Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 683 Helpless

Chapter 683 Helpless

Feng Lingming lowered his head and glanced at the ice sword piercing through his abdomen, a flash of pain and disbelief flashed in his eyes, and a painful groan came out of his throat. At the same time, the dozens of afterimages on the competition stage all faded away.

Bi Luo pulled out the ice sword inserted into Feng Lingming's back, then left quickly, and stopped when he was less than ten meters away from Feng Lingming, then flicked the ice sword lightly, and the ice sword disappeared invisible.

Blood continued to flow from his chest and back, but Feng Lingming turned a deaf ear to it and looked at Bi Luo with difficulty.

He looked at Bi Luo, and Bi Luo also looked at him with cold eyes.

Bi Luo said calmly: "Senior Brother Feng, you lost!"

Feng Lingming pulled out a wry smile from the corner of his mouth, the madness in his eyes just now disappeared without a trace.

He looked at Biluo who was not far away from him, and said in an inexplicable and unclear voice: "Hehe, Junior Sister Biluo, if I can die in your hands, I have settled my mind. Consider it a gift from me!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Lingming took out the Zhenyuan Supreme Treasure Evoking Soul Banner from Wuji Abyss and threw it at Biluo.

Seeing the soul-calling banner flying towards her, Bi Luo's heart moved, but she didn't feel any fear. The Luobao money had not been withdrawn by her, so she naturally wouldn't be afraid of this mere soul-calling banner.

With a slight movement of her hand, she received the soul-calling banner in her hand.

"This traitor, not only lost the game, but also handed over the treasure of my infinite abyss to that woman. He really deserves to be killed. Even if he doesn't die on the competition stage today, I will kill him with my own hands when the tea ceremony is over!"

Seeing that Feng Lingming actually handed over the soul-calling flag to Biluo, Lord Siyuan, who was hiding in Feng Lingming's palace, suddenly became furious. He didn't care about Feng Lingming's death, but he was a fourth-class innate spirit treasure. I don't want to lose it.

A Juetian Palace master beside him disdainfully said to Master Siyuan: "Master Siyuan, please be safe and don't be impatient. It's just a fourth-class innate spiritual treasure. Why do you react so violently? After killing these people, then Isn't the treasure going back to your hands?"

Hearing the words of this Juetian Palace master, Lord Siyuan's face looked a little better.


"Hehe, Palace Master Jinying, you have a good trick. You Guanghan Palace got another top-level fourth-class innate spirit treasure in a single competition. Your Guanghan Palace couldn't be stronger just like that!"

Seeing that Bi Luo has another fourth-class innate spirit treasure in his hand, Quan Jing, who has always been narrow-minded, once again launched a sarcasm. .

Hearing this, Jin Ying's expression turned cold, she turned to look at Quan Jing and said, "Quan Jing, be careful what you say, why, you dare to slander my Guanghan Palace like this, is it because you see my Guanghan Palace as a bully? Immortal God Lord Here, you don’t dare to talk to me like this.”

Seeing that Jin Ying was furious, Quan Jing instantly calmed down. He was also terrified in his heart, and hurriedly replied: "Palace Master Jin Ying, I absolutely did not mean to slander Guanghan Palace. I made a slip of the tongue. Please make amends."

Although Jin Ying is a girl, no one dares to ignore him. Even if his strength is placed in the entire void of heaven, he is enough to rank in the top three. Even the Immortal God Lord of the Immortal Sect dare not underestimate her in the slightest. , let alone Quan Jing.

Just now, Quan Jing was just jealous and slipped his mouth, but now facing Jin Ying's questioning, he immediately faltered.

Jin Ying snorted coldly, and didn't pay any attention to this annoying guy, but turned her attention to the competition arena.

Bi Luo looked at the summoning banner in his hand, frowned slightly, and asked, "Senior Brother Feng, what is the meaning of this?"

Bi Shi really didn't understand, obviously he had seriously injured Feng Lingming, and even he was about to lose his life, why at this time, he gave the most precious treasure of the Promise Abyss to himself?Do you just love yourself?

At this moment, Feng Lingming, who was already like a candle in the wind, had a smile on his mouth, and said with a sad smile: "Bi Luo, I know that I am going to die, but this may be the best choice for me. It's free, be careful!"


Before Bi Luo could speak, Feng Lingming's body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood and disappearing into the air.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: killing Feng Lingming!"

"Get the mission reward: [-] million Faith Points!"

The moment Feng Lingming died, the voice of the system also sounded in Shen Yu's mind.

But this time he didn't pay much attention to it, but he felt a little emotional in his heart. It seemed that this Feng Lingming was different from other people in Wuji Abyss. Maybe he already knew about Wuji Abyss's plan and didn't want to be involved in it, but he had no choice.

The Promise Abyss is his sect, and the sect has orders, which he must abide by. Under normal circumstances, even if he is not Bi Luo's opponent, he can at least fight against it for a while, but now he was killed so easily.

Perhaps he also had no intention of fighting, and deliberately lost the game.

Biluo looked at the blood mist all over the sky, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in her heart. Although she didn't like Feng Lingming, he was her suitor after all, and she had known him for many years, so she died in her own hands. I will be more or less emotional.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Hey, we all have things we can't help ourselves to. I hope we can be freer in our next life."

Although she didn't know what Feng Lingming's words meant, she had a faint guess.

Feng Lingming couldn't help herself, and she couldn't help it. After all, Feng Lingming had killed so many disciples of the five major forces, including the geniuses of Guanghan Palace, so he had to fight Feng Lingming next time.

After a long while, she shook off the messy thoughts in her mind, and the cold breath on her body dissipated, and Sanqian's beautiful hair turned black again, and then she flew back to her seat and sat down.

Shen Yu tilted his head, glanced at her, and laughed teasingly: "I really didn't expect that! Fairy Biluo actually has such a side, the little girl has become the ice queen, there is something! Hahaha..."

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Bi Luo was not as shy as before, but instead generously cast a wink at Shen Yu, and then said softly: "How is it? Are you in love with me? I can give you a chase My chance!"

"Hey, hey, little hoof, what are you doing? Chasing my master in public, trying to take advantage of me, and be my teacher's wife?"

Although Ming Que had been urging Shen Yu to accept Bi Luo just now, but in front of Bi Luo, she would not show it, it was still the same as before, and her words were sarcasm.

After Ming Que finished speaking, Bi Luo retorted unceremoniously: "That's right! I just want to be your mistress!"

Well, this Biluo has completely undisguised.

(End of this chapter)

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