Chapter 631
"The second battle, Sanxiu Feather God vs. Fengling Gufengbuxun!"

When Cui Yingying's voice sounded, the corner of Shen Yu's mouth curled up into a smile. He didn't expect that it would be his turn in the second battle. It seems that Guanghan Palace deliberately let him make a move earlier to see his true strength.

Among the five major forces, apart from Guanghan Palace, the other forces still don't know Shen Yu's true identity. They only know that a few mysterious casual cultivators appeared in this tea ceremony. They are so powerful that even Li Buyi was suppressed. one head.

Among them, this young man named Feather God is the most mysterious.

Although Wuji Abyss and Shen Yu have the deepest grievances, they don't know what Shen Yu looks like, because those Wuji Abyss disciples who were sent to the Kyushu Continent were wiped out and did not pass Shen Yu's appearance back to Wuji abyss.

When Cui Yingying returned to her seat, Quan Jing beside her asked in a low voice, "Junior Sister Cui, this Feather God is the one you mentioned, the casual cultivator genius who is likely to get No. 1 in this tea ceremony?"

When they were discussing the battle list last night, Cui Yingying strongly advocated that the Feather God should be placed No.2 in the battle sequence, and the opponent arranged for him was also Fengling Gu Fengbucun, who was quite strong in the top [-].

Among the second-rate forces in the void of heaven, Fengling Valley is considered to be middle-class, and its strength is also considered extraordinary. This wind does not exist, and it is enough to rank among the top three among the younger generation of Fengling Valley. Let him fight Shen Yu, and it can be clearly seen Shen Yu's strength.

Cui Yingying nodded, and said: "Senior brother Quan Jing, I let him fight against Feng Bucun, so that you can be mentally prepared. I'm afraid you won't be able to win the Immortal Sect this time. This young man has some tricks!"

Quan Jing snorted softly, and said: "That's not necessarily the case. It was a woman named Luo Ya who injured my commoner nephew, not this young man. I think that woman may be stronger, although her cultivation level is a bit poor. , only the fifth floor of Golden Wonderland.

And although the commoner is injured, we still have Xue Yuan and more outstanding disciples in the Immortal Sect, so we may not lose this tea ceremony, but I think Junior Sister Cui thinks too highly of this kid, is he just a ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland? ? "

Going back to 1000 million years ago, with the help of the Qilin Demon Saint, Shen Yu's current cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, but in order to hide his clumsiness, Shen Yu's current strength is still only the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland.

With the memories of the Qilin Demon Saint and the previous Heavenly Emperor, all kinds of strange fairy arts in Shen Yu's mind are vast, and it is simply a piece of cake to avoid the inspection of a mere Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortal like Quan Jing .

Therefore, at this moment, Quan Jing thought that Shen Yu was still only at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Hearing Quan Jing's anger-like words, Cui Yingying was noncommittal, even a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, this Quan Jing was really arrogant, if he knew that this young man was the famous Emperor of Heaven, he didn't know how he would feel.

However, Shen Yu is the trump card arranged by Guanghan Palace at this tea ceremony. Although she has some discord with the palace owner Jin Ying, she will not spoil the important affairs of Guanghan Palace. She will tell Quan Jing about Shen Yu's identity. .

At this time, the suave and suave Shen Yu, dressed in white, floated onto the competition stage. Standing opposite him was a man in his 20s with the same handsome complexion, who was not much different from Shen Yu in appearance, with a faint smile on his face. .

Looking at the two people who were less than ten meters apart, standing face to face, there were bursts of discussion in the audience.

"Is this Feng Bucun? He is as suave and handsome as the legend says!"

"I heard that Feng Bucun is not only powerful, but also a famous gentleman, with a high prestige in Fengling Valley!"

"However, I am still more optimistic about Feather God. He is the one who occupies the top ten palaces, and he is the favorite to win the tea ceremony!"

"That's right! The genius who has always been able to occupy the top ten palaces has never fallen in the second round!"


Although the wind does not exist in the nihilistic heavens, it can be regarded as a small reputation, and Shen Yu has only become famous recently. No one has seen his real strength, but there are still many people who believe that Shen Yu's strength is even better.

Not only these ordinary audiences, even Li Buyi and other people who occupy the top ten palaces also know that this Feather God will probably win easily, especially Huowa who was once defeated by Shen Yu, he knows Shen Yu best The means are weird.

He widened his eyes and stared at Shen Yu, hoping that Shen Yu could use the strange magic technique that defeated him back then. Until now, he didn't know exactly how he lost to this young man.

"You are the son of Yushen? If you are at a disadvantage, you have long admired your name!"

Feng Bucun stood opposite Shen Yu, with a warm smile on his face, and slightly arched his hands. Indeed, as rumored, this Feng Bucun was a handsome gentleman, and Shen Yu could tell that he was not Pretentious.

For such a person, Shen Yu would not intentionally embarrass him, but said lightly: "The wind does not exist, and with your strength, you are still not my opponent, so you admit defeat yourself! I don't want to hurt you."

Feng Bucun smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "Sir Yushen, I know you are powerful, but fleeing without fighting is not a gentleman's action, so please take action! If you really die in your hands , There is no wind and no complaints.”

Hearing Feng Bucun's words, Shen Yu no longer tried to dissuade him, but just stretched out his hand, letting Feng Bucun strike first.

There is no wind and no hypocrisy, a small purple flower appeared in his hand, and he said to Shen Yu: "Young Master Yushen, this is a sleepy flower, it is my magic weapon, although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, but it also has some power, can you tell me?" Be careful."

After finishing speaking, he lightly twirled his fingers, and the purple flowers floated in the air. The little flowers split into two and four in the air, and in an instant, thousands of them split out, covering the entire martial arts arena, and then these flowers bloomed one after another , Pollen began to be thrown on the competition platform.

These pollen have the effect of anesthesia mana. Being in the pollen, mana stagnates all over the body, and the action will be greatly affected.

After the pollen spread all over the competition arena, Feng Bucun's figure flashed, and he distanced himself from Shen Yu. Then, he clasped his hands together suddenly, his cheeks puffed out, and he spit out dozens of sharp golden swords from his mouth, moving towards Shen Yu like lightning. Feather shot away.

This is Feng Bucun's special skill, using the sealing effect of the trapping flower pollen to seal the opponent's mana first, slow down the opponent's dodging movements, and then shoot the opponent to death with the golden light sword in his mouth.

In addition, Feng Bucun has the perfect cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Realm, and his real combat power is far superior to that of monks of the same rank, so his attack speed is several times stronger than that of ordinary monks. Few people can escape his attacks. Combination attacks are also tried and tested.

Shen Yu stood on the competition stage, watching the dozens of golden swords shot towards him at high speed, but remained motionless with no expression of fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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