelief. Seeing that there was no expression on his face, he knew that he was not lying.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "If I can use the fourth-class innate spirit treasure, I can increase my confidence by [-]%!"

"Sixty and a half percent sure, almost!" Shen Yu said secretly.

Shen Yu knew that people like the Sword God in White and the World Honored One would have reservations when giving their own confidence, and what they gave was the lowest level of confidence. When they said they were [-]% sure, the actual The confidence is roughly between [-]% and [-]%.

This grasp is basically the same as a certain kill, unless there is any accident.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said in a deep voice: "Okay, later you two will kill the Blood Saber Immortal as quickly as possible, and I will hand over the Xuandu Zifu Sword to the White Clothes Sword God, remember, this matter It is a matter of life and death today, we must try our best to achieve one-hit kills, and there must be no accidents."

The sword god in white, however, hesitated and said, "Emperor Heaven, what I mean by killing the Blood Saber Immortal Venerable is without the intervention of Wan Yao Immortal Venerable and Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable. Mission impossible!"

Shen Yu replied in a deep voice: "You don't need to worry about the two of them, just go and kill the Blood Saber Immortal, they will be entangled temporarily."

As soon as Shen Yu finished speaking, the annoying voice of Immortal Blood Knife sounded again: "Shen Yu, are you dumb?"

Shen Yu raised his head and looked coldly at Immortal Blood Saber, this person's fate was decided for him.

(End of this chapter)

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