Chapter 21

Another few days.

Although it was a few days, I am afraid few people know exactly how many days they have been in this chaotic God Market.

【Ding!You had a good night's sleep, rare and rare, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!You looked around, but still didn't see anyone.Spirit power +50]

"Well~ suddenly there is no one to disturb, it feels weird."

Ever since he used Nangong Xieyun's power to escape last time, he fell into this barren pit until now.

Bored, he glanced at the attribute panel again.

[Host: Tang Ren
Race: Dragon
Current Status: Incubating...

Level: Monster Beast (Taiyi True Immortal Dacheng)

Skills: Consciousness released (advanced level), Thousand Threads of Spiritual Mind (intermediate level), Cracking the Thick Soil (beginner level), Reading into a Book (Beginner level), Dragon Addiction (high level), Tathagata Palm (beginner level) , Outward Sensing (Elementary), Slashing Steel Wings (Elementary), Red Eye Chaos (Elementary), Transformation (Elementary).

Spirit Power: 13200
Backpack: A set of silver needles of the same style co-branded by a certain mother.

The same style of Ram's body pillow.

Rem's same style of body pillow.

A baby with the same style of shovel.

Zhang San law popularization resource compression package.

Seal the 'Wang Zhili' eye mask.

Sand sculpture boxer pants. 】

After fighting Nangong Xieyun, he fell asleep for two more nights, so his spiritual power did not increase significantly.

I have to say that it is really comfortable for no one to quarrel with me, but suddenly no one is quarreling with me, and I am not used to it for some reason.

【Ding!You feel like you’re so cheap, spiritual power +50]

"Hey, system, there is no need to complain about this sentence."

Rolling his eyes for a while, he yawned again, and sleepiness swept over his head again.

"Ache~ Are all young dragons in this world so sleepy?"

In the previous life, although my colleagues always said that I would sleep with him for three days and three nights after the holiday.

But the real sleep is only twenty hours.

But he felt that he hadn't been awake in this world for more than twenty hours.

【Ding!You plan to fall asleep again, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!You wish to dream of a fairy in your dream, spiritual power +100, gain 1 skill point! 】

[The system automatically based on the current needs, congratulations, you have obtained a new skill: Mengxian (beginner level), remaining skill points: 0]


another place.

for a long time.

The little girl who came here for the first time was a little bored.

There is nothing in this Shenxuan, and the master is still practicing, so he can't chat yet...

"How long have we been protecting the law?" the former whispered.

Qiu Ye glanced at Dao Dou, and responded, "It's been ten days."

"Ten days..."

There is no such thing as black and white day and night in Shenxu. She has been standing here for a long time, but she never thought that it has only been ten days.

"It's been ten days since the little princess, why hasn't she come out yet?"

"Floating Dream Shadow, there's something mysterious about it." Qiu Ye shook her head and said.

As the personal guard of the little princess, I have also heard about her cultivation methods.

Speaking of Fushengmengying, Qiuye paused, and then said with emotion: "Fushengmengying, the unique skill of the sage Fuyun, I didn't expect it to be so useful."

Others are busy here and there in the Shenxu, for fear that some natural and earthly treasures will be preempted by others.

This princess of her own is a maverick, she sat firmly at the entrance and searched for the treasure of the God Market in another way!

in this dream.

"here is?"

There are tall buildings and heavy traffic.

Familiar 366 chain stores, familiar Kenkiki and McDonald's.

"There's also the familiar little boy."

"Hey! Who are you calling a little boy!"

Tang Ren ignored it.

After a while, he looked at his hands again.

Now I am no longer in the state of a dragon egg, nor does it seem to be in a state of empty spiritual consciousness.

Now this is...

"My previous body?!"

Tang Ren was a little surprised, and turned his head around again. No matter how he looked at it, it was his body.

"Good guy, am I dreaming back to my previous life?"

I squeezed my arm, but I didn't feel any pain.

But the reality of this dream made him have to doubt that it was real.

"I remember that before I fell asleep, the system had some reminders..."

【Ding!You are lost in thought, spiritual power +50]

"Huh? System, you're still here?" Tang Ren asked in surprise.

According to the previous feeling, he tried to open the system.

[Host: Tang Ren
Race: Dragon
current state:? ? ?

Level: Monster Beast (Taiyi True Immortal Dacheng)

Skills: Outward Consciousness (high-level)... Dream Immortal (low-level).


"The status is not hatching, and the skills of this dream fairy?"

After hesitating for a while, he said again: "Since it is in my dream, will everything here follow my plan?"

Tang Ren tried to raise his hand, but suddenly the trash can flew straight up!
"It really is??"

He hesitated to stop the moving car.

Dudu! !
Before he could say anything, a horn honked soon appeared behind him when he stopped the car.

"It's noisy, shut it up!"

As soon as Tang Ren finished speaking, the car that had been honking just now was like a extinguished flame, and there was no movement at all.

After the noise, the expression on Tang Ren's face quickly returned from displeasure to a smile.

This is a dreamland!
Then he is the god here!

"Good guy, the system will give me this benefit!"

Throw the car straight into the air!

Backhand uprooted another building and threw it out!

Humans disappear!

Stomp the ground with one foot!

There are even knives in the sky...

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Just halfway through the entertainment, he suddenly covered his head.

Of course, the pain was not caused by the knife from the sky, and just said the knife, but this time there was no knife.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Ren covered his head, but the system didn't give any answer.

But after thinking about it, in the end, only Mengxian (low-level) in terms of skills can explain it.

"I'm afraid Mengxian's level is too low, so I can't control too many changes now."

Tang Ren didn't pay much attention to this defect.

Anyway, he didn't expect to create any major event that would destroy the world in his dream. It felt good to be able to control some small changes in the dream and keep the dream going.

He looked at the spot again, looked for the right direction, and began to move according to the path of his previous life.

Walk around and look around, except for some sporadic corners that are still mosaics, the other places are basically not much different from the previous life, and the appearance of the little broken boy just now is quite exquisite.


Tang Ren suddenly sighed.

After staying in the bare wasteland for who knows how long, and now he can still see the scene of his previous life, he also has mixed feelings in his heart.

【Ding!You suddenly feel that there is nothing wrong with your previous life, except for 996 working overtime.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!If possible, you really want to return to this world, except for 996 overtime.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!Say goodbye to this world too early, you feel very heartbroken, except for 996 overtime.Spirit power +50]

"Enough with the system, you can complain about it, don't mention 996."

Tang Ren just rolled his eyes.

He intends to live forever, no, never want to hear this again forever!

(End of this chapter)

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