Chapter 31
As soon as the next day was dawn, Shen Yu got up and prepared to leave Yangjia Village. The villagers were very obedient and knew that Shen Yu would leave early this morning, but they didn't come out to see him off. It wasn't that they didn't respect Shen Yu, but that they He didn't dare to resist Shen Yu's order.

When Shen Yu left, he also took Wu Ying with him. Wu Ying is not very old, he is only 23 years old this year. Although it is a little late to cultivate immortality at this age, among the immortal cultivators sent by Ling Xiao, which one is not a monk halfway through? In contrast, Wu Ying surpassed most of the Ling Xiao faction in terms of age and aptitude.

Of course, what Shen Yu valued the most was Wu Ying's disposition. This kid is honest and honest, with a tough mind. If he trains well, he might become a master in the future.


In front of the gate of the Lingxiao Sect, the Snow Wolf King said disdainfully: "Shen Yu, is this your sect? It's too shabby, let alone the entire Qingzhou, even if it's just in the northern part of Qingzhou, It’s nothing, with the size of your sect, it’s not even as good as the toilets of those big sects.”

Qingzhou is divided into five domains, east, west, south, north, and middle, with a vast area. The Great Xia Kingdom is located in the northern domain of the five domains, but it is still some distance away from the northern snowfield.

Snow Wolf King is a person who has seen the world, and he has seen many various big sects. He has never seen a sect as shabby as the Lingxiao Sect.

Shen Yu didn't bother to pay attention to this down-and-out wolf, and said lightly: "There are quite a few empty houses in the Ling Xiao Sect, you can find one to live in!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu turned around and said to Peng Zu: "Peng Zu, from today onwards, Wu Ying will be an outer disciple of our Lingxiao Sect, let him follow you, and you can train him well. As for the issue of spiritual roots, I will I will solve it for him in the future, I will go back to my room first."

Shen Yu is eager to summon now, he has just gained [-] faith points, and wants to try what kind of strong man in the bigu period he can summon.

Peng Zu nodded, and led Wu Ying into the Lingxiao faction. Shen Yu didn't even greet the disciples of the Lingxiao faction, and went straight back to his room.

The Snow Wolf King looked at Shen Yu's leaving back, snorted coldly, and said arrogantly: "It seems that this king can only make compromises with this dilapidated sect, hey!"

After finishing speaking, it walked into Lingxiao faction's dormitory with graceful wolf steps, but when it saw the big black dog lying on the ground sleeping soundly next to the stove, its expression froze slightly. , A trace of surprise flashed across the wolf's face, but soon he shook his head.

Impossible, how could it be possible to see that extinct monster in such a poor place?


After Shen Yu returned to the room, he immediately said to the system impatiently: "System, hurry up and spend [-] faith points to make a summon."

This is Shen Yu's first summoning with [-] Faith Points. As long as he is lucky, he can at least summon a bigu stage expert.

With a strong man in the bigu period, the Lingxiao faction doesn't have to worry too much about the three major sects. If they can summon a strong man who is perfect in bigu, maybe the Lingxiao faction can directly be invincible to the Great Xia Kingdom.

After Shen Yu's voice fell, the system's voice rang.

"Ding, one hundred Faith Points have been deducted successfully, and the summoning is complete!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Jiang Ziwen!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation method: Five Elements Earth Classic!"

"Cultivation: Golden Core Middle Stage!"

"Special Attribute: Listen to Pepsi!"


Shen Yu screamed, and jumped up from his seat. What kind of shit luck did he have to summon a strong man in the middle stage of Jindan.

At this moment, Shen Yu's face was already filled with surprise, I really didn't expect it!Such a low probability was met by him.

At the beginning when I spent ten faith points to summon a strong foundation builder, Xu Fu who had a Qi training period popped up. Now I spent a hundred faith points and wanted to summon a bigu period, but magically summoned a For a strong Jindan stage, if he pecks and drinks, he will not lose at all!Ha ha!

Shen Yu couldn't help laughing, but soon he frowned, who is this Jiang Ziwen, why haven't he heard of it?
At this time, the system said: "Jiang Ziwen is the land father in Chinese mythology, and also the first land father in legend!"

It turned out to be the father-in-law of the land!In Shen Yu's mind, the lands with funny images in Journey to the West popped up instantly.

The Lord of the Land is the god in charge of a piece of land in ancient Chinese legends. He lives underground and is the lowest rank among the gods.

As the saying goes, don’t take the land god as an immortal. The image of the land god in Chinese folk is various and different. As a local protection god, he is popular all over the country. In the old days, wherever there were people living, there was a phenomenon of worshiping the land god.

In the world of gods and ghosts in China, the god of land is considered the last sesame official among the gods, but his family is huge. Just the father-in-law of the land who was driven by Monkey King in Journey to the West is countless.

The earliest known as the Lord of the Land was Jiang Ziwen in the Han Dynasty. Jiang Ziwen chased and suppressed the thieves, but was wounded on the forehead by the thieves and eventually died.

It is also said that the father-in-law of the land belongs to the city god, who is in charge of the household registration of the deceased in the village, and is the administrative god of the underworld.

Although the status of land in Chinese mythology is not very good, it is still very powerful in this world, and Jindanqi is also the existence that dominates the roost.

The golden elixir stage is the fourth realm of cultivating immortals, and it often represents the threshold of cultivation. Once you step into the golden elixir, you will become a fairy among the immortals, and you can get rid of the samsara of the five grains in the mortal world.

Therefore, as the lowest land among the Chinese fairy gods, the cultivation base is generally at the golden core stage.

Immortal cultivators make alchemy, divided into inner alchemy and outer alchemy. The outer alchemy is a elixir that is carefully smelted from various natural materials and earth treasures. Pills are mostly used to cure diseases and save people, and improve spiritual practice.

The golden elixir cultivated in the golden elixir period is the inner alchemy. To practice the inner alchemy is to use the human body as a furnace, use the essence and qi in the body as medicine, and use the spirit to burn it. The essence, qi, and spirit can be condensed to form a holy fetus. Reborn as a fairy.

Taoists often say the golden elixir avenue, which means that if you have completed the golden elixir stage, you will get the avenue.

The golden elixir period is the most important hurdle that cannot be crossed on the way of cultivating immortals. Completing the golden elixir represents the watershed between practitioners and mortals, and it is an extremely important hurdle.

When one's cultivation has reached the Golden Core stage, one can be regarded as possessing mana, able to fly into the sky, escape from the ground, and fly with a sword.

To a certain extent, the Great Xia Kingdom cannot be regarded as a real fairy country, because there is not a single Jindan stage monk in this country, and the strongest is still in the Bigu stage, and has not yet completely broken away from the boundaries of ordinary people.

And with the land lord Jiang Ziwen, Shen Yu is truly invincible to the Great Xia Kingdom at this moment.

Don't say it is a Wuliang sect, even if the three major sects join forces, Shen Yu is not afraid!

Just when Shen Yu was secretly excited, an old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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