Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 634 The Mysterious Swordsman

Chapter 634 The Mysterious Swordsman

Bi Luo said with some dumbfounding: "There is no such rule in the tea ceremony, but that's because no one thought that a young man could take out a fourth-class innate spirit treasure to participate in the tea ceremony. If you play like this, others will have nothing to do with it." .”

Shen Yu said disdainfully: "They don't have to play because they are poor and can't even take out the fourth-class innate spirit treasure. Since I can get it out, why can't I use it? So as long as it doesn't violate the rules, this matter will be avoided. talk."

If it wasn't for an opponent with outstanding strength like Li Buyi, who might use some weird immortal techniques, Shen Yu wouldn't even bother to fight. If the battle can be solved with Xiantian Lingbao, why should I waste time playing with you?

Since he accepted the inheritance of the Qilin Demon Saint, he has become a little swollen.

Seeing Shen Yu who was not allowed to enter, Bi Luo couldn't help giving him a blank look, you are the famous Emperor of Heaven, since you old man has many innate spiritual treasures, then you can use them!My aunt just came to pass on a message, and she won't hold you this time.

Bi Luo shrugged, and said in a calm tone: "Okay! Then I'll just tell Uncle Cui that you rejected her request, and the next game will depend on your mood and decide whether to use the Xiantian Lingbao .”

This time, Biluo knows what it means to be more popular than a person. It is said that there is only one fourth-class innate treasure in Guanghan Palace. Usually, the treasure is not even allowed to be seen by disciples, but it is worthless if it is put here by Shen Yu. .

From the meaning of Shen Yu's words, it seems that he has more than one Xiantian Lingbao. Bi Luo really wants to ask him, son, how do you sell your Xiantian Lingbao? If you think about it, you don't seem to be at a disadvantage!
But thinking of Shen Yu's temper, maybe he really put himself to sleep, so it's better not to tease him.

Thinking of this, Bi Luo snorted arrogantly, then flew back to the front of her palace.

Shen Yu originally thought that he rejected Guanghan Palace's request, and with Bi Luo's temperament, maybe he would play tricks of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself, but who knew that after he finished speaking, Bi Luo actually looked indifferent.

Bi Luo flew away directly, leaving Shen Yu with a confused face.

How did he know that Bi Luo was simply trying to play Cui Yingying, and had no intention of persuading Shen Yu. Whether Shen Yu wanted to use the Xiantian Lingbao had nothing to do with him, anyway, he had no intention of getting the No. 1 tea ceremony.

And there is indeed no rule in the tea ceremony, saying that participating monks cannot use Xiantian Lingbao, Shen Yu can use Xiantian Lingbao to win, that is his ability, if you have the ability, you can also use Xiantian Lingbao.


The battle that followed was still so ordinary, and the five referees didn't seem to be annoyed because Shen Yu rejected their request, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

The battle was not different from what many people talked about. Whether it was Li Buyi, Heilong, or Biluo, Mingque, the top ten contenders of the Tea Ceremony, they all defeated their opponents effortlessly, and almost all of them were instant kills. .

They also proved to everyone that even though they were unbearable in front of Shen Yu and Luo Ya, they still had a crushing advantage against other monks, and these people were still unshakable by monks from other sects.

Because Luo Ya had defeated Li Buyi before, and because she was only on the fifth floor of the Golden Wonderland, Luo Ya received a lot of attention. Even Cui Yingying, Quan Jing and others paid close attention to this strange woman with a veil.

It's a pity that Luo Ya's battle didn't let them see any clues. He just disappeared and reappeared, kicking his opponent off the arena with ease, and then left the arena like a fairy in the world .

That unrestrained and incomparable demeanor has attracted many young geniuses for a while. Although no one has seen Luo Ya's real face, some good people have already called her, Bi Luo and Ming Que the three beauties .

The Juetian Six Ghosts of Juetian Palace and the Seven Great Disciples of Vulcan Palace also showed their jaw-dropping strength, and their opponents showed no weaker advantages than Li Buyi and others, and even surpassed them.

But the most surprising thing was the seven young swordsmen with long knives on their backs.

Because of the powerful strength shown by the Juetian Six Ghosts and the Seven Great Disciples of the Vulcan Palace in the first round, these seven people took a big advantage, no one challenged them, and easily entered the second stage.

Now in the second stage, no one can avoid the battle, so these people finally made a move.

Each of the seven people carried a long knife, but the shape of each knife is different, some are thin into the wire but extremely sharp, some are heavy and huge without showing sharpness, but in the hands of these seven people, the seven knives all appear Out of the ordinary strength.

Moreover, these seven people's moves were extremely fierce, even better than the six ghosts of Jue Tian. Every opponent they faced was brutally chopped into flying ash, and none of them survived. The blood even permeated the entire competition arena .

Even Cui Yingying and the others couldn't help frowning upon seeing this scene.

Although there is no rule that you cannot kill your opponent in the battle of the Tea Ceremony, it is the first time I have seen such a cruel attack, even those Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortals who have experienced countless battles, are shocked by it.

"These guys are really ruthless enough, even I can't bear to look at them!"

Shen Yu frowned slightly as he watched the seven swordsmen take turns taking turns to kill their opponents. He didn't like the actions of these people very much.

But at the same time, some strange images appeared in his mind, as if he knew the origin of these people.

In the first stage, he still had no impression of these people, but now he has a clue, which is all thanks to the memory of the Qilin Demon Saint, because the memory of the Qilin Demon Saint has recorded some similar swordsmen.

That was when the Qilin Demon Saint first entered the Shiyuan Realm, and met at the border of the Shiyuan Realm. This is a rather weird race called the Dao Clan. When every Dao Clan member is born, the There will always be a natal sword.

The grades of these natal divine knives are different, the poor ones are at the level of artifacts, and the good ones are at the level of innate spiritual treasures. The level of natal divine knives represents the talent of a member of the sword clan, which is very different from the way humans, monsters and other races divide talents. big difference.

When these sword clan children reached the fairyland, they ushered in the first great change. At this time, they can already take out the divine sword in their stomachs and become their most suitable weapon to fight against the enemy .

It's just that this race also has a disgusting thing, that is, they are extremely cruel, and they take pleasure in killing all their lives.

Could it be that these people are from the Sword Clan from the Origin Realm?But why do they appear here?
(End of this chapter)

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