Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 669 Change the door

Chapter 669 Change the door
The atmosphere on Lun Dao Mountain suddenly became tense because of the death of the black dragon, especially the fact that the Yaosheng Dynasty and the Styx Temple were facing each other, which made everyone silently pay attention to the development of the situation.

But at this moment, an incomparably lazy voice echoed over Lun Dao Mountain, causing countless people to look for their reputation, wanting to see who was so bold as to dare to interfere in the battle between the two major forces.

When they saw the speaker clearly, their eyes widened suddenly, because the speaker turned out to be the mysterious genius Yu Shen who made a big splash at the tea ceremony, which made them a little confused.

Does this Feather God have any relationship with Ming Sparrow?
Although Ming Que has been walking with Yushen before, in the eyes of everyone, it may be that Ming Que fell in love with this sudden genius, so he has been by his side. As for whether this Feather God likes her , or something else!
But now Mingque is in trouble. Even the deputy master of Minghe Palace is negotiating with King Pingnan of the Demon Saint Dynasty, but this Yushen just jumped out with a tough attitude. Could it be that these two are playing for real? Have true feelings?
The most uncomfortable thing at this moment is Huowa. After today, I am afraid that he will not even be able to pursue Mingque, otherwise someone will laugh at him behind his back, saying that he is the broken shoe of the God of Feathers, and Huowa will lose face. Where to put it?In the future, he might even take over the Palace of Styx.

King Pingnan of the Yaosheng Dynasty also turned his attention to Shen Yu at this moment, narrowing his gloomy eyes slightly, and said: "What? Is it possible that Master Yushen wants to take care of my Yaosheng Dynasty's affairs? Hehe, I admit it You are very strong, but a Taiyi Golden Immortal is still too young to meddle in the affairs of my Yaosheng Dynasty."

Having said that, King Pingnan only stayed at the stage of threatening Shen Yu, and did not attack Shen Yu immediately. The people in the Yaosheng Dynasty were all transformed by monsters, and their tempers became more and more irritable. It is not easy for Wang to be so polite.

If it were someone else who dared to say such things to him at this time, he would have killed him long ago. Shen Yu was really nervous. Even a proud and conceited person like King Pingnan would not want to take it easy. To offend him, for fear of bringing disaster to the Demon Saint Dynasty.

Although Shen Yu claimed to be a casual cultivator, no one would really think of him as a casual cultivator. How could a casual cultivator have so many innate spiritual treasures?Will there be such a strong strength?
Especially when he defeated Daolong, the dragon-binding rope he used was extremely powerful. He has not seen the clue until now. In his opinion, if the rope came to him, he would not be able to stop it .

Shen Yu sat on the seat without moving, lightly took a sip of the Wudao tea that was not exhausted in the cup, and said with a light smile: "Meddle in your own business? This is no business. If you want to touch my people, will I Sit and watch?"

Hearing Shen Yu's words, King Pingnan immediately flew into a rage and said, "Hmph, God Yu, don't you want to find trouble here, do you really think that this old man is afraid of you? You know, when did you become yours again?"

Yin Feng from the Styx Palace also turned his gaze to Shen Yu at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Young Master Yushen, you are willing to stand up for my disciples from the Styx Palace, I am grateful in my heart, but this is my disciple from the Styx Palace." It has nothing to do with you, please don't talk nonsense."

Shen Yu glanced at Yin Feng lightly, and said lightly: "Ming Que was a disciple of your Styx Temple before, but not anymore, she has worshiped me as a teacher, and now she is mine, do you have any comments? "

Yinfeng's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, and then he said in a shocked voice: "What did you say? Mingque worships you as a teacher? How is this possible? Yushen, you can eat food but you can't talk nonsense."

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth curled up, but he didn't speak, but Ming Que suddenly opened his mouth and said indifferently: "Vice-Hall Master, today I, Ming Que, left the Minghe Palace, and have nothing to do with the Minghe Palace from now on!"

"What? The sparrow is really going to leave the Palace of the Styx, what's going on?"

"I don't know! But from the looks of it, it seems that Ming Sparrow has really taken refuge in the sect of Yushen!"

"Although this Feather God is incomparably powerful and possesses many magic weapons, he is weak after all. Ming Que abandoned the Ming River Palace and followed him. What is he trying to do?"

"Hey, I don't know, maybe it's for love!"

"Love love love, love your size, didn't you hear Mingque just said that she has worshiped Yu God as her teacher? Is it possible that you still have a master-disciple relationship?"

"Hey, it's not impossible! It's so exciting!"


Seeing that Ming Que actually admitted that she wanted to worship Shen Yu as her teacher and leave the Palace of Ming River, the audience suddenly exploded. This is a shocking news!No one dared to poach the corners of the five major forces yet, and they were still very thick corners in the Palace of Styx.

At this time, except for those who knew Shen Yu's identity, like Jin Ying and Bi Luo, everyone else was in deep shock, and only those who knew Shen Yu's identity knew what kind of opportunity Ming Que had encountered.

If the Emperor of Heaven could be accepted as an apprentice, what kind of disciple would he be in the Palace of Styx?Besides, Mingque is not the most concerned even in the Temple of Minghe, and there is a fire baby on her head!

However, the unknown wind and the high-level officials of the Styx Palace in the dark are not happy. Among the younger generation of the Styx Palace, Mingque is very talented, not to mention, she has exploded now. Shocking strength, Styx Palace does not want to lose such a disciple.

So Yinfeng immediately asked in a deep voice: "Mingque, do you know what you are talking about? You are the core disciple of our Minghe Temple. The sect has put so much effort into cultivating you, and now you are going to betray the sect. Have you thought about the consequences?"

Ming Sparrow sneered and said: "Deputy Palace Master, it goes without saying that the words are so nice, I don't deny that the Minghe Palace did cultivate me, but that's because I have such a talent, worthy of your cultivation, besides, The cultivation resources I got were also exchanged by me through the mission of the sect, and I have never taken them for nothing, and I don’t owe anything to the Palace of Styx!"

The fierce competition in the Temple of the Styx is no worse than that of the Infinity Abyss. Everyone who can make a name for himself in the Temple of the Styx has made great efforts to earn enough benefits for the sect, and the sect will train you .

So what Mingque said is not bad at all, she doesn't owe Minghe Palace anything.

Hearing Ming Que's words, King Pingnan couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha, Deputy Palace Master Yinfeng, it seems that the disciples of your sect don't appreciate you very much! Since this woman has left the Minghe Palace , then her life and death has nothing to do with you, right?"

Yinfeng ignored him, but said indifferently to Mingque: "Mingque, let me ask you one last thing, are you sure you want to betray the sect, and only the sect can save you from your current situation, you can think about it gone."

(End of this chapter)

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