Chapter 36 Chatting... (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, second update!)

Tang Ren lost his temper.

Coming to this different world, he seemed to have lost his temper twice in total.

Once it was said to be a native chicken tile dog, and the other was said to be a small stewed egg.

In the previous life, he might only complain in his heart that a dog's eyes look down on people.

but now.

It seems that he was influenced by the blood of the Dragon Clan, and he was easily angry with this kind of egg body insult.

Of course, the consequence of being angry is.

"Stop hitting! Help!"

Yu Xiao howled and jumped on the wasteland.

And behind him, a giant white egg is bouncing after him, which is very funny.

The spell bombardment between the two from time to time, the silver thread was broken, and the former dared not stop at all.

Until a long time.

Tang Ren couldn't move anymore.

He didn't have a spell that could move him, so he just relied on his own strength to chase the opponent.

"God! God damn bastard! Do you know how powerful this dragon egg is!"

He really couldn't move anymore, he hadn't exercised for a long time, and he still moved forward in that way of jumping.

It was too much torture for the dragon.

While he was resting, the black flood dragon also stopped.

Being chased by Tang Ren like that, it stands to reason that a normal dragon should have left early.

But Yu Xiao, instead, was lying not far away, not daring to get close, nor planning to leave.

Tang Ren slowly raised a question mark.

What is this guy thinking?

Could it be that he still has the idea of ​​eating for himself?

Thinking back to those people he met before, Tang Ren's heart gradually sank.

Since the other party didn't intend to let him go, he naturally wouldn't be soft.

The giant egg jumped forward two more times.

"Ah! Don't come here! Reconcile and reconcile!"

Now Yu Xiao is like a frightened bird, as soon as there is a turmoil in the giant egg, he will immediately take a few steps back.


Tang Ren was even more confused when he said this.

Don't eat yet?

The other party finally saw him as a human being?

Seemingly understanding the abruptness of his words, Yu Xiao paused, and then counted: "Well, you were not annihilated by the law of the Shenxu, so it seems that you were also entered by the Shenxu?"

Tang Ren:? ? ?
The giant egg did not respond, Yu Xiao hesitated for a while, and then said: "People in other worlds have already left, and now in this world, except for us who were swallowed by Shenxu, I am afraid that there is no one else."

People from other worlds have left?
After being told this, Tang Ren finally realized.

Just say that they chased and killed the other party all the way just now, why didn't they see an outsider, let alone a human voice.

It stands to reason that the opponent's dragon-shaped figure should be able to sell for a lot of money.

No one caught him escaping like this.

And him, a big quail alive and kicking, bah!The big dragon egg did not attract anyone.

See now.

It's eerily quiet outside!
It seems that human beings do not exist!
"Well, are you from the Dragon Clan? I can feel the aura of our Dragon Clan from you." Yu Xiao continued talking about himself, regardless of whether Tang Ren was listening or not.

"This world is too barren, I don't want to be alone anymore."

The feeling of being alone is terrible!

A person's world is too scary!

He would rather go hungry for a meal or two than suffer another hundred years of silence!
"I don't want to be alone..."

【Ding!You think it doesn't matter, maybe you have never experienced that kind of world alone, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!But still, you're not going to let your guard down on this bastard.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!You did not let down your guard because of the enemy's rhetoric, the system is very pleased, spiritual power +500]

Tang Ren:······

While he was thinking, Yu Xiao planned to come over again.

boom! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

As soon as Fan Yuxiao approached, he slapped him back with the Tathagata palm.

So far, he has never forgotten the scene of the wasabi human beating up his teammates.

It was a long time again.

Only then did Tang Ren be sure that what the other party said might be true.

People from other worlds have disappeared.

The one named Su Qingxue is gone, and so is the little brat Tang Jiujiu.

It seemed that only he and the black dragon in front of him were left in the whole world.

However, this didn't have much impact on Tang Ren. According to the feeling of his young dragon's body, he felt that he could sleep with his eyes closed most of the time.

Of course if there wasn't a jerk babbling all day long.

"Well, my name is Yu Xiao, a descendant of Donghuang Sea Dragon, a direct line of jade."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"Which department are you from? Or do you mean that you are not from the Dragon Race?"

"Ah, by the way, forget that you can't speak yet, the mantra of sending messages in your mind..."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"It's so boring, by the way, let me tell you about my past."

"The year I was born..."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"At the age of three, my father taught me the first sentence: If a boy is strong, the girl will support the wall, and if the girl is strong, the boy will lie flat. After that, my father never appeared again."

"It obviously rhymes."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"At the age of 12, some performances came from Dragon Palace. They were very exciting. I was the first to stand up and give a reward."

"Then I said something: I have already invested the money, so this is my invitation. Then I was kicked out by those performers for no reason."

"Now that I think about it, I'm so angry. I lost two coins."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"One hundred and one years old, I know a girl, we hit it off pretty well, and she even played a game with me."

"That game is the life of a human girl from one year old to one hundred years old. Let each one say a sentence, and see how far the girl can grow in the end."

"At that time, my emotional intelligence was not low, so I naturally knew to say some ingenious ideas to please girls."

"When others were talking about the one-year-old desolate ancient body, the dragon's holy body, and natural eyesight, I said: 0 years old, died in a tissue."

"Then the girl never appeared in front of me again."

"I feel right. Who would a normal dragon think of this?"

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"340 years old, my friend took me to peek at the dragon girl bathing."

"340 years old, my friend took me to peek at the dragon girl taking a bath."

"340 years old, my friend took me to peek at the dragon girl taking a bath."

"At the age of 340, I began to reflect on my depraved attitude towards life."

"340 years old, I took a friend to peek at the dragon girl taking a bath."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

【Ding!Tathagata Palm proficiency is full, it will be automatically upgraded to: Tathagata Palm (Dacheng)! 】

"Dacheng? Can you slap this bastard to death? Can you slap him to death!! You can definitely slap him to death, right!"

"Sinai! Go to hell!!"

【Ding!Your mentality has gradually changed a little...]

(End of this chapter)

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