Chapter 95

When Ling Zhengnan brought Murong Feixue and Shen Yu to Cang Qiong's hermitage, Cang Qiong was leisurely drinking tea in the yard!

Seeing Shen Yu's arrival, Cang Qiong was overjoyed and said, "Is everything over?"

This guy knew from the beginning that there was a conflict between Shen Yu and Fan Baishan, but he just didn't bother to take care of it. Now he is so busy with the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition that he doesn't bother to take care of such trivial matters. Anyway, the death of Fan Baishan has no effect on him , and Fan Baishan is not a good thing either.

Ling Zhengnan's face was even uglier than before, Dean!You can't cheat me like this!I almost lost my life!

Shen Yu sat opposite Fan Baishan, poured himself a cup of tea, and said leisurely: "Old guy, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, what you promised me, don't you want to go back on it! And I want to give you How many people do you need?"

The teacup in Cang Qiong's hand paused slightly, looked up at Shen Yu and asked, "Who is it?"

Shen Yu said: "Murong Feixue's talent is good, let it be ruined by your Cangnan College, and become a disciple of my Lingxiao Sect! Also, find me another nine geniuses, make up a wave, and send them to Lingxiao Sect together." Xiao Pai!"

After Shen Yu finished speaking, Cang Qiong quit immediately, and he said dissatisfiedly: "You are robbing, there is no such thing in our agreement."

Shen Yu waved his hand, and smiled indifferently: "Don't be so stingy, there are only ten geniuses, aren't all of you Cangnan College geniuses?"

Cang Qiong curled his lips and said: "Can it be the same? You want Murong Feixue when you come up, what's your plan, can I not know? Would you want an ordinary genius?"

Shen Yu said helplessly: "You old man is really stingy, forget it, I will halve the exercises you promised me, so it will be fine!"

Cang Qiong was still very unwilling. How could the value of a genius like Murong Feixue be comparable to those skills that were about to be eliminated.

But Cang Qiong also knew that Shen Yu must have seen the extraordinaryness of Murong Feixue. Although he didn't even know it, with Shen Yu's methods, maybe he could bring out Murong Feixue's talent to the maximum extent. .

Thinking of this, Cang Qiong said helplessly: "Okay, the exercises will be halved, and I will find nine more geniuses, and send them to Lingxiao School together for you."

Murong Feixue couldn't believe her ears, the headmaster really agreed to send her to Lingxiao Sect as an apprentice.

Ling Zhengnan even had a bitter expression on his face. He spent so much effort to cultivate so many talents, but ten of them were snatched away all at once. His heart aches!

But Shen Yu was too lazy to take care of their Cangnan College affairs, he nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Then what about the exercises I want?"

With a light wave of Cang Qiong's hand, a ring appeared on the stone table, and Cang Qiong said: "This is the storage ring, and all the exercises you want are in it."

The storage ring, Shen Yu, knows that it is a ring with a lot of space inside and can store things. For immortals with high realms, they don't need this kind of thing, and they can store things with a wave of their hands. It can be released together, but for low-level monks, the storage ring is very useful.

Shen Yu put away the storage ring, and scanned it with his spiritual sense. There were more than 100 exercises in the storage ring, most of which were low-level yellow-level exercises. There were less than twenty copies of middle-level yellow-level exercises. There are five high-level books, and only one low-level mysterious book.

Although the level is not high, a copy of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" can be worth thousands of times these exercises, but these exercises are not completely useless, at least they can fill the gaps in the Lingxiao Sect's Sutra Library up.

Shen Yu unceremoniously dismissed, then turned to Murong Feixue and said: "Miss Murong, now you are an inner sect disciple of my Ling Xiao Sect, how about it, why don't you come over and meet the sect master soon?"

Murong Feixue pouted in dissatisfaction, but she had already promised Shen Yu just now that as long as the headmaster of the sky agrees, she will join the Lingxiao sect.

Now hearing Shen Yu's words, she could only reluctantly walk in front of Shen Yu, bowed and said, "I've seen the master!"

At this moment, Cang Qiong frowned suddenly, and he felt a powerful aura coming from the sky.

Shen Yu also felt this breath, looked up, and saw a beautiful woman in white clothes suddenly appearing in the sky, slowly falling into the courtyard.

"This woman has such profound cultivation!" Ling Zhengnan's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

But after Shen Yu saw the woman's face clearly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Bai Suzhen came.

"I've seen the headmaster!"

The incomparably beautiful Bai Suzhen looked at Shen Yu and bowed gracefully.

Shen Yu nodded and said: "Well, there is no need to be polite, get up!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Cang Qiong and said: "Principal Cang Qiong, I will leave first. I will take Murong Feixue away first, and send the remaining nine geniuses to the Ling Xiao Sect!"

Cang Qiong stood up and asked, "Why, is Master Shen leaving now?"

Shen Yu stretched his waist, and said: "I'm not as leisurely as you, and I'm leaving Daxia Kingdom soon, and I want to settle down the backyard of Daxia Kingdom."

After finishing the words, Bai Suzhen waved her sleeve lightly, and left Cangnan College with Shen Yu and Murong Feixue.

At the same time, a systemic voice sounded in Shen Yu's mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: subdue the blood of the eye-popping red-crowned peacock, and get the mission reward: a chance to summon once with 100 million faith points."

Looking at the back of the three of Shen Yu leaving, Cang Qiong said to himself: "Another Nascent Soul stage warrior! He is still at the Nascent Soul stage, what is his origin, and why are there so many masters emerging from his subordinates?"


After returning to the Lingxiao Sect, Shen Yu first arranged Murong Feixue briefly, and arranged her on the Tingyu Peak where the inner disciples lived, and then put all the exercises he got from Cangnan College on the Qianlong Mountain. In the Sutra Pavilion on Lifeng Peak, Peng Zu was in charge of guarding it.

The former Ling Xiao Sect had no great skills, and Shen Yu deliberately wanted to disclose the "Taixuan Jing", "Yi Jin Jing" and "Shaolin 72 Stunt Skills", so there were no secrets to speak of, and no one was needed to watch over them Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

But it’s different now. Leaving aside the exercises obtained from Cangnan College, a copy of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" is regarded as a top treasure. These things don’t need to win people’s hearts in exchange for belief values, and they are kept secret when.

Although Peng Zu's cultivation is only in the late stage of foundation establishment, there are no masters in the Lingxiao faction now, so there is no need to worry that anyone will forcefully break into the Buddhist scripture pavilion, and there are so many masters in the Lingxiao faction today, even if something happens , There will also be experts who will support you at the first time.

After dealing with all this, Shen Yu sat in Wang Xuefeng's room and said in a low voice: "System, make a summon with 100 million faith points!"

(End of this chapter)

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