Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 60 Expensive Elixir

Chapter 60 Expensive Elixir
The news brought by the system made Shen Yu feel the urgency of cultivation for the first time. It turns out that there is such a restriction if you don't cultivate well!
Grandpa, I have to hurry up and practice now. When I break through to the bigu stage, as long as I have enough faith, I might be invincible in the Kyushu Continent.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu can't wait to go to the time-space room to practice now, and then break through to the foundation establishment.

But this thought was just a flash. There are many disciples of the Lingxiao faction in the time-space room, waiting in line to enter it to practice. If you go at this time, don't you lose the head's face?

Shen Yu decided to take a good rest first!


Early the next morning, Xiao Chenchen had already arrived in front of Shen Yu's door, slammed on the door fiercely, and picked up Shen Yu who was sleeping late.

Because of what happened yesterday, this woman didn't even look good when she saw Shen Yu. Shen Yu knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't bother with her.

After a simple wash, Shen Yu yawned and walked out of the room, looking at the extremely beautiful Xiao Chenchen standing in the corridor on the second floor, he said helplessly: "Miss Xiao, what are you doing this early in the morning, it can't be me I saw all of you yesterday, you want to come back to my room to see it!"

"The devil wants to see you!"

When Xiao Chenchen heard this, he immediately put his hands on Xiaoman's waist, and gnashed his teeth.

If she had cultivation now, she would definitely beat Shen Yu severely, this bastard deserved a beating too much.

Shen Yu chuckled, knowing that he couldn't say too much, even though Xiao Chenchen didn't belong to the same camp as him for the time being, he couldn't bully girls too much.

He cleared his throat and said with a straight face: "Okay, I'm not joking with you. What do you want to do when you come to find me so early?"

Xiao Chenchen glared at him, but his tone softened a little: "Shen Yu, there are so many masters in your Lingxiao faction, and there are Jindan experts in charge, and the entire Yuxu Mountain is under the control of your two Jindan experts. , can you let go of my cultivation!"

Being imprisoned and cultivated is similar to that of ordinary people. This feeling is not to mention uncomfortable. I feel threatened all the time and have no sense of security.

Just like yesterday, if she had cultivated herself, she wouldn't be unable to notice Shen Yu's approach, and she wouldn't be taken advantage of by Shen Yu.

Shen Yu thought for a while, Xiao Chenchen really couldn't threaten him, but it was not easy for him to trust her like this and let go of her cultivation.

He's not stupid, Xiao Chenchen doesn't believe in the Lingxiao Sect yet, and he's from the enemy country, how can he easily let go of her cultivation?

He pondered for a moment, and said: "It's not impossible for me to let go of your cultivation, but I have to wait for two more days. After two days, I can restore your cultivation, but there is one condition, you must join my Lingxiao faction, How about it?"

Not to mention Xiao Chenchen's talent for cultivating immortals, she is absolutely outstanding, possessing human-level middle-grade water-attribute Tianlinggen, even in Qingzhou, this kind of talent can be regarded as upper-middle-class, and most importantly, she is very intelligent People who are qualified to play the role of think tanks, such people are also lacking in the Ling Xiao faction.

Xiao Chenchen frowned and said, "I can agree to your conditions, but why did it take two days to unlock my cultivation base?"

Shen Yu thought in his heart, give me another two days, and I will break through and complete the foundation building. When the time comes, I will be able to hold your little one by myself, not to mention letting my subordinates protect me. Ass, I will beat you hard, so that you can be arrogant again.

But his mouth said: "I have the final say on this matter, what you say doesn't count."

When Xiao Chenchen heard this, he was annoyed again, this bastard made people want to beat him up so much every time.

At this moment, Luo Ya's figure unexpectedly appeared in the corridor at some point, standing not far from the two of them, watching them quietly.

She was still indifferent as usual, her bare crystal jade feet were floating in the air, her eyes were as calm as usual, without any fluctuation, her whole person was cold and noble.

Seeing Luo Ya's appearance, Xiao Chenchen was startled, and then there was a trace of fire in his eyes. Regardless of Shen Yu who was beside him, he hurried to Luo Ya's side and said excitedly: "Senior Luo Ya, you are Senior Luo Ya, I am Xiao Chenchen from Yunguo, I'm very glad to meet you here, I'm your fan!"

Luo Ya is the idol of the female monks in Qingzhou, and Xiao Chen is naturally the same.

Xiao Chenchen's dog-licking attitude made Shen Yu very disdainful, she really has never seen the world, isn't she just a Luo Ya, from now on she will be a member of my Ling Xiao sect.

"Cough cough..."

Shen Yu cleared his throat, walked up and said: "Senior Luo Ya, yesterday you said that you wanted my Ling Xiao Sect to refine some pills for you, but what kind of pills are they?"

Xiao Chenchen was very dissatisfied with Shen Yu's intrusion. She still wanted to communicate with Luo Ya, but after hearing what he said, she was also very curious.

For a person like Luo Ya, what kind of elixir does he want to refine, and he still needs to find Shen Yu?

Hearing Shen Yu mentioning this matter, Luo Ya nodded and said: "I would like to invite Master Shen to refine the pills. There are two kinds of pills, one is called Serum Pill, and the other is called Jiuzhuanxue Pill. !"

"Serum Pill and Jiuzhuan Xuedan!"

Before Shen Yu said anything, Xiao Chenchen covered her little cherry mouth and shouted out in surprise.

Shen Yu frowned and glanced at him, then turned around and asked, "Do you know these two pills?"

Xiao Chenchen nodded, and said, "Well, Xuexue Pill is a fourth-grade elixir, its main function is to remove impurities in the blood of people with special bloodlines, and improve the talent of cultivating immortals, while Jiuzhuan Xuedan is a more advanced The fifth-grade elixir is mainly used to repair serious injuries on the body! '

Hearing Xiao Chenchen's words, Shen Yu said helplessly: "Senior Luo Ya, didn't you make things difficult for me? You also know that the strongest pharmacist in our Lingxiao Sect is only a second-rank pharmacist. How can we refine a fourth-rank pharmacist?" Grade five pills and fifth grade pills."

Not to mention the fourth-grade elixir, although it is precious, it is not impossible to buy it, but the fifth-grade elixir, even in the entire Qingzhou, there are not many alchemists who can refine it.

Luo Ya said calmly: "I know, but my intuition tells me that you are an extraordinary person, and there may be a way. As long as you can help me refine these two elixirs, I am willing to use what I have hidden all my life as a reward." , if you have any request, I am willing to do my best to meet it."

Your feeling is quite accurate, Shen Yu said silently in his heart, he indeed has a way to get these two kinds of elixir, nothing more than exchanging them from the system mall.

He just checked in the system mall, the Serum Pill requires [-] Faith Points, and the Nine-Turn Snow Pill requires [-] Faith Points to redeem.

Although Luo Ya looks like a celestial being, he is not a pervert, so he wouldn't exchange such an expensive pill just because of a word from a beautiful woman.

However, if Luo Ya is willing to join the Ling Xiao faction...

(End of this chapter)

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