Chapter 29

A burst of world illusion.

The ruins are ruined, and the sun is covered by gunpowder smoke!
The cold wind made the world feel a little bit colder.

"Here?" Tang Wu frowned.

Although puzzled, her figure quickly faded away.

Conceal your breath first, so as not to encounter any embarrassing things for her.


Who is this girl?
Tang Wu just turned around and found a guy with extremely fine performance.

The fox-eared girl was lying on the ground wrapped in a red rag.

The cold wind brushed her body, as if the former was very cold.

The girl shuddered.

This demon clan... is the master of this dream?
Tang Wu frowned again.

The little girl has never had friends from the monster tribe, so she can't conjure up such a delicate girl just by imagining it.

However, if this guy hadn't been manifested by the younger sister, it could only be that this is someone else's dream.

"If she is the owner of the dream, then the little girl should be nearby."

Tang Wu looked around and saw nothing but the dilapidated and barren scenery.



Before she could say anything else, the monster girl on the ground woke up.

Just after waking up, the girl's eyes were full of surprise and confusion, and then she seemed to have noticed something, and immediately looked for it among the broken rubble.

Soon a piece of cake covered with some dust was in her hands.

In a blink of an eye, the cake was almost in the girl's mouth.

"It seems to be just a plain monster dream."

Tang Wu shook her head.

She didn't plan to watch it anymore, she was already tired of watching such boring dreams.

Suddenly, a piece of rubble was turned over in the distance.


Looking over with her was the girl who wanted to eat a pancake.

A few steps away, a boy seemed to be rummaging through food.

His figure is thinner and more pitiful.

Although Tang Wu couldn't afford to feel pity for the weak.

The girl in the dream walked over.

He handed over the cake he hadn't eaten yet.


Tang Wu was immediately fascinated by this operation.

You are so hungry that you can't stand it, and you still give food to others?

Are you out of your mind? ?
Just when she complained, the plot took another turn.

The curtain next to the boy was torn open suddenly, and a big hand clamped the girl firmly.

"Fox demon!"

"It's a fox demon!"

"Cut off your ears to receive the reward!"

Then two people, three people, and more people appeared here!

Until the girl is drowned.

The picture changed again.

In the land of sand dunes, the bright moon is in the sky.

The quiet night, the deadly silence, if you listen carefully, you can hear the faint breathing.

"Huh? Here again?"

The picture changed suddenly, and Tang Wu immediately scanned the surroundings again.

The girl whose ears were almost cut off just now appeared beside a fire for no reason.

There is also a new character added next to it.

"Having a nightmare?" Jiang Ziya asked.

The fox demon girl lowered her head and said nothing.

Tang Wu really couldn't stand it this time.

Shaking his head.

This bland plot, this weak monster clan, the fourth brother actually looked at it twice, and didn't even dare to enter?


"Forget it, it's more important to find the younger sister."

The second time I want to leave.

"When it gets dark, that's when I go home."

"Xiao Jiu, that's what my father called me in the dream."

The girl paused, then quickly said firmly: "No, that's not a dream."

"That's my hope of living!"

"I'm going to find him."


Tang Wu paused again.

It's really not that she wanted to complain a few words before stopping.

"what is this!"

The cyan halo enveloped itself behind it!

A giant blue bird streaked across the sky with a blue light!

What monster is this?
The momentum is a little too big, right?

Tang Wu not only clicked her tongue.

It's not that she has never seen a monster before, but the feeling that this monster emits and gives...

how to say?

Holy, familiar.

"It's a mysterious bird!"

Jiang Ziya and the fox girl got up too!
The shock in his eyes was no less than that of Tang Wu!

Xuanniao, who followed closely behind, stepped on the ground, and the loess-colored ground was soon covered in azure!

Wow ~
Baby's laughter!
Countless ghosts arise from the ground, follow the blue light path left by Xuanniao, and go home!

"The mysterious bird took away the wronged soul and brought hope."

"Little sister? Xiao Wu!"

"Xiao Wu! Wake up!"

"It's the Xuanniao of the Rebirth!" Tang Wu exclaimed suddenly.

Crowd: ? ? ?
You look at me, I look at you, and finally Tang Si shook the former again, worried: "Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Did you also be bewitched by that fox demon in your dream?"

"What fox demon? Hey? Why did I come out??" Tang Wu wondered.

She remembered that in the end, she met the dead black bird's eyes, and then disappeared.

It came out in a blink of an eye? ?
"Little sister, you were not bewitched by the fox demon?" Tang Si asked a little unwillingly.

Now he really wants to know what happened next, how Jiang Ziya was punished for disobeying his teacher's order!Has the fox spirit escaped in the end?

Tang Wu looked at the former with a strange look.

"Oh, mere fox demon, nothing to worry about."

She was referring to the one next to Jiang Ziya, not to mention that she had a bad impression of it before, and now, compared to what she wanted to say, she even mentioned the fox demon!
Good guy, nothing to worry about?

That's the big monster that caused trouble!The little girl didn't take it seriously? ?
Tang Si opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.

He admits that he is a little lazy in his daily practice, but the gap should not be that big.

Now that my little sister is nothing to worry about, what else is he worried about?

At least on the bright side it looks as easy to deal with!
"Fourth brother, listen to me, I actually saw the mysterious bird of the past in my little sister's dream!" Tang Wu said excitedly, as if he saw some treasure and hurried back to share the treasure map.

"The reincarnated mysterious bird?? What the hell?" These words directly related to Tang Si's knowledge blind spot...

To be honest, except for the actual combat class, he completely ignored what his father taught him.

"God's stuff!" Tang Wu slapped his head again and said, obviously annoyed by the former.

"If father knows that you don't even know this, he will definitely punish you to go back and face the wall and think for a hundred years! You are not allowed to talk to anyone!"

This sounds like a joke, but Tang Si can't laugh.

Daddy has nine children, not one less than him!
It is entirely possible that he will be cruelly punished to face the wall and think about the past.

"Ah... cough cough!" Tang Si signaled the former to stop talking, after all, now that Shenxuan is closed, the old man may...

"I just heard someone say that they have to face the wall and contemplate for a hundred years. Is there such a thing?"

Familiar voice.

Familiar figure!
Majestic and unreal.

What Tang Si was most worried about still happened!
"Uh, Dad, you're here."


"Master Floating Cloud!"

(End of this chapter)

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