No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 17 The Gluttonous Feast!

Chapter 17 The Gluttonous Feast!

what happened?

Not saturated yet?

Nangong Xieyun felt a little strange looking at this egg now.

Essence and blood are rarely obtained by them.

Celestial Immortals and True Immortals all exist, and there are quite a few of them.

But the amount that drips down...

"Sect Master, what's going on?"

Someone has already started asking.

Xie Crow was very puzzled with a big question mark on it.

On weekdays, a monster in the Realm of Immortal Realm is no more than a dozen to a hundred drops, and human beings can be promoted to True Immortal of Taiyi if they are fed with the blood essence of the True Immortal Realm.

It's okay to say that this is the egg of a divine beast, and it needs a lot of blood.

But after hundreds of drops of blood, the power of the beast has not increased, not even a small level has been improved!

This is very strange.

"Let's continue watching." Nangong Xieyun said.

He hasn't just stood here and watched stupidly since just now.

After merging the blood of so many monsters, his feeling for the blood of monsters is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

The power of this egg is definitely a beast egg!

And it's definitely not an ordinary divine beast egg!
He could feel some blood pressure from it!
As if he was just a courtier in front of this egg.

Such power!

He wants it even more!
【Ding!Absorb a drop of true fairy blood.Spirit power +500]

【Ding!Absorb a drop of the blood of the celestial being.Spirit power +300]

【Ding!You have a feeling that the group of people outside are not very intelligent, and it is obviously no use all the time, but they continue.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!You say that you don't want to advance and no one can force you to advance.Spirit power +100]

"System, how much spiritual power do I have now?"

【Ding!Currently storing 65300 spiritual power! 】

"65300?" Tang Ren paused for a moment, then asked again: "If all my spiritual power is used to upgrade, what level can I reach? What are the chances of winning?"

【Ding!It takes 10000 spiritual power to reach the peak of the real immortal, and 15000 spiritual power from the real immortal to the peak of the real fairy]

[True Immortal Peak needs 20000 spiritual power to climb out of Taiyi Xuanxian, and 30000 spiritual power is needed to reach Dacheng for the first time]

[According to the current storage, the host can reach Taiyi Xuanxian at most, and the chance of winning is only 60%]


In the end, it was said that the chance of winning was only 60%, Tang Ren didn't have much reaction.

After all, I'm still just an egg, and it's okay to beat people of the same level, but it's a bit unrealistic to go up the level.

What surprised him was the proportion of spiritual power promoted.

"If I remember correctly, the promotion of Tianxian is in increments of 2500, and it is actually in increments of [-] for Taiyi Xuanxian."

Originally, seeing my spiritual power of 65300 felt quite a lot, and I was promoted three times a day. This 65300 spiritual power should be able to be promoted to a super powerful realm. What happened?

I think too much.

【Ding!You complain about whether the promotion threshold of the system is made of gold or silver, which is too high.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!The system says if you want it or not.Spirit power +10]

Tang Ren:······

"Forget it, let's breathe again and see if we can improve our winning percentage."


Nangong Xieyun said suddenly.

He felt a little uneasy.

This was the first time he felt uneasy!
Shenxu was originally a place where dragons and tigers fought, and the longer I spent here, the more unfavorable it would be for me.

As expected, the divine beast eggs were not other monster eggs, so it seemed that he had to take them back and study them carefully.

Xie Crow and the others heard the suzerain's call to stop, and they didn't dare to neglect, and planned to take back the bottle containing the blood essence.


Evil Crow:? ? ?
It's inexplicable, the bottle containing the essence and blood can't be controlled, even... he can't move!

It's not just Xie Crow who is in this situation, it's also the case for other people in the Spirit Killing Sect!

"what happened?!"

"Could it be that the beast is addicted to eating?"

"Damn it! Even if it's a divine animal egg! It's not even born yet, and the mere realm of a real fairy dares to act presumptuously!"

The evil crow was immediately angry.

Monster beasts have always been regarded as blood-eating, livestock-like existences.

Treating livestock, this group of guys can only eat when they are willing to give!
They don't want to give it away, so these guys will give it to me obediently!
Even if you are a beast!

However, just as the power of the True Immortal Taiyi was about to burst out from Xie Crow.

"Evil crows are not allowed! This is the suzerain's divine beast egg!"

Ming Yu, who was also trying to break free from the shackles, yelled loudly.

She knows exactly what the evil crow can do when it gets angry!
So she can't let the evil crow do this!

Divine Beast Egg!

This is the magic weapon for their Spirit Killing Sect to turn around!
It must not be ruined by the evil crow!


This sound came from Nangong Xieyun.

Frown tight!

Naturally, he also noticed the change in the blood sacrificial array.

Good guy, why can't you eat it if you can't move it when you eat it?
Where is the upper limit of this beast egg?
Doubts in my heart!
Thirst for power!
Anxiety handover of crisis!
He didn't immediately take action to save his sect disciple.

"Could it be the critical moment of breakthrough!"

He can only come to this conclusion now!
now!He is also willing to believe this conclusion!

As long as this egg can become a complete hatch!
He will be able to eat this divine beast and make the Spirit Killing Sect the number one in the world!
After a while, the red mist in the blood sacrificial formation became thicker and thicker!
【Ding!You have obtained a drop of true immortal blood.Spirit power +500]

【Ding!You have obtained a drop of immortal blood, spiritual power +300]

【Ding!The Gluttonous Feast continues to activate, and the effect is outstanding! 】

【Current spiritual power value is 73000】

【Ding!You express doubts about the opponent's boss not saving your companion, spiritual power +100]

【Ding!You are happy that the opponent's boss does not save your companion, spiritual power +100]

【Ding!You said that the speed of absorption is still a bit slow, and I hope that I can directly absorb this group of guys at the speed of light, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!The system indicates that the peach tree is flourishing in your mouth, skill point +1]

【Based on the current requirements, the system has upgraded Gluttonous Banquet (Beginner Level) to Gluttonous Banquet (Intermediate Level), remaining skill points: 0】

"No matter what you say about me, Brother System, can you give me some more skill points? Anyway, I will give them in the future, so why not overdraw tens of thousands in advance?"

Tang Ren complained without blushing.

As a person in the 21st century in his previous life, he is also an old fritter who has been in the workplace for more than ten years.

He knows very well that shame is a big deal, especially in the face of life and death!
However, the system chose to ignore his words directly.

"Well, forget it."

The system didn't answer, and he didn't wait any longer, and said to himself: "It should be possible to upgrade to Taiyi True Immortal Dacheng now, but just to be on the safe side, let's get two more insurance spiritual power points."

"Insurance's spiritual power is [-]. There are still real immortals left, and the blood essence of the immortals is obviously not enough."

Tang Ren rolled his eyes, and finally his gaze gradually shifted from the red blood bottle to the members of the Spirit Killing Sect.

"That's right, isn't there an experience package?"

Xie Ya and the others were still struggling to support the continuation of the blood sacrifice formation, but a sudden chill appeared on everyone.

"What, what's going on? There are still weather changes in Shenxu?"

(End of this chapter)

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