Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 66 Golden Light Vertically

Chapter 66 Golden Light Vertically
The fact that Wuliangzong was attacked by people spread rapidly throughout the Great Xia Kingdom like a single spark starting a prairie fire.

Some people say that Wuliangzong lost his virtue and was punished by the Dao of Heaven. The Dao of Heaven sent down the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder and bombarded Wuliangzong, causing heavy losses to Wuliangzong.

Some people say that Wuliangzong was attacked by a large number of powerful enemies. That day, dust and smoke rose everywhere, the ground trembled, thousands of troops rushed into Wuliangzong, and fought desperately with the disciples of Wuliangzong. In the end, the disciples of Wuliangzong united and defeated Strong enemy, but also heavy losses.

Others said that the Wuliangzong was attacked by a top powerhouse. Countless people saw that day that a super strong man, like a god descending from the earth, held a huge mountain and threw it into the Wuliangzong. Suddenly the temple collapsed and the mountain crumbled.

No matter which legend is true, there is one thing that is certain, that is, the Wuliangzong has indeed been planted, and the Wuliangzong, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has been disgraced this time, and its strength has dropped by one-third. The existence at the bottom of the three major sects.

In the past few days, this news has spread in all the taverns and teahouses throughout the Great Xia Kingdom, and Wuliangzong has almost become the laughing stock of the people of the Great Xia Kingdom after dinner.

At the same time, the spies sent by the other two great powers of the Great Xia Kingdom, Divine Sword Sect and Wanfo Temple, were also quietly recalled to the sect by the two great powers.

Outsiders may not know the inside story of Wuliangzong being attacked, but Shenjianmen and Wanfo Temple, who are also the three major forces, naturally don't know everything.

Although the three major forces formed an alliance on the surface to fight against the Ye family of the royal family, they were also fighting openly and secretly behind the scenes. No one knew how many undercover agents each had sent to their respective sects.

Therefore, after Wuliangzong was attacked by Shang Zhang, their undercover agents in Wuliangzong immediately sent back the news that the Jindan powerhouse who attacked Wuliangzong was none other than Ling Xiao faction.

Now Shenjianmen and Wanfo Temple can't sit still anymore. After Ye Chaotian issued the imperial decree, Shenjianmen and Wanfo Temple sent spies to the Lingxiao faction to inquire about the news. If this incident offended the Lingxiao faction Well, if the Lingxiao faction sent that Shangzhang to their sect to walk around, then they might be worse than Wuliangzong.

Therefore, they hurriedly recalled the secret agents of the sect who were still on their way to the Lingxiao sect.

This Lingxiao faction is so fierce, and there are strong men in the Jindan stage, who can stand it!I can't afford it, I can't afford it!


In fact, in Shen Yu's heart, he has never cared about Shenjianmen and Wanfo Temple. As long as this kind of small sect doesn't offend him, the devil is willing to take care of them. Now that Shen Yu has a lot of masters, his vision is naturally better than before. It is much taller, and has the demeanor of a big sect leader.

At this moment, Shen Yu, who was on Wangxue Peak, was sitting on the practice couch in the room, activated the system's lottery function, and conducted a [-] consecutive draw.

Now Shen Yu only has more than 2000 Faith Points, which is not enough for a summoning of [-] Faith Points. He is a little unwilling to spend [-] Faith Points to summon a Golden Core expert, and now he no longer looks down on Golden Core experts.

It's better to wait for [-] faith points, or [-] faith points, and summon a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage or even the distraction stage!

Shen Yu, who didn't really need Faith Points for the time being, spent [-] Faith Points to draw [-] consecutive times to see if he could get anything useful.

It would be better to have spiritual roots, or to transplant spiritual roots to Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong and Xu Fu to improve their talents. After all, they are also the veterans of the Lingxiao sect.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting the human-level low-grade earth attribute heavenly root!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting a god-level spell, shining golden light!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting the low-grade human-level metal heavenly spirit root!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting an earth-level low-grade exercise, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting the human-level middle-grade fire attribute sky spirit root!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting a special bloodline, Yinglong's bloodline!"


The winning rate of the [-] consecutive draws this time was not high, only six kinds of items were drawn, the winning rate was frighteningly low, but Shen Yu was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Because the six items drawn this time are all what he needs most, and they are all very high-level, and some of them are even worth no less than a summon with [-] faith points.

Shen Yu felt that this system should not be called the Strongest Summoning System, and it could simply be renamed the Strongest Lottery System.

Not to mention the spiritual roots of the three attributes, the spiritual roots of the earth attribute and the spiritual roots of the metal are transplanted to Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong respectively, and the spiritual roots of the fire attribute of the middle-level human level can be transplanted to Xu Fu. Although Xu Fu has spiritual roots, But it is only a low-grade fire attribute spiritual root at the human level.

If he transplanted a middle-level human-level spiritual root, and then broke through the foundation-building stage, he might become a third-level pharmacist in one fell swoop.

As for the other three prizes, they are really too generous.

Taiji Xuanqing Dao is Zhuxian, Qingyunmen's suppressing martial arts, even if it is put in this world, it is a peerless martial arts of the ground level, not to mention in a small Great Xia Kingdom, even in the entire Qingzhou, It is also something that countless people are fighting for.

As for Zongdi Jinguang, many people may find it unfamiliar, but just looking at its grade, you can know that this is definitely not an ordinary spell.

The exercises and spells on the Kyushu Continent are divided into four grades: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, the Yellow grade is the lowest, and the Heaven grade is the highest. However, above the Heaven grade exercises, there is also a legendary God grade, but no one has ever seen it before. That is to say, Zongdi Jinguang has surpassed the cognition category of Kyushu Continent.

This vertical golden light is indeed of extraordinary origin. It is one of the supernatural powers of Erlang God Yang Jian, the top god in Chinese mythology. Using this vertical golden light method, one can transform into golden light and travel thousands of miles a day. Of course, this description is definitely true. I underestimated the Zongdi Jinguang method.

Sun Wukong can cover hundreds of thousands of miles in a somersault. How could Yang Jian, who is comparable to his strength, only travel thousands of miles a day?

Shen Yu can be sure that with this set of vertical golden light spells, he can remain invincible in battle, won't he run away if he can't beat it?
The question now is, with the level of the Zongdi Golden Light Method being so high, can he practice it? After all, he hasn't broken through the foundation building yet.

"Haha, no matter what, this time I really made a lot of money, Erlang's supernatural powers! Even if I can't fully cultivate, as long as I practice a fur, it will be enough."

Shen Yu was so happy that he jumped up from the exercise couch. With the Zongdi Jinguang method and "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao", the Lingxiao faction had a foundation for its rise. In the past, the most advanced exercises of the Lingxiao faction were only left by Su Quan. The remnants of "Taishang Induction Jue" are only Huang-level low-grade.

The "Yi Jin Jing" and "Tai Xuan Jing" are miraculous, but they are not considered as cultivation methods.

After a while, Shen Yu looked at the last prize on the system lottery roulette: Yinglong's blood!
(End of this chapter)

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