No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 33 This person, try to befriend him!

Chapter 33 This person, try to befriend him! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, four more!)

Tang Mengsheng's expression twitched.

These bastards still have a strong desire to survive.

"Okay, I've put away my breath, are you all right?"

Ignoring the scared little eyes of several people, Tang Mengsheng walked straight over.

The saint's breath emerged again, but this time the breath was much softer than before.

The breath passed through several people's bodies, accompanied by a wonderful movement. Tang Si, who was still enduring the pain of the surging blood, Tang Wu and others immediately seemed to recover and jumped up.


Seeing that everyone was safe, Tang Mengsheng was also relieved.

At this moment, he was actually a little relieved that he was majoring in the inner spirit. If those saints who were armed with swords and swords all day came to shock him with all their strength, he was afraid that his two sons and daughters would both die suddenly!

Seeing that everyone was still afraid to approach him, Tang Mengsheng said again: "Okay, I just thought I was still in a dream, and now it won't be like that again."

"Thought it was in a dream?"

The other people who said this were even more horrified!
Just now, with the breath of the other party, someone in the dream forced Sage Fuyun to exert all his strength? !
Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Tang Si and Tang Wu also approached immediately.

"Father, what did you just see in your dream? Someone can force you to use your full strength?!"

"Father, isn't it true that no one can hurt us in the dream? Why are you..."

Apart from seriousness and worry on the faces of the two of them now, the original playfulness has long since disappeared.

My father is the strongest existence in their family!

If their father was defeated in the dream, wouldn't they be more dangerous!
"That's right! Little sister! Dad, did you bring Xiao Jiu back?"

A series of questions bombarded.

Tang Mengsheng was in a difficult situation.

Especially when Xiao Jiu was asked, he was even more red-faced.

In the end, I was silent in that peerless battle, and I forgot about Xiao Jiu!
"You guys wait here, I will go in again, this time I will bring Xiao Jiu back!" Tang Mengsheng said, and returned to the place where he was sitting before.

"Father, I'll go with you!"


He directly stopped Tang Si who was about to follow.

The dream was so strange, Xiao Jiu had disappeared, and he couldn't let his other child disappear too!
"You and the fifth child will stay here, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Calling to stop here, Tang Mengsheng turned his head to Tang Jiujiu again.

Paste it with one palm.

The scenery in the dream is a bit scary.

But as a sage of floating clouds, he used dreams to prove the Tao, so how could he be afraid of a phantom in a dream now!

Tang Si was still thinking about what to say, but a hand behind him grabbed him.

"Fourth brother, don't worry, our father is in the realm of a saint, if he can't solve it, you and I will only increase the burden if we go."

Discourage the former.

Her concern is no less than the former.

But what?

Now even their father's aura almost killed them, they just have to wait!

The scene in front of Tang Mengsheng's eyes changed.

There is only a little light, illuminating the surrounding scenery.

The power of the saint is gradually rising!
He is ready to force Xiaojiu away!
"Isn't it? Do you really think of me as a public theater? Come and leave whenever you want?"

But suddenly.

A dissatisfied discourse that could not be heard rang directly.

This time, by coincidence, Tang Mengsheng went directly in front of Tang Ren.

The two looked at each other, and the former quickly looked at the familiar figure beside the other.

"Xiao Jiu!"

"Father? Why are you here?!"

The father and daughter gathered together and embraced each other.

a few breaths.

a few breaths.

More than ten breaths, the hug is not over yet.

Tang Jiujiu:? ? ?

My father usually hugs me a lot, but this time, how does it feel like he just survived a catastrophe?
"Father, hugging is fine, there are still people watching." Tang Jiujiu said out of breath.

"Ah good."

With that said, Tang Mengsheng obediently sent him off.

The old blushed.

Indeed, I just seemed a little...

Tang Mengsheng:? ? ?

"It's okay, you hug yours, the widow hugs the widow, and no one wants to bully anyone."

Tang Ren solemnly hugged the body pillows that the two systems had sent before.

It's a pity that I thought these two pillows were tasteless at the beginning, but I didn't expect the clown to be himself.

"People's hearts are not old~ I'm a lonely person, I'd better stay back in the egg."

Tang Jiujiu:? ? ?

What is this bastard talking about again? ?

Seeing that the former was about to leave, Tang Mengsheng didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your Excellency..."

"Bad guy! You go after the story!"

Tang Mengsheng:? ? ?

Tang Jiujiu didn't want to be courteous with Tang Ren, he directly grabbed the former and pointed at Jiang Ziya, whose hair had turned gray at some point.

She also wanted to know the plot behind it, how could she let the other party go like this!
"There's nothing left. Jiang Ziya violated his master's will. Instead of being the leader of the gods, he smashed the ladder to the immortals. Since then, the world and the gods will not interfere with each other."

"Of course, he himself was imprisoned in the sky prison for breaking the ladder, and he will never get out." Tang Ren directly spoiled the rest.

Temeow, I really have to run away.

He had cheated the other party's Floating Dream Shadow before, but now that his parents came to him, he didn't want to spit out what he had eaten.

Tang Mengsheng obviously still doesn't know Xiao Jiujiu of this person in front of him.

After Tang Ren's words, his heart turned upside down again.

Ascending the Immortal Ladder and smashing it, from now on humans and gods will not interfere with each other!
He locked his eyes directly on Jiang Ziya.

Good guy, this guy who I looked down upon before did such a thing!
Seemingly thinking of something again, Tang Mengsheng asked, "Then, what about the Nine Tails?"


Three simple words.

Tang Mengsheng nodded regretfully.

Although he also guessed that the other party might be dead.

After all, with that kind of existential attack, he didn't believe that anyone could be hardened and survive.

"What about the mysterious bird of death?"

"Where is the mysterious bird of rebirth?"

Tang Mengsheng:·····
Sure enough, it doesn't exist.


"The finale, everyone is happy, everyone is happy~ Yuanshi Tianzun's skill is really amazing. A piece of golden leaf directly wiped out the souls of thousands of people in the fox clan. When will you get one for yourself?"

Tang Mengsheng:·····
Under the eyes of the two, Tang Ren disappeared immediately.

The dream between him and Tang Jiujiu was cut off directly, and everything around him gradually disappeared into stars.

People have already gone out of the dream, and if they want to find it, they have to wait for Tang Ren to sleep next time.

"Hmph! Who do you look down on! My father is a saint, it's too late for others to fawn on him!"

"Xiao Jiu, stop talking, go back." Tang Mengsheng said with shame.

Now he doesn't want others to call him a saint, after all, the other party just scared him away just because of his dream.

Tang Mengsheng paused and said: "Also, Xiao Jiu, I will try my best to make friends with this person in the future."

always feel...

This person is not simple!
(End of this chapter)

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