Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 672 Execution of King Pingnan

Chapter 672 Execution of King Pingnan

call out!
As soon as Qingniujing's diamond bracelet came out, the sword of the fifth-class innate spiritual treasure in Yinfeng's hand was uncontrollable and flew towards Qingniujing's diamond bracelet. In the blink of an eye, the sword had fallen to Qingniujing fine hands.

With a light wave of Qingniu Jing's hand, the vajra bracelet returned to his arm again, and then he laughed loudly at Yin Feng: "Hahaha, your sword has fallen into my hands, I want to see how you fight me !"

Seeing that Yinfeng's treasure fell into the hands of Qingniu Jing, Qiong Xiao in Luoya Palace suddenly asked curiously: "What kind of treasure is this? Why is it so similar to my eldest sister's Hunyuan Jindou, and it can be used as a treasure? "

The Hunyuan Jindou in Yunxiao's hand is a second-class innate spiritual treasure, which can not only collect things, but also people. In terms of power, the Hunyuan Jindou is somewhat more powerful than Qingniujing's diamond bracelet. After all, this vajra bracelet is only a third-class innate spirit treasure.

Sun Wukong on the side laughed and said: "I never thought that this Green Ox Essence is also His Majesty's man. The treasure in his hand is the Vajra Bracelet of the Supreme Lord. It is so powerful that even the old grandson should be afraid of it! Hehe! "

Jin Chanzi smiled wryly when he heard the words, this treasure was on his westward journey, but it made him suffer so much!

As a general of Heavenly Court, Yang Jian is also very familiar with Qingniujing, so he said with a smile: "The strength of this Qingniujing is very good, and Laojun's precious diamond bracelet is even more extraordinary. With this guy, His Majesty's strength has increased again." many."

To some extent, a vajra bracelet is no worse than a Da Luo Jinxian.

In addition to Shen Yu's many subordinates in Luoya Palace, the people watching the battle on Lun Dao Mountain, as well as the Dao clan hiding in the dark, Juetian Palace and others are also showing fiery faces. This treasure is no more mysterious than the Yu God used before. The rope is bad!

The old man headed by the sword clan was even more excited. He encountered so many rare treasures during a trip to the void of heaven. Order.

A fifth-class innate spirit treasure's combat power bonus to Yinfeng is still very terrifying. The reason why Yinfeng can severely suppress the green bull spirit is because of the power of this innate spirit treasure, otherwise the blue bull spirit's combat power will not be as strong as The wind is bad.

Yin Feng saw that his treasure had fallen into the hands of the Green Bull Spirit in an instant, and his heart became anxious, and he shouted angrily: "You bull spirit, return my Morning Silver Sword quickly, or I will fight with you!" There is no balance."

But Qingniu Jing said disdainfully: "Hmph, if you want it, just come and get it, I want to see, without this sword, how much strength do you still have!"

Qingniu Jing is still very confident in his own strength. Although he was defeated by Monkey King when he fought against him, Monkey King had nothing to do with him after using Monkey King's golden cudgel.

Sun Wukong is the perfect cultivation of Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Wonderland, his strength is many times stronger than Yinfeng, even after he lost his golden cudgel, his strength has dropped by more than a level, let alone Yinfeng.

Now if Yin Feng fights with Qingniu Jing, he might even lose his life.

But that Chen Yinjian was his weapon, if he lost it, not to mention the loss of face, his combat power would also drop countless times, so the extremely angry Yin Feng, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, went towards the Qingniu Jing with his bare hands .

Still roaring in his mouth: "Niu Jing, give me back my sword!"

Seeing this, Qingniu Jing was also furious in his heart, secretly said: "This old man is so annoying, since he wants to die, then I will fulfill him, so that I can gain prestige in front of the young master and the princess!"

Thinking of this, Qingniu Jing let out a grin, raised his gun and stabbed at the Yin Feng rushing towards him.

Yin Feng was quite extraordinary, at least he was quite courageous, and even fought against the Qingniu Jingwu with his bare hands. The two fought in the air for a hundred rounds.

At the beginning, Yin Feng was able to compete with the Green Ox Essence on equal terms, but after a hundred rounds, Yin Feng, without the Xiantian Spirit Baby Sword, gradually lost ground. Without his weapon, he could only dodge the attacks of the Green Ox Essence, not As hard as it was just now.

The Qingniu spirit is brave and extraordinary. He is a Qingniu. Although his brute force is not as good as the Bull Demon King, he is absolutely extraordinary. s attack.

Looking at the green bull spirit who was fighting more and more courageously, Yinfeng was anxious. While blocking the attack of the green bull spirit, his eyes flickered rapidly. After a while, he suddenly turned his eyes to the demon king Pingnan King who was watching the battle.

With an empty palm, Yinfeng forced Qingniu Jing back temporarily, and hurriedly said to King Pingnan: "Prince Pingnan, help me quickly, if I lose the battle, you will never want to avenge your black dragon prince."

King Pingnan's true self is also a black dragon, with the same cultivation base as him, and he is also in the late stage of the Hunyuan Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, with good combat power, and even if the monsters don't use the innate spirit treasure, their strength is still strong.

Since the Qingniujing has a treasure that can collect the innate spirit treasure, King Pingnan is the best partner to deal with the Qingniujing. If he can get Pingnanwang to help him, then his chances of winning will be greatly increased.

Originally, he could also seek help from the powerhouses of the Styx Temple hidden in the dark, but those people have more important tasks to do, which is related to the future of the Void Heaven Realm and the Styx Palace, so he can't let these people come out to help.

And even if he calls helpers now, these people may not help him, so he can only ask Pingnan King to help him.

King Pingnan was originally standing aside, watching the bustle with great interest, but now after hearing Yinfeng's words, his heart was moved. If Yinfeng really lost to this mysterious monster that suddenly appeared, he might not be able to take this bull. Refined.

At that time, don't say that he won the ghost sparrow, but whether he can save his life is also a question. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and said with a grim face: "Okay, Yinfeng, the old man will help you."

After finishing speaking, he clenched his hands into fists and was about to hit the green bull spirit from behind.

This scene also made Shen Yu frowned slightly. He knew that if King Ping Nan made a move, Qing Niu Jing might not be the opponent of the two of them. He was also thinking at the moment, whether he should make a move to help Qing Niu Jing.

At this moment, another angry shout sounded in the sky: "With many enemies and few, what kind of hero are you? I will fight you!"

Hearing this, King Pingnan was terrified, and then looked up, only to see a huge ax descending from the sky, and it struck down on King Pingnan's head. King Pingnan was so frightened that he hurriedly used his arms block.

The next moment, the Heavenly Opening Ax hit Pingnan King directly on the head, blood spattered, and there was no life left.

The Pingnan King of the Yaosheng Dynasty actually passed away!

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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