Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 41 Lucky Draw Function

Chapter 41 Lucky Draw Function
In fact, even if Ye Huangtian didn't say anything, Ye Chaotian should have guessed that the one who killed Ye Yi should be a strong man above the bigu stage.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and the area of ​​the imperial study is only so big. Ye Huangtian is a monk in the early stage of bigu, if the attack is also in the stage of bigu, even if the bigu is perfect, it is impossible to kill Ye Yi silently, even Ye Huangtian Not noticeable.

Even when the other party announced the rules of the Ling Xiao faction in a demonstration, Ye Huangtian was completely unable to sense the other party's position, as if the voice was produced out of thin air.

If such a mysterious thing happened in the palace, there is only one explanation. The person who spoke is probably a god-man of Jindan stage, a real god.

Thinking of this possibility, even Ye Chaotian, who has always been known for his calmness, couldn't calm down anymore.

The other party came to kill Ye Yi, obviously because Ye Yi wanted to reveal the skills of the Ling Xiao Sect and break the rules of the Ling Xiao Sect, then this person is likely to be a member of the Ling Xiao Sect.

The Lingxiao faction actually has a monk of the golden core period, who is a super strong man above the Great Xia Kingdom, and he actually exists on Yuxu Mountain two hundred miles away, and the royal family doesn't know it. What's even more terrifying is that he himself He even paid attention to the boss of Jindanqi, if the other party blames him, then...

Ye Chaotian shuddered violently, then lost his composure rarely, and hastily ordered: "Emperor, take Ye Er alone, and don't force him to ask about Ling Xiao's martial arts. Without my order, the imperial family's People are also not allowed to enter Yuxu Mountain's sphere of influence without authorization, and those who violate it will be severely punished, and this matter must be discussed in the long term."


Jiang Ziwen sneaked into the palace easily and killed Ye Yi who was under strict guard. Shen Yu didn't think it was strange at all. He should be surprised if he couldn't kill Ye Yi.

As a land, Jiang Ziwen is proficient in the five elements escape technique, so he can easily stay underground without going out, and he can kill Ye Yi directly.

In the next two days, Ye Chaotian never sent anyone to Yuxu Mountain again, and Shen Yu also spent two days leisurely.

At this moment, Shen Yu was leisurely sitting on a recliner in the corridor on the second floor of the pavilion where he lived, watching the endless stream of people in front of the gate of Yuxu Palace.

In the past few days, all the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect have been dispatched, running down the mountain one by one, wandering in various mountain villages near Yuxu Mountain, lobbying those simple mountain people to let them come to the Lingxiao Sect to pay homage, and encourage them to believe in Lingxiao. Xiao school.

There is also a reason for this. After the space-time room was completed, the three major direct disciples, Fang Bai, Luo Hua, and Ling'er, had already enjoyed it.

In less than three hours, Fang Bai and Luo Hua both broke through to the fifth level of Qi training, and Linger even reached the seventh level of Qi training.

Ling'er's talent is outstanding, and she must be able to easily break through to the foundation establishment in a short time. However, Fang Bai and Luo Hua, who have no spiritual roots, will only waste time if they continue to stay in Fengyun World after they have reached the perfection of Qi training. Unable to continue to break through the foundation.

However, after the three of them came out of the time-space room, the earth-shaking changes that took place in their bodies still made the disciples of the Lingxiao sect envious.

This is really a treasure!No wonder the head of the room listed this room as a blessed place of the Lingxiao Sect, only those who have made great contributions and direct disciples can enter it. It turns out that it is really so powerful, one day in it, it can beat ordinary people's years of hard work.

Although people like them have just stepped into the road of cultivating immortals and have been cultivated by the unique elixir refined by Xu Fu, they have broken through to the third level of Qi training, or even the fourth level of Qi training in a short period of time, but the further they go, the difficulty of breaking through bigger.

Therefore, it is impossible for those monks who have reached the third or even fourth level of Qi training to break through to the seventh level of Qi training. Real estate virtual world rapid breakthrough.

Therefore, many of the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect in the past few days did not go to the main hall to pass on their skills, but went to the villages and towns at the foot of the mountain to promote the Lingxiao Sect.

If it was in the past, even if they all turned into magic sticks and talked about hype, the villagers would not believe that the Lingxiao faction had really revived.

But it’s different now. The disciples of the Lingxiao Sect all have special skills. In addition, Shen Yu took Peng Zu to Yangjia Village to catch demons a few days ago. The villagers of Yangjia Village also began to spare no effort to promote the Lingxiao Sect. The mountain people in the four townships and eight towns actually began to believe it.

Finally, some courageous people with serious illnesses at home followed the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect to seek the elixir from the Lingxiao Sect, hoping to try their luck.

For such a good publicity opportunity, Shen Yu naturally would not refuse anyone who came, and he let Xu Fu give the elixir, and the delighted villagers were grateful for going down Yuxu Peak.

Soon, shocking news came from various mountain villages near Yuxu Mountain. The villagers who had been seriously ill for several years and were almost dying, after taking the elixir given by the Lingxiao Sect, miraculously recovered. Healed and in better spirits than ever.

This makes the villagers very excited. For ordinary people, the greatest desire is to prolong their lives.

So after confirming the credibility of the Lingxiao Sect, these villagers quickly reported to the Lingxiao Sect disciples in various villages, hoping that they could take themselves to the Lingxiao Sect to worship and make a good relationship with the Lingxiao Sect.

This is really bastard looking at Mung Dou, the eyes are right, these disciples of the Lingxiao Sect never refuse to come, leading wave after wave of villagers to Yuxu Peak.

Therefore, the Lingxiao faction, and even the entire Yuxu Mountain, have become lively in the past two days.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Yu also crazily harvested a wave of faith points. Almost every villager sent down from Ling Xiao could bring faith points to Shen Yu.

In just two days, Shen Yu's belief value, which had been emptied, broke through to two thousand again, and it was still showing a rising trend.

There are [-] to [-] villages and towns within Yuxu Mountain, and the number of villagers is close to [-]. The potential is still great.

After the faith value exceeded one thousand for the first time, Shen Yu also unlocked a new function of the system, the lucky draw function.

The function of this lottery is to spend one belief value each time to draw a lottery in a lottery roulette in the system. The prizes include different levels of summoning opportunities, different levels of spiritual root fusion opportunities, and different levels of pills, weapons, etc. .

To put it simply, this is a small and broad function, you can spend one faith point, maybe you can get a summoning opportunity with one hundred thousand faith points, but it may be in vain, and you will get four words of thank you for your patronage.

After getting two thousand faith points again, Shen Yu was not in a hurry to do other things, but made a summon with one thousand faith points first.

He doesn't lack other things for the time being, what he lacks is a master.

Shen Yu, who was lying on the recliner, leisurely said in his heart: "System, spend a thousand faith points to make a summon!"

(End of this chapter)

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