Chapter 77
The words of the system made Shen Yu frowned slightly, let alone the generous rewards, even the words that had a huge impact on his future also made him a little curious.

Participating in a Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Contest really has such a big impact?

But for the system, Shen Yu has always trusted unconditionally. Although he doesn't know where the system came from, it is his biggest reliance.

So after the system finished speaking, Shen Yu immediately changed his attitude, and said to Cang Qiong: "Principal Cang Qiong, I can promise you to take Zhao Yun to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts, but I have a few conditions, you must agree to me, otherwise you will Go find someone else!"

Cang Qiong was still disappointed that Shen Yu was not mobilized to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts, but now seeing Shen Yu let go, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Master Shen, feel free to speak, as long as I can do it, I will promise you .”

Su Mo nodded, and said: "First of all, the conditions you just said must be fully accounted for. Your Cangnan College's martial arts and fairy arts are open to me!"

Why don't you give away things for free? Ling Xiao Sect's current skills and immortal arts are "Taixuan Jing", "Yi Jin Jing", "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills", plus the "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" he just got. , it is completely unable to meet the various needs of a large sect disciple.

Although Cangnan College's martial arts and fairy arts are not much better, they can at least meet the needs of the Lingxiao School at this stage.

Cang Qiong naturally has no opinion. Although there are many martial arts and immortal arts in Cangnan College, they are all rotten street goods. It can be obtained for a small amount of money, so he doesn't feel bad at all.

Su Mo continued: "The second condition is that you must spread the fact that I defeated you today, and help me gain the faith of the people of Daxia Kingdom, and develop my Lingxiao faction into a veritable national religion of Daxia, and become the new religion of Daxia Kingdom." The Holy Land of Martial Arts."

It is self-evident that Cang Qiong has a high status in the Great Xia Kingdom, and Cangnan College is an irreplaceable sacred place for cultivating immortals in the hearts of the people. With Cang Nan College and Cang Qiong personally standing for him, Shen Yuguang is a big Ling Xiao faction, and the speed of harvesting faith values ​​is also very high. will be greatly improved.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Cang Qiong's face, this was going to destroy his invincible and beautiful image in the eyes of the people of Great Xia!
But looking back, thinking about being tortured by Zhao Yun in the Ling Xiao faction today, I definitely can't hide it, so it's better to be a favor and help Shen Yu.

Although he was very curious about why Shen Yu was so persistent in asking the people of Great Xia to believe in him, it didn't have much to do with him, and he didn't want to ask too much.

Cang Qiong came back to his senses and replied, "Okay, I promise you."

Shen Yu said with satisfaction: "Since Dean Cang Qiong is so forthright, I won't refuse. Let's talk, when is the Hundred Dynasties Contest and how do we get there?"

Cang Qiong looked straight and said: "The time for the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Meeting is three months later, and it will take nearly a month at the fastest from here to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, so we will set off in two months, and I will make enough time to participate The number of people who will fight in a hundred dynasties."

Shen Yu nodded, and said: "Okay, then I will take this opportunity to arrange things about the Lingxiao faction, and after two months, I will go to the Holy Spirit Dynasty with you!"

In two months, the three major sects of the Great Xia Kingdom can almost be included in the bag, and then a huge amount of faith value can be accumulated!
Since the Lingxiao Sect is going to become the state religion of Daxia, it is natural that there cannot be other cultivating sects in the territory of Daxia, otherwise the number of people who believe in the Lingxiao Sect will be greatly reduced.

What's more, I don't know what kind of masters I will meet when I go to the Holy Spirit Dynasty this time. Zhao Yun, who is in the early stage of distraction, is not enough. I must summon some more masters to defend myself, so as to guarantee my Holy Spirit Dynasty. There is nothing wrong with the trip.

After discussing this matter with Shen Yu, Cang Qiong seemed to be in a very good mood, and even his injuries were ignored by him.

He looked at Luo Ya who had been silent all this time, and said, "Luo Ya, are you going back to Cangnan College with me, or are you going to stay here?"

Although Luo Ya is the tutor of Cangnan College, but because of her special status, she has been drifting away from the group of Cangnan College. Even Cang Qiong has always maintained a laissez-faire attitude towards her, and she can do whatever she wants.

Back then, Cang Qiong's discerning eyes brought Luo Ya into Cangnan College, so the relationship between Luo Ya and Cang Qiong is also very good, they can be regarded as mentors and apprentices!

Luo Ya froze for a moment, then nodded, and said softly: "I will stay here for a while, and I won't go back to Cangnan College. The three students I brought are now left at the reception desk. The dean When you go back, please take them back with you."


After Cang Qiong left Lingxiao Sect, only Luo Ya, Shen Yu and Zhao Yun were left in Yuxu Palace.

Luo Ya looked at Shen Yu with a complicated expression, and said: "I didn't expect that under the head of Sect Master Shen, there would be someone who is strong in distraction. I underestimated you."

Shen Yu said with a faint smile: "To each other, I think Senior Luo Ya is not just as simple as the Nascent Soul Stage!"

It wasn't until Zhao Yun broke through the distraction state that Shen Yu knew that Luo Ya was also a strong man in the distraction state, and in the middle stage of the distraction state, stronger than Zhao Yun.

However, Zhao Yun has the blood of Yinglong, and after transforming into Yinglong, his combat power is close to the late stage of the distraction state, and he can even challenge the completion of the distraction state, but he is not afraid of Luo Ya.

Luo Ya didn't seem to be shocked, but said: "Master Shen, you are going to the Holy Spirit Dynasty in two months, and you don't know about refining the elixir for me..."

Shen Yu said: "Don't worry, since I have promised you, I will definitely fulfill the promise, but don't forget our agreement, after I refine those two pills for you, you will join my Lingxiao faction !"

A flash of light flashed in Luo Ya's eyes, and she said softly: "Master Shen, why are you so persistent in letting me join the Ling Xiao Sect? If it was before, I promise you, it's fine, but now you want to leave the Great Xia Kingdom , go to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, if I join the Lingxiao faction, I will bring you great danger!"

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You mean Ren Pingsheng!"

Hearing Ren Pingsheng's name, a trace of loneliness flashed across Luo Ya's pretty face under the veil.

After a while, she replied: "Since you know, don't worry yourself anymore. As long as I join the Lingxiao faction, he will know. If you don't leave the Great Xia Kingdom, he won't condescend to come to you , but now you are going to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, everything is unpredictable."

Shen Yu heard the words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I am the recruiter of the Lingxiao faction, when will it be his turn to meddle in other people's business, even if you join the Lingxiao faction, this time you go to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, you can also be with me Let's go together, haven't you left the Great Xia Kingdom for a long time? I want to see how domineering Ren Pingsheng really is."

Luo Ya's words finally aroused Shen Yu's blood, I am a majestic Lingxiao faction, and I want to accept a disciple, and it depends on your face, Ren Pingsheng, that would be too useless.

Regardless of the grievances between Ren Pingsheng and Luo Ya, as long as Ren Pingsheng dares to take care of his own affairs, Shen Yu will fight him to the end.

I took Luo Ya with me to see if Ren Pingsheng dared to come to me, and I just happened to see how strong Ren Pingsheng is in a cloud of mist and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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