Chapter 647

"Brother, have you noticed that kid can easily defeat Dao Chi, he is not a mortal!"

In Lun Dao Mountain, on an inconspicuous hill, three old men in gray clothes stood here, followed by dozens of younger monks. For the low ones, there is also the Hunyuan Taiyi Gold Fairyland.

This line of 30 people has one thing in common, that is, they all carry precious swords on their backs. Obviously, they are all members of the sword clan in the Shiyuan world, just like what Zhu Jiuyin said. For quite powerful.

Just these dozens of people are not much weaker than Shen Yu's power, and it is not a problem to destroy a void of heaven.

This is the strength of the Origin Realm. Take out any race, even if it is only a medium-strength race, and go to any world outside the Origin Realm, it is like the ultimate big devil.

It was an old woman with a gloomy complexion who was speaking at this moment. She was talking with a burly old man in front of her.

Hearing what the old woman said, the burly old man at the head thought for a moment, and then said: "Yes! The knife in Dao Chi's hand is a fifth-class innate spiritual treasure, how could it be so easy to break, and it was broken by a mountain of that young man?" It was crushed, which is incredible."

It is not uncommon for them to have seen the breaking of a fifth-class innate spirit treasure, but in that case, the cultivation base of the person who made the move must be at least in the Great Luojin Fairyland, and Shen Yu is only in the middle stage of the Taiyijin Fairyland, but he has such a level. strength.

Although Shen Yu has a way to hide his cultivation, but after all, he only has the cultivation of the middle stage of the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, and he can't hide it from the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The old man and the old woman behind him are both Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The old woman nodded, and then asked a little puzzled: "Brother, the strength of the void heaven is so weak, why should we hide in the dark and let these juniors go to this tea ceremony? ?"

The people of the sword clan came here to conquer this world, but it is unknown why they wanted to conquer this world.

In this old woman's view, the strength of the void heaven is so weak that there is no need to take such painstaking efforts. As long as they make a move, they can completely destroy it casually, but now they have killed Dao Chi for no reason.

Although the sword clan is powerful, it also has a weakness similar to other strong clans in the source world, that is, the ability to reproduce is not strong. The number of the entire sword clan is less than [-], so the senior leaders of the sword clan cherish their population very much.

In addition, because the people of the sword clan acted too cruelly, many ethnic forces in the source world hated them extremely, so that once people in their clan fell into the hands of others, most of them would lose their lives.

It is precisely because of this that the death of a knife-chill whose talent can only be regarded as mediocre in the clan also makes the old woman feel distressed.

But the old man said: "You should feel that there are many people who do not belong to this world in the nihilistic heaven, and they are all concentrated around this Lun Dao Mountain. Our trip is a secret, with a great mission, and we must not leak the news up.

If it’s just people from the void world, don’t worry, they can’t leave this world, but once these people from outside the void world are allowed to leave, our secret will be revealed, and it will be very troublesome!
So we will stay here first, and wait for these people hiding in the dark to pop out, we will kill them all, as for Dao Chi's life, I will avenge him, no one can hurt my Dao Clan disciple After his death, he will be safe and sound. "

After finishing speaking, a fierce cold light flashed in the old man's eyes, and he looked at Shen Yu on the clouds of the main peak of Lun Dao Mountain.


Sitting on top of the clouds, Shen Yu, who was watching the battle calmly, seemed to feel the gaze of the sword elder, and his expression froze slightly. He knew that someone was secretly watching him, but he didn't look back.

He has already guessed the other party's identity, except for those mice hiding in the dark of the Sword Clan and Jue Tian Palace, who else can pay attention to him?

But he didn't take these people seriously. To him, these people would all be dead before long.

At this moment, on the martial arts arena, the two sides of the battle are Huo Qi, the youngest girl among the seven members of the Vulcan Palace, and the opponent is Li Gui, the ruthless woman among the Absolute Seven Ghosts. attracted a lot of attention.

After the battle between Ming Que and Bai Tai, another [-] battles have passed, and even Bi Luo and Luo Ya have already taken action, but their opponents are all casual cultivators, and their strength is not strong, so they are not as big as Ming Sparrow Fei Zhouzhang is a quick win.

Jue Tian Liugui has also shot three, and the seven of the Vulcan Palace have played three, including Huo Qi on the field, a total of four, and the sword clan has also shot three again, and their opponents are all from the top five. Power, still has some means.

But these people were far from being opponents to them, and they were all killed without exception during the battle, which made the audience shudder. Is this still a tea ceremony?It's simply a battlefield to the death!
It is estimated that after this round, the number of people participating in the top [-] qualifying rounds of the tea ceremony will drop sharply by no less than thirty.

Those spectators originally thought that such a bloody battle would be stopped by the people of the five major forces, and then warned the contestants, but they didn't want the high-level leaders of the five major forces to respond coldly to this.

Even if the disciple under his sect died, he remained indifferent, as if acquiescing to this practice, which is really surprising!
Huo Qi and Li Gui are both in the late stage of the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, and both of them were born in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so their strength is between the same. Battles are wonderful.

However, after all, Huo Qi is thousands of years younger than Li Gui, and he is a monk who has just broken through the late stage of the Taiyi Gold Fairyland. Faintly prevailed.

On the competition stage, Li Gui used the usual method of the Juetian Qigui, splitting dozens of ghost shadows, besieging Huo Qi from all directions without any dead ends, and Huo Qi was constantly manipulating several fireballs to block Li Qi's attack. Ghost attack.

But the ghosts that Li Gui separated at this time were all illusory appearances, and they didn't shoot Huo Qi's attacks at all. As soon as the fireball hit Li Gui's ghost, it flew straight past, and then those phantoms shot again. Fiercely rushed towards Huo Qi.

Seeing this scene, the other members of the Absolute Heaven Six Ghosts in the auditorium had sneered complacently on their faces. Although Li Gui's cultivation was not ranked among the top three among them, her fighting power was among the best.

Although the girl who manipulated the fireball was not bad, she was still a bit worse than Li Gui, and they were determined in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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