Chapter 49
Ye Chaotian smiled coyly and said, "That...Sect Leader Shen has long admired his name, haha...has admired his name for a long time!"

Shen Yu waved his hand, and said lightly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let's talk! How will we settle the score?"

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ye Chaotian's face. In the current situation, it doesn't matter if he said it. After all, man is a knife and I am a fish.

If the strongest under Shen Yu was only in the Bigu period, he could still let the ancestors of the royal family make a move and fight against Shen Yu, but if the strongest under Shen Yu was the Jindan strongman, then he would not do it anyway. Dare to take the risk to compete with the other side.

He took a deep breath, and said, "Then how does Sect Leader Shen decide to deal with this matter?"

Shen Yu smiled charmingly, and said: "It's very simple, I only have two conditions, the first one, your royal family sends 5000 people to my Lingxiao School to learn art!"

I wipe, what the hell kind of operation is this?

Ye Chaotian was startled immediately, if it wasn't for him not being able to move now, he would definitely be able to see Ye Huangtian's expression, full of surprise just like him.

Ye Chaotian thought so hard to obtain the cultivation technique, even at the expense of Ye Yi's life, and now the other party wants to send it to his door, this is really pie in the sky!

But before he was happy, Shen Yu continued: "When these 5000 people go to learn art, remember to bring money for sesame oil and money for purchasing exercises."

His faith value has been soaring in the past few days. When all the villagers in Yuxu Mountain believe in the Lingxiao Sect, he should still get five or six thousand faith points. As long as Ye Chaotian sends over 5000 people, his The faith value can break through [-].

At that time, he will be able to summon [-] Faith Points once, and it is very likely that he will summon a Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse, and he will have the confidence to deal with Yunguo at that time.

"how can that be!"

But Ye Chaotian exclaimed when he heard the words, the sesame oil money for 5000 people plus the money for the exercises, that person would cost two hundred yuan stones, and 5000 people would be 100 million yuan stones, which would empty the national treasury the rhythm!
It is impossible for him to accept such forced buying and selling.

But Shen Yu didn't let him refuse, and directly threatened: "Why, if you don't want to agree, then I'll just kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu took out his general sword again, and laid it across Ye Chaotian's neck.

"I promise, I promise!"

Seeing that Shen Yu was going to kill him, Ye Chaotian couldn't help it immediately, and hurriedly agreed.

Compared with my own life, the 100 million yuan stone should still be paid out. Money is something outside of the body. Using money to buy life is quite a good deal.

Han Yue at the side was a little stunned, the majestic Emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom was forced into such a state in the palace, what a tragedy!

Seeing his most respected father, Ye Kuang bowed his head to Shen Yu, and immediately fainted from fright.

This young man's status is so high that he can't even offend his father, so he will die.

Seeing that Ye Chaotian agreed to his request, Shen Yu nodded in satisfaction and said: "The second condition is that from today onwards, the Lingxiao faction will be the royal sect, and you Ye family must do your best to promote it so that the people of Great Xia Kingdom They all believe in the Lingxiao sect."

In medieval Europe, there was a combination of politics and religion, and the power of religion was even greater than that of the emperor. Even the appointment of the emperors of various kingdoms had to be appointed by the pope. Although the Lingxiao faction was not a religion, Shen Yu planned to make the Lingxiao faction a The existence of the state religion of the Great Xia Kingdom is above the royal family.

He doesn't need to ask about the royal family, but the people of the Great Xia Kingdom must believe in the Lingxiao Sect, otherwise how will he gain faith points.

But for Shen Yu's request, Ye Chaotian refused without thinking: "This is absolutely impossible, even if you kill me!"

Ye Chaotian's greatest wish in this life is to strengthen the imperial power and weaken the influence of the three major sects and the Xiuxian family on the Great Xia Kingdom, but now a sect suddenly popped up to become the belief of all the people of the Great Xia Kingdom. The three major sects are going too far.

Of course, Shen Yu also knew that Ye Chaotian would not agree to him easily, and this could not be solved by threatening his life.

Seeing this, Shen Yu pondered for a moment and said: "I can promise you, as long as you help me promote the Lingxiao Sect throughout the country and make the people of Great Xia Kingdom believe in the Lingxiao Sect, I can help you solve the troubles of the three major sects. There are also those Xiuxian families, and I will help Daxia Kingdom to be promoted to an eighth-rank kingdom in the future, or even a higher-rank sect.

And I can also guarantee that the Lingxiao faction will not interfere in the state affairs of the Great Xia Kingdom in the future. No matter how you look at this matter, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If you don't agree to me, I will destroy the entire Ye family. Let the Great Xia Kingdom change its dynasty, I will give you a minute to think about it! "

For Shen Yu, imperial power is not attractive to him, what he wants is faith value.

Ye Chaotian can disregard his own life and death, but he can't disregard the lives of Ye's family members. He pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Master Shen, I can agree to your conditions, but I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise The Ye family will fight you to the death."

The stubborn Ye Chaotian finally accepted Shen Yu's suggestion, and was willing to help the Lingxiao Sect become the state religion of Daxia Kingdom, and agreed to issue an imperial decree to the whole country three days later, confirming the status of the Lingxiao Sect as the state religion, and encouraging the people of the whole country to believe in Lingxiao Xiao school.

Of course, this is not a job that can be done easily. Even if there is an imperial decree from the royal family, the system of the Great Xia Kingdom is still under the joint rule of the major Xiuxian sects and Xiuxian families. People outside the Ye family's ruled area generally do not Obey the imperial decree of the Ye family.

Moreover, even the people ruled by the Ye family cannot truly believe in the Lingxiao faction unreservedly just because of a mere imperial decree. Belief in the Lingxiao faction also depends on the performance of Shen Yu and the Lingxiao faction.

There were other reasons why Ye Chaotian agreed to Shen Yu's request. Shen Yu's promise to help Daxia Kingdom become an eighth-rank kingdom, or even a higher-level kingdom, was too tempting, but he couldn't refuse Shen Yu.

First of all, Shen Yu said that if Ye Chaotian did not agree to his request, he would kill all the members of the Ye family, and then threatened to change the dynasty of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The second is Yun Feng's death, the Great Xia Country cannot bear the anger of the Yun Country, the Ye family must find a backer who can compete with the Yun Country, currently only Shen Yu has this strength in the Great Xia Country.

Seeing that Ye Chaotian agreed to his request, Shen Yu continued: "Your Majesty, Yunfeng is dead, so Han Yue doesn't need to stay in the palace!"

Ye Chaotian hurriedly replied: "Of course, Yue'er can leave anytime."

Shen Yu nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Ye Kuang who had fainted on the ground, and said: "I don't interfere with your royal family's affairs, but I don't like this person!"

(End of this chapter)

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