Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 662 Bloodline Awakening

Chapter 662 Bloodline Awakening

Sitting next to Quan Jing, Yin Feng, the deputy master of Minghe Hall, said with some dissatisfaction: "Hehe, deputy sect master Quan, don't talk so eccentrically. Li Buyi is much bigger than Mingque, and he is bigger than Mingque." Que Qiang, it is also reasonable!
Besides, the two had just exchanged a move. Although Li Buyi had the upper hand, who could have predicted the changes in an instant when the master made a move?Maybe Ming Sparrow won in the end? "

Quan Jing joked and said, "What? Could it be that the Vice Palace Master Yinfeng thinks that Mingque can defeat Li Buyi, then you are a little arrogant, but if you really think this is possible, we two can make a bet how?"

Yin Feng's expression changed, and he asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to bet on?"

Quan Jing pondered for a moment, and then said: "I remember that you have a fifth-class innate spirit treasure in your hand, why not just bet on this, if Mingque wins, I will lose you a fifth-class innate spirit treasure, otherwise, you lose me How about one piece?"

To be honest, Yin Feng absolutely does not want to make this bet with Quan Jing at this moment. Li Buyi is stronger than Ming Que, this is a fact, so in the battle between the two, the chance of Ming Que winning is less than one-tenth. Will the Lingbao be given to Quan Jing?
The fifth-class Xiantian Lingbao may not be a big deal to Shen Yu, but to Yinfeng, he only has this one.

But Styx Palace and Immortal Sect have a lot of grievances, he is the one who can't stand provocations from Immortal Sect, and now Quan Jing openly invites him to bet, if he doesn't agree to him, he will be ridiculed by the other party.

Thinking of this, Yin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you, I hope you won't regret it when the time comes!"

Thinking that not long ago, Li Buyi was injured by Luo Ya just now, thinking that the injury has not recovered yet, maybe Ming Que still has a chance.

For Quan Jing, this is an innate spiritual treasure given away for nothing, so he was naturally very happy, so he immediately smiled and said: "Okay, since the deputy palace master Yinfeng is so bold, then I, Quan Jing, will risk my life to accompany the gentleman. I agree."

Hearing that the two had started a bet at this moment, Jin Ying shook her head helplessly, but she didn't say anything more. This is a private matter for others, so she didn't need to say more. Even if she turned her attention to the contest again on stage.

After being hit by Li Buyi's star finger, Ming Que was able to stabilize his figure. When he looked up at Li Buyi again, he was quite shocked. He didn't expect that Li Buyi was stronger than he imagined. .

Although Luo Ya easily defeated Li Buyi, but only when he really fought against the serious Li Buyi, could he understand the horror of him. What a shocking power it is to mobilize the power of three stars by one person!
Ming Que even felt that the power of Li Buyi's star finger might not be inferior to that of the Hunyuan Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm's early stage powerhouse.

Li Buyi still stood at the same spot, surrounded by stars, he looked at Mingque, smiled faintly and said: "Junior sister Mingque, I think you should admit defeat! The star finger just now only used [-]% of my skill .”

Li Buyi's words made Ming Que's heart tremble. I never expected that such a powerful finger only used [-]% of Li Buyi's skill. If he used all his strength, he could still resist it. live?

But Li Buyi wanted to make Ming Que admit defeat with just one word, but he absolutely couldn't do it.

At that moment, Ming Que looked at Li Buyi with dark eyes, and said coldly: "Don't worry about Senior Brother Li, you should fight hard!"

After finishing speaking, she tried her best to circulate the magic power in her whole body, letting the magic power fill her limbs and bones.

"Junior Brother Yushen said that there is power in me that I don't know about. Only by doing my best can I mobilize it. I must not let him down. Today I will do my best to defeat Li Buyi."

Nether Sparrow clenched its silver teeth tightly, the mana in its body circulated crazily, and even the blood boiled due to the rapid operation of mana.

At the same time, as the blood in her body boiled, Ming Que felt that her body was about to explode, and the black air waves surrounding her soared several meters high. At this moment, the breath on her body had far exceeded that of Taiyi Jin Late Wonderland.

"This power is..."

Feeling the strange changes in his body after running the holy scriptures of hell with all his strength, Ming Que was shocked.

She felt like there was a volcano hidden in her body, and this volcano was about to erupt at this moment, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Mingque felt that only by immediately bursting the volcano in his body could he calm down the discomfort in his body at this moment.

She didn't know what the mysterious thing in her blood was, and she didn't know why this happened to her, but she also had some guesses, maybe it had something to do with her running the holy scriptures of hell with all her strength!

In the past, Ming Sparrow had both sides, and never forced himself to deal with the enemy with all his strength. When encountering a weak opponent, he abused the opponent. When encountering a strong opponent, he simply avoided the battle or surrendered, just like the last tea ceremony.

This was the first time she tried her best to run the exercises.

After a while, Ming Sparrow endured the strong discomfort of the blood boiling in his body, clapped his hands together, and then silently recited a strange incantation, and then suddenly a black phoenix-like beast appeared faintly behind him.

The moment this strange beast appeared, black rays of light flashed in her eyes.

This scene made Shen Yu refreshed instantly. Shen Yu, who had inherited the memory of the Qilin Demon Saint, was very familiar with the blood of the phoenix. breath.

And the phoenix-like black beast that formed behind the ghost sparrow was the ancient phoenix.

The ancient phoenix and the phoenix family have similarities, but they also have differences. The phoenix family has many branches, and each phoenix has its own attributes, some are fire, some are soldiers, but the phoenix is ​​different.

The phoenix has no attributes, but it can manipulate the power of almost all attributes, just like the phoenix-like phoenix pattern behind the phoenix at the moment, exuding coldness, but its body is like a flame.

I don't know what level the Nether Sparrow, who has completely exploded with the power of the phoenix's bloodline, can reach, Shen Yu is looking forward to it.

However, Shen Yu was the only one who could see the difference in Ming Que. Even the Yin Feng and other people from Minghe Palace, who were very familiar with Ming Que, just felt that Ming Que was a little strange at this time, and didn't think much about it.

But Li Buyi, who was standing opposite Mingque, felt a little ominous in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

With the lessons learned from underestimating the enemy and seriously injuring him when facing Luo Ya, Li Buyi did not dare to be careless this time. With a light wave of his hand, three phantoms of planets the size of millstones suddenly appeared around him and slowly spun .

(End of this chapter)

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