Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 295 Contradictions

Chapter 295 Contradictions
"What a terrifying storm, what level of magical weapon is that fan?"

Seeing the plantain fan in Princess Iron Fan's hand that had shrunk again, Hun Tianjue frowned deeply.

At his level, few things can surprise him, but the Basho Fan is an exception.

Although this thing doesn't seem to be very lethal, the effect it can play is immeasurable. With such a treasure by your side, you can at least make yourself invincible. like now.

I really don't know, where did Shen Yu find so many masters with outstanding cultivation bases and unique magic weapons.

"I'm not mistaken! The two great immortals were blown away just like that."

"I must be dazzled, how could the immortal be blown away by the mere wind?"

"Can that be called a mere wind? I think you are kidding me. Who can withstand the strength of that wind!"


Seeing the two great immortals disappearing from his face, and the remaining people of the Nine Evil Forces, their faces showed disbelief, as if they were in a dream.

"Look there, Immortal Blood Knife is in danger!"

I don't know who yelled, bringing the temporarily stunned monks back to their senses, and then turned their gazes to Immortal Blood Knife.

At this time, the Blood Knife Immortal Venerable was filled with blood energy, and a blood-colored armor was attached to the surface of the body.The crimson blood energy also shot straight into the sky.

He knew that he couldn't escape now, the Taiyin Immortal behind him was less than a hundred meters away, exuding an extremely cold aura, which had already formed an ice wall no less than 20 meters thick around the Xuedao Immortal, And the ice wall is still getting thicker.

In addition, the space within a hundred meters around him is also covered with a thin layer of ice crystals. This layer of ice crystals looks thin, but it is extremely terrifying, because these ice crystals are exactly the space around him that the Taiyin Immortal Venerable Frozen externalized manifestations.

Immortal Blood Knife can clearly feel it now, even if he wants to move, it will be very difficult, let alone avoid the sure-kill sword of the white-clothed sword god.

It was also the first time he discovered at this time that the sword god in white and the Taiyin Immortal had been hiding their clumsiness, and their strength was far beyond his imagination.

Compared with Taiyin Xianzun who has the blood of Yinyue, the sword god in white has the blood of Nirvana Sword God. They can forcibly increase their combat power by burning their own blood.

So he can only choose to burn his mana, and spread blood-colored armor around himself. On the one hand, he can resist the continuous cold attack of Taiyin Immortal Venerable, and on the other hand, he also needs to use this blood-colored armor to resist the death of the white-clothed sword god. a sword.

He is very clear that the desperate fight of the sword god in white and Taiyin Immortal Venerable will not last long at all. As long as he holds on to this move, he will be considered a escaped catastrophe today. The Yaoxian Zun will also come back.

At that time, the two in their prime, with their foundations damaged and under the sword god in white and Immortal Taiyin who will be in a state of depression for a long time, killing Shen Yu, who is on the third floor of the Celestial Immortal Realm, would be a piece of cake.

Of course, this is what he has always wanted, everything depends on whether he can strike together with the two of them, otherwise even if Shen Yu is dead, he will not be able to see it.

Thinking of this, Immortal Blood Knife no longer has any reservations, and the high-grade artifact treasured sword that has accompanied him for an unknown number of years also appeared in front of him. Attached to the blood-colored armor, it strengthened the strength of the defense.

"White Sword God, come on! Let me see how you can break through my defense," the Blood Knife Immortal, who thought he had perfected his defense, shouted to the sky.

Blood Saber Immortal Venerable, who has always been good at attacking, finally turned to absolute defense at this time.


The white-clothed sword god snorted coldly, and a circular vortex with a diameter of [-] feet was born behind him. Countless Qi swords flowed rapidly in the vortex, and the Xuandu Zifu sword was raised above the white-clothed sword god, as if he had become the master of this vortex.

"Is this the battle between the immortals? It's so strong!"

"Is that the sword field pursued by kendo monks? It's so powerful, I feel that every air sword in the sword field can tear me apart!"

"This is the strength of Xianzun. It turns out that I have always underestimated them before!"


Seeing the sword god in white who looked like a real sword god, countless monks stared blankly and were deeply shocked.

Both Hun Tianjue and the swordsman secretly clenched their fists, feeling a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. Is this the true strength of the Immortal Venerable?
There is such an insurmountable gap between the Golden Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm. Not to mention the white-clothed sword god who is showing great power now, even the blood knife immortal who is in a passive defense state is not something they can contend with.

They used to think that they could withstand ten moves from the blood knife immortal, but now it seems that they overestimated themselves.

"Blood Knife Immortal, die!"

At this time, the white-clothed sword god roared, and then slammed the sword energy from Xuandu Zifu sword, together with the powerful sword field behind him, at Xuedao Immortal Venerable.

At the same time, the defense of the Blood Knife Immortal has finally been strengthened to the extreme, and even the artifact sword has become a part of the Blood Knife Immortal's defense system.

If the sword god in white is an indestructible sword, then the blood sword fairy at this time is a hard shield that can withstand everything.

The outcome of this conflict of contradictions also determines the success or failure of Shen Yu's trip to the dark Buddha Mountain.

"Is it finally time to decide the winner?"

Yaozun looked at the shocking sword energy and sword field, and slashed at the blood knife fairy in blood red armor, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Not only him, but everyone else in Jiuxie was staring at the confrontation between the two. They all knew that the winner would be decided.

Even Shen Yu himself felt a little nervous at this moment, because he knew that this was related to his life and death.

If he wins, he can immediately summon a strong man from the Golden Immortal Realm, and when the Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable and Wan Yao Immortal Venerable return, he can block or even kill them.

Losing, the sword god in white and Taiyin Immortal Venerable were seriously injured, and when the Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable and Wan Yao Immortal Venerable returned, they could easily kill themselves.

At this time, the extremely powerful blow from the white-clothed sword god finally collided with the powerful defense of the blood knife fairy, and a deafening sound came over.


The Yaozun shouted angrily, and the people of the nine evil forces in the sky retreated for dozens of miles. The turmoil caused by the explosion, even if the real fairyland was entangled, it would be a dead end.

A subtle voice came, and the frozen space of the Taiyin Immortal Venerable was finally overwhelmed, and it looked broken.

Suddenly the sky was filled with ice crystals.

 There are still two updates today, and what is owed will be made up the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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