Chapter 83 spare my life

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Ye Zhen smiled with disdain on his face: "I know you have a perfect foundation building cultivation base. To be honest, you are the most talented young man I have ever seen to reach this level at this age. Your future is limitless, but unfortunately, talent can only represent the future, at least you are not my opponent yet, die!"

After the words fell, Ye Zhen and the other two ancestors of the Ye family rushed towards Shen Yu like lightning.

Knowing Zhao Yun's strength, Ye Chaotian was startled, and hurriedly said: "Master Shen, please be merciful!"

Although Ye Zhen lost his face, he is the patriarch of the Ye family after all. He was the one who supported him to ascend the throne of the emperor, but he still couldn't bear the other party's death in front of him.

Shen Yu glanced at Ye Chaotian lightly, and then said to Zhao Yun: "Abolish their cultivation, just save one life."

Zhao Yun nodded, and when the bodies of Ye Zhen and the others came to Shen Yu, he took a light step forward, and then a phantom of a yellow dragon appeared behind him, and his aura surged like a violent storm , hit Ye Zhen and the others mercilessly.

"So strong!"

The moment Zhao Yun's aura erupted, Fang Zhiyun's expression changed slightly, and the aloof servants behind him showed even more frightened eyes.

In front of Zhao Yun's unfathomable aura like the vast ocean, their aura is like duckweed in the sea, which is precarious and may disappear at any time.


At the same time, the three of Ye Zhen screamed, and Zhao Yun's berserk breath slammed their bodies down from mid-air, and they smashed hard on the floor of the Golden Luan Hall. Three large, deeply sunken pits suddenly appeared on the hard floor. Numerous deep cracks appeared under Zhao Yun's feet.

Zhao Yun disappeared from before Shen Yu, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the three of Ye Zhen who were lying on the ground crying in pain and unable to stand up.

He looked down at the three people in front of him, and said coldly: "Three idiots, they didn't even know they were being used as guns. Pay for your stupidity!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun slapped the three of them with one palm.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouths of the three of Ye Zhen, and then their breaths quickly withered, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

"Our spiritual root and dantian..."

When the three of them endured the severe pain and reacted, the faces of the three of them were filled with despair. The spiritual roots and dantian of the three of them were all smashed by Zhao Yun's palm, and the true energy on their bodies was uncontrollable. Floating outside, it won't be long before you will become an ordinary person without any cultivation.

quiet!Incredibly quiet!
The entire Golden Luan Hall could be heard falling to the ground, and everyone looked at the expressionless Zhao Yun in shock.

The Dinghaishenzhen of the Great Xia Kingdom and the super strong man of the Bigu Period, with the three of them working together, they couldn't even block the aura of this handsome man. It was really terrifying.

What level of powerhouse is he?
Several of Fang Zhiyun's subordinates stared wide-eyed, as if they were dreaming. Xiao Chenchen looked at the ashen-faced Ye Zhen and the other three, with deep regret on his face.

You said you three have nothing to do to provoke Shen Yu, the powerhouse in the distraction stage, can you small shrimps in the bigu stage be able to stand up to it?
A trace of unbearableness flashed in Ye Chaotian's eyes. After all, this is the ancestor of their Ye family, the most powerful background of the Ye family. He couldn't bear to look directly at his cultivation base being abolished like this.

But Shen Yu was willing to give him face, he just abolished the three of Ye Zhen and did not kill them, this result is already very good.

The three of Ye Zhen looked at Zhao Yun angrily, and asked in a trembling voice, "You actually abolished our cultivation, who are you?"

Zhao Yun glanced at them lightly, and said without the slightest emotion in his voice: "Ling Xiao sent Zhao Yun!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and came in front of Shen Yu again, standing in front of Shen Yu like a God of War, as if with him around, no one could hurt Shen Yu in the slightest.

Shen Yu ignored the three of Ye Zhen. The three guys in the bigu period were just as dispensable as ants in his eyes, so he gave Ye Chaotian face and didn't kill them. These people are not dead, and there is nothing wrong with him. Any impact, at most, is to earn less experience points.

He turned his gaze to Fang Zhiyun, and said with great interest: "You are very smart, and you are worthy of being the national teacher of the Yun Kingdom, but being smart is useless here."

Fang Zhiyun's expression changed slightly, his cleverness did not escape Shen Yu's eyes at all.

The reason why he acted so hysterically just now was because he wanted to force the three stupid ancestors of the Ye family to take action.

Ever since Shen Yu entered the Golden Luan Hall, he noticed Zhao Yun behind Shen Yu. Fang Zhiyun, who was in the late Jindan stage, couldn't see through Zhao Yun's cultivation, which made him feel a lot of anxiety, so he was excited. The three patriarchs of the Ye family acted in order to test Zhao Yun's cultivation.

Now he has got the result he wanted.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, he said with a complex expression: "I remembered, before I entered the palace, I heard that there was a master of the Lingxiao faction named Zhao Yun who defeated the dean of Cangnan College, Cang Qiong. Just now Ye Chaotian said When I was in the Lingxiao sect, I felt a little familiar, so it was you, this must be the famous Zhao Yun!"

Zhao Yun's face remained calm as usual, as if defeating the sky was just a matter of hand for him, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

But the three of Ye Zhen felt like a dog in their hearts, Nima, this person defeated the sky?

We actually took action against the person who defeated the sky, is this closed and confused?Only now did they realize that they were being used as guns by Fang Zhiyun.

Shen Yu looked at Fang Zhiyun and said, "So have you thought about it now? How are you going to die?"

Fang Zhiyun's complexion changed, and the expression on his face was also very ugly. After a while, he pleaded: "Master Shen, can you spare my life, although my cultivation level is not high for you? What, but somehow it is also useful, I will give you all my allegiance."

This Fang Zhiyun is a shrewd person, knowing that he is not Zhao Yun's opponent, he didn't even make a move, and just knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, Shen Yu was not interested in Fang Zhiyun. He was just about to ask Zhao Yun to take Fang Zhiyun's life, but Xiao Chenchen said: "Master Shen, it is better to save Fang Zhiyun's life first. He saved Fang Zhiyun's life in Yun Country." The Soul Lamp man, once he dies, Yunguo will definitely send stronger experts to come, and we will be very annoyed by that time.

Aren't you going to the Holy Spirit Dynasty in two months?At that time, we will pass through Yunguo, so let Fang Zhiyun send a letter to Yunguo, saying that Yunfeng's death needs to be investigated carefully, and there will be results in two months. When we pass by Yunguo, we will directly give this What do you think of the end of the matter? "

Seeing Xiao Chenchen pleading for him, Fang Zhiyun suddenly became clever, knelt down at Shen Yu's feet in pain, and said, "Master Shen, please forgive me!"

In that way, the dignity of the strong Jindan stage is completely lost.

(End of this chapter)

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