Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 71 Bloodline Fusion

Chapter 71 Bloodline Fusion

"Shape-shifting Dafa!"

Black and white impermanence let out a miserable scream, and the illusory bodies of the two of them suddenly turned into ghostly shadows all over the sky, surrounding the sky in the sky.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves spread all over the seven main peaks of Yuxu Mountain, making the people on each main peak tremble with fear.

"What's going on, why are there so many strange screams suddenly, it's so scary!"

"Yeah, when I heard these voices, I just felt a chill down my back, as if I had bumped into something terrifying, and even the air became icy cold."

"Could it be a ghost? I heard that's how the ghosts in hell cry, and people who hear it panic!"

"Get out, don't scare me! I have been timid since I was a child, there are no ghosts in this world!"


Luo Ya, who was on Wangxue Peak, stood on the attic of Shen Yu's residence, looked at the ghostly Yuxu Peak, and murmured to himself: "A master from the underworld, this Lingxiao faction is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but The strength of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage is not enough to defeat Dean Cangqiong!"

On Yuxu Peak, the sky surrounded by many eerie ghosts frowned deeply.

Although his cultivation level is higher than that of Black and White Impermanence, and he has reached the Nascent Soul Realm, he dare not relax his vigilance at all. He has never fought against the masters of the underworld, and he must be extremely careful in every step.

"Jie Jie, old man, you have to be careful, don't be eaten by us!"

Thousands of ghosts in the sky seemed to be black and white, and they screamed miserably at the same time, making people's scalp numb, while black and white was hidden among the ghosts.


Cang Qiong snorted coldly, his body was shrouded in holy white light, and at the same time, a purple beam of light suddenly shot out from his right hand, hitting the ghost closest to him.

The ghost image was hit by the purple light beam of the sky, and the ghost image immediately turned into black smoke, but the black smoke did not dissipate, and immediately gathered together as a ghost again, which shocked the sky. The ghosts of the underworld are useless.

Black and white impermanence is to summon countless ghosts, and they transform into these ghosts and merge with them. Ghosts are not entities, and ordinary attacks cannot hurt them at all.

"Jie Jie!"

Accompanied by one after another of cold and miserable laughter, thousands of ghosts, as if seeing delicious food, each held a chain and bit towards the sky.

Cang Qiong didn't dare to be negligent, his body retreated quickly, and at the same time he roared: "Golden light destroys evil!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of dazzling golden lights were emitted from the whole body of the sky, even dispelling the yin energy in the sky.

Countless ghosts were scattered by the golden light, but there were too many ghosts summoned by Impermanence in Black and White, and in just a split second, the ghosts gathered again.

The ghosts that covered the sky and the sun whined and howled, drifting wantonly in the sky, disappearing like ghosts and ghosts, and there were countless chains, like spider webs, covering the sky.

"Impermanence kills, ghosts seduce souls!"

Black and White Wuchang screamed, and then two extremely thick chains flew out from the group of ghosts when the sky was not paying attention, directly binding the sky firmly!

After being bound by the soul chain, Cang Qiong let out a muffled snort, and immediately felt the yang energy in his body begin to leak out uncontrollably. Even the primordial spirit seemed to have the possibility of leaving the body at any time, and the magic power in his body was not running smoothly.

He swung his body continuously, bursting out his mana without reservation, but he still couldn't break free from the chains.

At this moment, Black and White Impermanence, who was mixed among thousands of ghosts, suddenly appeared in front of the sky. They all had sinister smiles on their faces, and stretched out a dragon covered with thick black air towards the sky. The pale palm with the case of the Strange Group painted on it.

The soul-suppressing seal is drawn on the palms of the two of them. As long as this soul-suppressing seal is printed, the primordial spirit of the sky is equivalent to being stamped with their mark by black and white impermanence. They can withdraw the primordial spirit of the sky at any time, and even let him In an instant, the soul flies away.

Seeing the imprint in Black and White Wuchang's hand, Cang Qiong felt like being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his hairs stood on end.

He knew that as long as he was stamped with this mark, today's competition would be regarded as a loss, and even he might be controlled by Shen Yu and become his puppet.

He tried his best to run his mana, but the soul chain became tighter and tighter, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Haha, old ghost, it's a pity that you have the perfect cultivation of Yuanying, and today it will be placed in our hands after all. Your Yuanshen, we have accepted it."

While speaking, Black and White Impermanence had already deceived himself to come to Cang Qiong's side, and Cang Qiong's complexion changed drastically, and he opened his mouth quickly, spitting out a flame.


The sudden change made Black and White Wuchang scream, and his body retreated quickly, disappearing among the ghosts in an instant. At the same time, the chains that bound Sky Kung's body slowly fell off like dirt, and Sky recovered instantly. free.

This made Cang Qiong look overjoyed. He just subconsciously spit out mana flames when he was in extreme danger. He didn't expect to be able to hurt Black and White Impermanence. It turns out that these two masters of the underworld are afraid of fire!
In fact, it can’t be considered that the masters of the underworld are afraid of fire, but the flame has a certain restraint effect on the masters of the underworld. Of course, this also depends on the opponent’s cultivation base. If the opponent’s cultivation base is high, ordinary flames will naturally not be able to hurt the opponent. .

Sky's cultivation base is higher than that of black and white impermanence, so it is reasonable that the flame condensed by his mana can injure the two of them.

After getting rid of the shackles of the soul chasing lock, Cang Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't care about the injury on Shi Tuo's body. With a wave of his sleeve, a long fire snake filled the sky immediately. This fire snake It illuminates the sky red and wraps the sky in it.


The ghosts shrouded in fire snakes let out screams one after another, and then slowly dissipated into the air, and the black and white Wuchang who had been injured by the flames also appeared again, but at this moment they were a little embarrassed, and a lot of them were burned on their clothes. of scorched black.

As soon as the two of them appeared, Cang Qiong threw two fireballs from his hands, burning towards Black and White Wuchang, the expressions of the two changed drastically, and they immediately started to flee.

Looking at the black and white impermanence being chased by the flames above the sky, and the ghosts being burned and dissipated, Shen Yu's face was a little ugly.

Unexpectedly, the weakness of Black and White Impermanence was discovered by Cang Qiong in this way. Cang Qiong's cultivation base is higher than that of Black and White Impermanence, and coupled with the weakness found by the other party, he must not be able to resist for long in front of Cang Qiong.

Damn it, I originally wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but now, being chased and beaten in front of so many Ling Xiao sect disciples, the more Shen Yu thought about it, the more he enjoyed it.

But who can play now?Where would he go to find a master stronger than the sky?

He also doesn't have enough Faith Points now to allow him to summon a strong man beyond the Nascent Soul Stage.

Just when Shen Yu was upset, a systematic voice suddenly came from Shen Yu's heart: "Ding, Zhao Yun's blood fusion was successful!"

(End of this chapter)

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