Chapter 73

The former Zhao Yun was wearing a white armor. Although he was heroic and undiminished, he was somewhat murderous.

But now Zhao Yun's temperament has changed drastically. After merging with Yinglong's blood, the armor on Zhao Yun's body turned light red. He held a black iron spear that weighed a thousand catties in his hand. Her hair fluttered in the wind, like a war god of the demon race, sweeping the world with her imposing aura.

As soon as he appeared, he looked at the sky with cold eyes, and shouted sharply: "Ling Xiao faction general Zhao Yun is here, who dares to bully my Ling Xiao faction!"

With a terrifying roar, everyone felt their hearts tremble violently, and those outer disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect with low cultivation levels were almost shattered with fright.

The sky opposite him was also roared by Zhao Yun, and his heart trembled. Although he couldn't see through the cultivation of the man in front of him, his thousand years of experience in cultivating immortals told him that the young man in front of him was very strong, and he was definitely ahead of him. superior.

Ling Xiao faction actually hides such a level of masters, which makes him deeply suspicious, and the incredible scene in front of him just now, this man actually flew out of the black hole in Shen Yu's palm, Could it be that Shen Yu could conjure a peerless powerhouse out of thin air?

But Shen Yu didn't have time to surprise Cang Qiong. After Zhao Yun appeared, Shen Yu said: "Zilong, let's have a good discussion with Senior Cang Qiong. It will save him from thinking that there is no one in our Lingxiao Sect. Be careful and don't give him the old man." Killed."

The sky is just the completion of the Nascent Soul Realm, which is not enough to look at in front of Zhao Yun who is in the early stage of the Clone Realm.

Zhao Yun nodded upon hearing Shen Yu's order, and said, "Zhao Yun takes orders!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed the spear in his hand at the sky, and said with disdain: "Let's shoot!"

Although Cang Qiong faintly felt that he was no match for the young man in front of him, but as a Nascent Soul Realm venerable who had been famous for thousands of years, it was absolutely impossible for him to retreat from the enemy.

Immortal cultivators go forward indomitably, once facing the enemy and retreating, their Dao heart will be unstable, and it will be difficult to make further progress in the future.

Cang Qiong took a deep breath, and the expression on his face also became solemn. Looking at Zhao Yun in front of him, Cang Qiong said in a deep voice: "It's true that the waves push the waves forward. There are young people with your cultivation level in the Great Xia Kingdom, right? The old man is ignorant, since you are so confident, then the old man will not be polite!"

After finishing speaking, Cang Qiong opened his arms slightly, and the situation between the sky and the earth changed color for a moment, and the strong wind blew the clothes of Cang Qiong loudly.


The sky let out a low cry, and countless boulders suddenly appeared behind him, each weighing a thousand catties. These boulders were like cannonballs, carrying the force of thunder and lightning, and flew towards Zhao Yun like a torrential rain.

But in the face of the raindrop-like boulder, Zhao Yun's expression did not change at all. He didn't even bother to defend himself. He just stood aside with his spear and stood straight in the sky. It seemed that he planned to use his body to fight against these boulders. boulder.

A moment later, the huge boulder hit Zhao Yun, and violent explosions exploded in the sky one after another. The sound spread for hundreds of miles. At the same time, the thick smoke from the explosion filled the sky, as if countless bombs were dropped in the sky in an instant. It's like wanting to blow up a huge hole in the sky.

"My darling, is this the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm? No wonder he is revered as a venerable! This can easily destroy our Wuliangzong!" Zhao Meng smacked his tongue.

When Zhao Yun appeared just now, the aura on his body really frightened him, but now seeing the mighty power of the sky, his heart came alive again.

At the same time, he also really saw the power of the Nascent Soul Realm. The battle between Black and White Impermanence and the sky just now was very powerful, but it was more about fighting skills. The shock came.

Thousands of boulders fell down like this, not to mention one Wuliangzong, even ten of them were buried alive.

This man named Zhao Yun was so arrogant that he dared to block the attack of the sky with his body.

People on the seven main peaks of Yuxu Mountain also saw the smoke billowing in the sky and the explosion, and the violent sound made people tremble with fear.

Most of these people on the main peak are low-level warriors in the Qi training period. When have they ever seen a real immortal god fighting.

Luo Ya, who was on Wang Xuefeng, frowned slightly, looked at the direction of the explosion, and whispered: "What's going on here, how can there be a strong person in the distraction state here."


After a round of storm-like boulder attacks, the sky also panted slightly. Such a large-scale indiscriminate attack consumes a huge amount of mana.

He squinted at the explosion in front of him, trying his best to see the scene at the center of the explosion clearly. He knew that it would be difficult to defeat Zhao Yun with this round of attack.

After a few breaths, the explosion finally ended, and the thick smoke in the sky slowly dissipated!
When Cang Qiong saw Zhao Yun in front of him clearly, his eyes were full of disbelief and he exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

He had thought that his attack would not be able to defeat Zhao Yun, but he did not expect that Zhao Yun would not be hurt at all.

At this time, Zhao Yun's body was spotless, not even a trace, and he just stood in the sky, looking at the sky indifferently.

Shen Yu also showed deep surprise on his face. As expected, with Yinglong's bloodline and distraction stage cultivation, even the physical body can be so tyrannical.

The physical body of dragons is notoriously powerful. The dragons in Chinese mythology can overwhelm rivers and seas, and can even smash mountains with their bodies. Yinglong is the second generation of dragons after the ancestor dragon, and they are even more powerful. arrived.

Zhao Yun looked at the sky from the air, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Senior, your three-axe is finished, now it's my turn."

As soon as Zhao Yun's words fell, Cang Qiong's heart was full of vigilance.

At this time, Zhao Yun's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, and he instantly deceived himself to the side of the sky, without giving the sky a chance to distance himself.

Immediately afterwards, a deep dragon chant sounded in the sky, and Zhao Yun, who was holding a heavy gun, slammed towards the sky in front of him.

There is no mana blessing, no fancy skills, just smashing into the sky with brute force.

Just like what Shen Yu said, don't kill Cang Qiong, if you use magic power, Zhao Yun is afraid that one shot will kill the opponent's old bones.

"not good!"

Cang Qiong said something bad in his heart, and formed a mana shield in a hurry.

But how could this mana shield block Zhao Yun's attack? His shot weighed more than [-] catties.

The mana shield formed by the sky had no effect, and his body was thrown thousands of meters away under Zhao Yun's spear like a cannonball.


Zhao Yun's heavy gun hit Cang Qiong, and Cang Qiong felt as if a mountain had been smashed down. With just one blow, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he hadn't slowed down yet, and Zhao Yun came to him again relying on his strong speed, and the gun in his hand smashed at him mercilessly, without giving the sky any time to react.

A deafening sound resounded in Yuxu Mountain, and the body of the sky followed Zhao Yun's continuous flashing, flying around like a ball in the mountain, unable to stop at all, facing Zhao Yun's domineering and arrogant style of play, the Nascent Soul Realm was perfect The sky is actually powerless to fight back, it is simply being tortured by blood.

The people watching the battle in front of the gate of Yuxu Palace opened their mouths slightly, and were deeply shocked when they saw the incredible scene in front of them.

What happened to Zhao Yun, why did he suddenly become so violent!
(End of this chapter)

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