Chapter 4 This egg is weird
Sun Man slapped the giant egg with a palm.

No then.

"Hey? Strange, why is there no contract bridge?? It's obviously sucked my blood!"

【Ding!You feel great, spiritual power +200]

【Ding!Do you think this woman can keep you laughing for a year with the operation just now, spiritual power +100】

【Ding!You feel good or bad, spiritual power +200]

"Brother, I succeeded~ Well, I'm watching, continue."

in the egg.

Tang Ren also imitated what the junior sister called her senior brother just now.

Have been cool to.

It's great to see others being slapped in the face; it's even more super double when people who don't like it are slapped in the face!
"what happened?"

Lin Pingjun next to him was also a little surprised, and he came to the dragon egg in a short jump.

"Huh? Junior Sister, did you really drip blood on it?"

He also saw his junior sister's blood dripping onto the giant egg, but why didn't the contract succeed?
"Of course it's here. I was afraid of being blocked, so I wiped out a place."

Sun Man pointed anxiously, her red eyes seemed to be about to cry.

"Ha ha."

At this moment, an unkind laughter rang out.

Su Qingxue also felt that she was aroused.

Sure enough!

I can't even be recognized, but two ants actually compare the dragon egg to a chicken and a dog, how can this be recognized!
"Why are you laughing! What's going on with this egg?!"

"Can't I think of something happy?"


Being ridiculed like this, Sun Man became even more anxious. The aura on her body was just raised but was quickly suppressed again.

"Senior brother!?"

"Okay, junior sister, don't hurt the peace of the same clan."

Lin Pingjun hastily grabbed the opponent.

Most of his eyes were on Su Qingxue, and he naturally noticed that the jade around her waist belonged to his own Spirit Controlling Sect.

Those who can come here, if they are not well-known in the sect, then they have a strong backer.

He is only qualified to enter the God Market because of his junior sister's relationship. Before he knows who the opponent's backer is, it's better not to do it lightly!


Sun Man tugged at the former's clothes, obviously unable to swallow this breath!

Not only because no contract was successful!
It's all because of this vixen!

It's obvious that I'm getting angry, but why does my senior brother always turn towards the other party!

"By the way! Brother, I am weak, so naturally I won't be recognized, why don't you come here! As strong as you, there is no reason not to succeed!"

"Ah? I'm coming..."

Lin Pingjun looked at Su Qingxue unconsciously.

The other party made a gesture of invitation indifferently.

"Gentleman, please~"

The corner of the former's mouth couldn't help twitching.

If someone called him a gentleman before, he would be very happy.

but now···

It feels contained.

Lin Pingjun took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I will accept the girl's kindness."

He is not stupid, he knows that he has no fate with this fairy, instead of always smiling to accompany him, he might as well find some space for his junior sister.

Sun Man stepped aside, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, but she was very close to Su Qingxue.

The previous provocation reappeared on Sun Man's face.

If the other party hadn't laughed at her before, she wouldn't have been deliberately making things difficult!
After all, I am inspired to be a good girl who understands the general situation~
"Hmph~ I'm not strong enough, but senior brother is different."

"Look at your attire, is it also from our Imperial Spirit Sect?"

"Since you are a member of Yulingzong, you should have heard the name of my senior brother Lin Pingjun, the arrogant gentleman, right?"

"After all, among the inner disciples, they belong to my senior brother..."

The voice suddenly stopped.

The pride on Sun Man's face froze.

"Although I spend most of my time in closed-door cultivation, it's not like no one doesn't know the hands of the direct disciples of Yulingzong, right?"

The cards in hand are used by the sect leader to suppress the situation in fear of any disputes between himself and other sects in the Shenxu.

But at this time, she doesn't mind using it on people of the same clan!
Put away the cards in your hand again, no longer looking at the opponent.

Su Qingxue didn't want to deal too much with this kind of person who pretended to be powerful.


Sun Man pointed at the other party for a long time, but finally she could only insist: "Hmph! Personal disciples are amazing!"

She is very dissatisfied!

But do it?
That's it.

It's true that people's personal disciples are amazing.

A direct disciple is equivalent to No. 1 under the head, the boss of all the disciples of Yulingzong.

At least her father is not here, she dare not go against this guy!

Go crazy!
See how I deal with you when I go back!
The little fights here are over, let's go to the dragon's egg.


After a drop of blood, Lin Pingjun also fell into deep thought.

This egg is weird.

【Ding!Absorbed a drop of celestial blood essence, spiritual power +300]

【Ding!You reject the contract and want to lose a Rem, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!You are very disdainful, saying that when you doze off, your spiritual power is more than this guy's blood essence, spiritual power +50]

[You get a Rem... a pillow of the same style as a certain treasure]

"I didn't even think about signing a beautiful girl. Where did this guy come from so confident that I would sign a contract with him?"

【Ding!Absorbed a drop of celestial blood essence, spiritual power +300]

Lin Pingjun didn't believe in evil, and dripped another drop.

However, there was no movement in the dome, but he was a little bit overwhelmed.

"This monster egg, can only suck other people's blood??"

Junior sister once, him twice, even if the contract is not successful, the blood essence should not disappear without reason.

but now this...
"Brother, you didn't succeed in the contract either?"

Sun Man ran over to ask, although the former did not respond, but the ugly face already showed the answer.

"Junior Sister, forget it, this egg is weird, let's find another monster egg contract."

After two drops of blood essence, Lin Pingjun's attitude of intending to complain to his junior sister just now suddenly flinched.

He also heard what his junior sister said before.

What the hell!He actually bumped into the most mysterious elder sister of Yulingzong!

If he had known that the other party was a big sister, he would not have provoked her!
"This, I..."

Sun Man hesitated for a moment, then looked at Su Qingxue again.

The other party is still so proud!
Not reconciled!
"Su Qingxue! Did you do something to this egg?" Sun Man suddenly said angrily.

She really didn't know this guy before, but until Su Qingxue showed that personal disciple card!

Just ask, who in the Imperial Spirit Sect doesn't know the names of the disciples passed down by the sect master himself!

"I didn't expect that as a direct disciple of the suzerain, in order to prevent the brothers and sisters of the same sect from contracting monsters, they would act so despicably!"

"Is this the bearing of a direct disciple of my Imperial Spirit Sect?"

Sun Man's voice became louder.

"You can't do it yourself, why blame me?"

Su Qingxue was also a little annoyed at this moment!
It's not because he is angry that the other party has framed him innocently, but because he is so loud that it will definitely cause...
"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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