Chapter 75
Zhao Meng came back to his senses, looked at Shen Yu with a wry smile, and said, "Is there any other choice for my Wuliangzong? Everything will be decided by Shen Yu!"

In Zhao Meng's words, there was a deep sense of powerlessness, and he was the one who suffered the most in his heart at the moment.

In fact, in this matter, Wuliangzong was quite wronged. They had no grievances with Shen Yu. Who knew that bastard Shen Qianjun was wrong, and he went to Yuxu Mountain thousands of miles away to make trouble. He provoked Shen Yu, the evil god.

I too, in order to fear that Xu Wainan would create a estrangement with the sect, he was asked to go out of the sect to find the murderer who killed Shen Qianjun.

Qianjun is a virtue, don't you know it?Whether Xu Wainan checked or not, the result should be very clear. It's not surprising why this bastard Shen Qianjun died.

And in the end, he was lucky enough to die, so asking Xu Wai-nan to inquire about the Ling Xiao faction, isn't he courting death?
Now that Xu Wainan and Shen Qianjun had died, all the troubles fell on him.

Zhao Meng felt that the biggest mistake in his life was to let Xu Wainan come to Yuxu Mountain, which was supposed to be a big deal, but in the end he made a fuss to the point of exterminating the sect.

This is life!
Shen Yu saw that Zhao Meng had already broken the pot, so he was not polite at the moment, and he opened his mouth and said, "Since Sect Master Zhao is so generous, then I will not be polite, and my conditions are also very simple. Starting today, Wuliangzong Remove the name and become a branch of the Lingxiao faction, let's call it the Wuliangshan branch of the Lingxiao faction!

In addition, send the [-] most talented disciples in your sect to the Lingxiao Sect, and I will accept them into the sect. As for the rest, you can keep them for yourself, but they will be demoted to Lingxiao Sect's foreign students. Disciple, Sect Master Zhao, you have no objections! "

After Shen Yu came to the mainland of Kyushu, apart from accepting forty thieves as outer disciples and Wu Ying, who had no talent, he hadn't really accepted any disciples with talent for cultivating immortals. They all have spiritual roots, and their talents are considered good.

Moreover, setting Wuliangzong as a branch of Lingxiao sect is also conducive to publicizing Lingxiao sect. People near Wuliangzong can also go to Wuliangzong to worship nearby, instead of traveling thousands of miles to Yuxu Mountain. Accumulation also helps a lot.

Hearing this, Zhao Meng showed a trace of misery on his face. This Shen Yu was really ruthless, and he wanted Wuliangzong's old life directly. Not only did he want to send his talented disciples to the Lingxiao sect, but he didn't even have the name of Wuliangzong. Let's keep it.

If I didn't engage in so many things, and didn't ask the sky to make peace, I wouldn't be in this trouble!

It's too late now.

Zhao Meng smiled helplessly and said: "It is an honor to join the Lingxiao Sect. Zhao Meng naturally has no opinion, but there are two elders in the Wuliang Sect, whose strength is not inferior to mine, and they must agree to this matter." , and there are two Supreme Elders of Wuliangzong who have been traveling in Qingzhou. After receiving the news from Wuliangzong, they should also return to Daxia Kingdom soon, so the head of Shen has to force them to agree."

Zhao Meng has figured out the situation now, even if the Supreme Elder comes back, he will definitely have no resistance in front of such an overbearing Ling Xiao faction.

Since he is destined to submit to the Ling Xiao faction, why not show his loyalty first and make a good impression for himself?
Zhao Meng is still very realistic, and he didn't engage in any dramas of swearing to die rather than surrender just because of his status as the head of the sect.

Shen Yu nodded, and then said to Shang Zhang: "Shang Zhang, since Sect Master Zhao has so many difficulties, you should go away! Go and help him!"

Shen Yu's subordinates are now focused on making meritorious service. Hearing Shen Yu's words, he immediately said: "Yes, the subordinates will go immediately."

After Shang Zhang left with the hard-pressed Zhao Meng, Shen Yu looked at Cang Qiong and said, "Dean Cang Qiong, aren't you going back now?"

Cang Qiong took Shen Yu's elixir, and his injury healed a lot. Hearing Shen Yu's words, he coughed lightly, and straightened his clothes to make himself less embarrassed.

Then he turned his gaze to Shen Yu, and said, "Master Shen, I have something to tell you, can you take a step to talk?"

Shen Yu glanced at Cang Qiong indifferently, and said: "Principal Cang Qiong, forgive me for speaking bluntly, there shouldn't be anything to talk about between the two of us!"

Shen Yu's words made Cang Qiong a little embarrassed, he smiled coquettishly and said: "Master Shen, what I want to tell you is about your future, life and death!"

When Shen Yu heard this, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and then he said in disbelief: "Principal Tian Qiong, are you kidding me?"

Cang Qiong's face was slightly solemn and said: "Master Shen, Luo Ya should be in your Lingxiao faction! If you don't believe me, you can ask her to come with me, and when she hears what I'm going to say next, she will tell you that I am Not lying."

Shen Yu knew that although Luo Ya was from Cangnan College, her character was destined not to be in the same league as the sky and deceive herself.

Seeing what Cang Qiong said was so scary, Shen Yu was still a little skeptical in his heart, and he didn't dare to take it too lightly, so he said to Jiang Ziwen, "Go to Wangxue Peak to find Luo Ya, and let her come to Yuxu Palace. Go away first!"


In the empty Yuxu Palace, there were only Shen Yu, Luo Ya, Zhao Yun and Cang Qiong.

Shen Yu sat on the main seat, and Zhao Yun, who was like a God of War, stood behind Shen Yu, protecting him at all times, while Luo Ya and Cang Qiong sat on Shen Yu's subordinate seat.

Shen Yu looked at Cang Qiong, and said: "Principal Cang Qiong, there is no one else now, you can tell me! What is it, so mysterious."

At this moment, the sky was full of seriousness, he looked at Shen Yu and said: "Master Shen, have you ever heard of the Great Tribulation?"

As soon as Cang Qiong's words fell, Luo Ya's brows frowned slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in her dreamlike eyes.

This is Luo Ya's most abundant mood swing after Shen Yu met Luo Ya. It seems that the great calamity mentioned by the sky is indeed not fooling himself!
He looked at Cang Qiong and asked: "Principal Cang Qiong, don't pretend to be a fool, just say something is a thousand-year-old catastrophe."

Cang Qiong took a deep breath and said, "Master Shen may not know that our Kyushu Continent is just a low-level world. Above the Kyushu Continent, there are even higher-level continents. The Kyushu Continent is under the jurisdiction of that world. The Immortal World, the place where immortals live.

Although the immortals of the high-level continent are powerful, they are very worried that superpowers will be born in the low-level world, threatening their status. Therefore, the strong people of the high-level continent seal the Kyushu continent and do not allow people from the Kyushu continent to ascend to the upper realm.

At the same time, every 10 years, people from the high-level continent will carry out a campaign against the mainland of Kyushu. Except for a very small number of people who are led to the upper realm, other masters who may ascend to the upper realm within 10 years will be killed by them , This is the so-called Great Tribulation. "

(End of this chapter)

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