Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 4 Seven Gate Gods

Chapter 4 Two Door Gods
"Excuse me, does the host need to spend two faith points to summon twice?" the system asked.

Liu Sanpao was just outside the Lingxiao faction, and he couldn't wait to see him, so Shen Yu naturally didn't dare to delay any longer.

He quickly responded: "Okay, let's call now! Use up both Faith Points."

As soon as Shen Yu finished speaking, the system's voice sounded again: "Ding, start summoning now!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the door god Qin Qiong!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation method: Qi training formula!"

"Cultivation: three levels of Qi training!"

"Special attributes: none!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the door god Wei Chigong!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation method: Qi training formula!"

"Cultivation: three levels of Qi training!"

"Special attributes: none!"

In just a few seconds, Shen Yu's first summoning after coming to this world ended.

However, Shen Yu was a little dissatisfied.

Doesn't it mean that all the summoned are mythical figures?Both Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong are generals!How did you summon the two of them?
At this time, the system explained: "The host currently only has two belief values, so there is a high probability that the monks in the Qi training period will be summoned, and there are too few gods in the Chinese mythology. The two make up the number, so the host shouldn't be too picky."

Strictly speaking, the real door gods should be Shen Tu and Yu Lei, while Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong were only given the title of door gods by Li Shimin, and they are not real fairy gods.

The system explained it like this, and Shen Yu could only accept this fact.

It's just that Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong are too weak, and the third level of Qi training is better than ordinary people, but it should be enough to deal with Liu Sanpao.

The realm division of Kyushu Continent, Qi training period is divided into one to nine levels, starting from the foundation building period, each big realm is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage and consummation.

The monks in the qi training period generally focus on cultivating inner qi and strengthening the physical body, and the fairy gate spells generally cannot be cast until the foundation building period.

Shen Yu's master reached the ninth level of qi training back then, but he could barely use some basic Taoist techniques. Most of the monks in the qi training period only had real qi in their bodies and a relatively strong physical body. Liu Sanpao was just a complete Ordinary people, in terms of cultivation alone, can't even count as one level of Qi training.

However, his fist and kick skills are not bad, and his combat power can barely compete with the level of Qi training.

Less than ten seconds after the summoning ended, two burly men suddenly appeared in front of Shen Yu.

It was Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong!

"I've seen the headmaster!"

As soon as these two people appeared, they kowtowed to Shen Yuna, and Shen Yu was so frightened that he hurried to help them.

"You two, please get up!"

Anyway, these two are famous figures in the history of China, they are the door gods of the Chinese nation's beliefs, let the two of them kowtow to him, Shen Yu's little heart really can't stand it, he hasn't fully adapted to himself yet identity.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, the two stood up according to their words. At this time, in their hearts, Shen Yu was the head of the Ling Xiao Sect, and they were all disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect. It was only normal for a disciple to kowtow to the head Yes, they naturally have to listen to the words of the head.

After the two stood up, Shen Yu carefully sized up the two legendary door gods.

One of them was wearing red battle armor, dark skin, 1.9 meters tall, with a thick beard on his face, and a somewhat ferocious face, holding a long lance in his hand, this person was Yu Chigong.

The other man has fair skin and is not as tall as Yuchi Gong. He looks much more refined, but his imposing manner is no less than Yuchi Gong's, or even worse. He holds two bronze maces in his hand. It is the famous Qin Qiong and Qin Shubao.

As long as these two people are there, Liu Sanpao outside is nothing to be afraid of.

"Master, come out quickly! Wow, Liu Sanpao is about to hit the mountain gate!"

At this time, Linger's milky voice came from outside the main hall, but listening to the girl's tone, it seemed that she was not afraid at all, and there was even a hint of gloating in her voice, Shen Yu couldn't help sighing, it's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers ah!
He shook his head helplessly and said: "Shubao, Jingde, there are a group of bandits outside who are about to break into our Lingxiao faction, let's go out and have a look!"

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Yu Chigong, who is naturally grumpy, immediately said angrily: "Hmph, how dare a mere bandit dare to offend the Lingxiao faction? It's really presumptuous. Wait a minute, master, I'll go and arrest this group of bandits." Kill them all, and show off my Lingxiao sect's divine power."

Shen Yu hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, Jingde, let's go out together, the Lingxiao faction is now in decline, and it is the time when there is a shortage of manpower, if we can influence these bandits and let them join my Lingxiao faction, it will not only reduce the Killing lives can also broaden my Lingxiao faction."

What Shen Yu said was high-sounding, but in fact, he just wanted to use force to subdue Liu Sanpao's people, and then force them to believe in the Lingxiao faction, so that he could gain a few more faith points, and then make an even more powerful summon.

With only two monks who practiced Qi at the third level, Shen Yu really didn't feel safe, and anyone who was a little stronger could kill him.


When Shen Yu walked out of the hall with Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong, Fang Bai and Luo Hua, the two bastards, were so frightened that their foreheads were covered with cold sweat. I breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really scared!If Liu Sanpao rushed in without a word, they would be dead.

Ling'er, on the other hand, looked at Qin and Qiong behind Shen Yu very calmly, tilted her head, and asked curiously: "Master, who are these two people?"

Shen Yu smiled, and said: "This is our Ling Xiao faction's guardian gatekeeper, with them here, we don't have to be afraid of that Liu Sanpao?"


Fang Bai and Luo Hua looked at each other, they are not as easy to deceive as Linger, Linger has been taken in by Shen Yu for less than a year, the two of them have been in the mountain for two or three years, they have never heard of it , What other guards are there in the Lingxiao faction?
But where did these two people come from?

But Shen Yu didn't give them a chance to think at all, he gave the two of them a hard look and said: "Look at you two, you are really worthless, you have lost all the face of the Lingxiao faction, you are just a bandit , what is there to be afraid of, won't you learn from your junior sister?"

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Ling'er raised her head proudly, while Fang Bai and Luo Hua lowered their heads.

Shen Yu didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them, and when he was about to take everyone out to have a look at Liu Sanpao, Liu Sanpao's yelling and cursing came from outside the gate of the Ling Xiao faction.

"Little bastards of the Ling Xiao faction, grandpa counts to three, if you don't come out, I'll kill you in!"

(End of this chapter)

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