Chapter 722
The Void Heaven Realm and the monks under Shen Yu were completely stunned at this moment.

what did they seeThat was almost invincible, even if Shen Yu had all the masters under him, and even Shen Yu himself had shown a formidable and unparalleled strength, the mysterious master who was still invincible was swallowed by a black dog in one gulp.

Dao Feng's expression was even more dull, the avatar of Emperor Jiujiang!The existence that was enough to easily kill the entire sword clan disappeared in the void of heaven in this way, and was swallowed by a dog.

After the nearly [-]-foot dog devoured the Jiujiang Emperor, there was a satisfied expression on his face, and then he licked his tongue lightly, and his body retracted back to the normal state again, and the world instantly returned to calm.

Shen Yu, who stared at the big boss with his eyes wide open, came back to his senses, and immediately put on a pleasant smile on his face. He put away the Haotian Throne under him, and then came to the black dog, and said in surprise: " Black dog, why are you here?"

Hearing Shen Yu's words, the black dog stared at a pair of dog eyes the size of copper bells, glanced dissatisfied at Shen Yu and said: "Boy, at least I saved your life, you are too rude, Mr. Hei!" It also has a name."

Shen Yu curled his lips and said: "Cut, you have been eating and drinking in my Lingxiao faction for decades, but you haven't even fulfilled your duty as a gatekeeper. In the end, you didn't say a word and ran away without a trace. How should I count with you?"

This black dog was exactly the black dog raised by the Ling Xiao sect who slept all day long when Shen Yu was in Kyushu mainland. After Shen Yu rose up, the black dog disappeared inexplicably. Sad.

Shen Yu never knew where the black dog went, nor what race the black dog was. It was definitely not as simple as a black dog guarding the house. The Snow Wolf King also said that the black dog Dogs are somewhat similar to ancient xenomorphs.

Later, after Shen Yu ruled the Nine Provinces Continent, he even asked Fairy Qiong Xiao to search for the whereabouts of the black dog, but nothing was found. At that time, Shen Yu knew that this black dog must be extraordinary, and left the Nine Provinces Continent by himself.

Unexpectedly, in the void of heaven, he encountered this black dog again, and it was at the time when he was most in danger.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu couldn't help being curious about the black dog's cultivation level. Although the Jiujiang Emperor had been seriously injured before and might dissipate at any time, the final blow he was planning was really a semi-sacred powerhouse full blow.

But this black dog, facing the full blow of the semi-holy powerhouse, swallowed the ball of light in one gulp, and even swallowed the avatar of Emperor Jiujiang. What kind of cultivation is this black dog? Is it a saint? exist?
A monster in the realm of saints, who has been a watchdog for decades in a small sect that is almost on the verge of decline in the Kyushu mainland, no matter how you think about it, it feels a bit unreal!Could it be that the Ling Xiao faction has something that this black dog covets.

It seems that I have to take some time to study the Lingxiao faction to see what secrets there are.

"Cough cough..."

Facing Shen Yu's ridicule, Heigou coughed lightly, and then said solemnly: "Master Hei, I am not free to live and live in your Lingxiao faction, at least when you are really in danger, Master Hei will protect you A small life, like now."

Hehe, how do I remember that you didn't show up when I was beaten up by Luo Sanpao?
As for now, I think you are coveting the power of Jiujiang Emperor's avatar, which is obviously very nourishing for you.

Seeing the weird smile on Shen Yu's face, Heigou knew that he had put on a bit too much, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Okay, it's all old things, don't worry about it, today Master Hei will save you One life, the two of us are considered clean."

Shen Yu didn't intend to bother with him about these trivial matters, so he immediately asked: "Heigou, why did you appear here? After you left the Lingxiao faction, where did you go and what did you do?"

"I'll say it again, Lord Hei, I have a name. My name is Heidi. If you call me Heigou again, Master Hei ate you!"

Shen Yu's words immediately made the black dog furious, and bared its teeth and yelled at Shen Yu.

Shen Yu is not afraid at all, for some reason, since the appearance of the black dog, Shen Yu has always been wary of him, even though he may be stronger than the Jiujiang Emperor, but Shen Yu still feels that he will not hurt himself.

Looking at the impotent and furious black dog, Shen Yu shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said: "Okay, okay, the black emperor is the black emperor, the black emperor! How did you appear in the void heaven? After leaving the Lingxiao sect, you did it again what happened?"

The black dog finally calmed down a bit, and said: "Master Hei, I am not from the mainland of Kyushu. I just got there in trouble and was taken in by your short-lived master. When he died, I promised him that when you grow up Before, he would not leave the Lingxiao faction.

Later, you had a few more masters under your command, who were a bit stronger than your short-lived master, so I didn't have the heart to stay in your petty Ling Xiao faction, and went to various places to find breakthrough opportunities. I came to the void of heaven half a year ago. "

It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that my cheap master really left some means of saving my life, but I didn't expect that my predecessor didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but drowned in the water instead. What a twist of fate!
Shen Yu sighed and asked: "Hei Di, what state are you in now? When you come to me this time, do you want to follow me?"

Hei Di snorted, and said: "Master Hei, I am only one step away from a saint now, how could I be willing to stay by the side of a brat like you? Naturally, I will go to other worlds to find opportunities for breakthrough, and then kill back to Shiyuan boundary.

I came here to help you this time, because I felt that there was a big battle here, and I knew that I could come here for a good meal, but I didn't expect that it was you, kid. You have grown up very fast, and you have grown to this point in such a short world. "

Listening to Hei Di's words, Shen Yu keenly noticed that Hei Di was talking about killing back to the Origin Realm, that is to say, he was originally a monster in the Origin Realm, but for some reason, he was forced to live in the world temporarily. Ling Xiao faction.

After sorting out this clue, Shen Yu asked curiously again: "Hei Di, what is your real body! It shouldn't be a black dog that looks ugly!"

"You are ugly! Your whole family is ugly! Master Hei, I am majestic and imposing..."

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Hei Di frowned again, spitting at Shen Yu angrily.

Shen Yu was very helpless, this dog seemed to care about other people's evaluation of him, seeing this guy spraying like this, he didn't bother to talk to him, and after he finished spraying, he asked again: "Okay, can you tell me now?" Me!"

Hei Di took a few deep breaths, and said angrily, "Master Hei, I am the noble Sky Swallowing Demon Wolf Clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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